xli. alex standall

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movie: the lost boys

alex standall, for danielle-von-blank 

    i sat in the car and waited for my mum to come back from paying for gas. we were ten minutes away from alex's house and she refused for me to walk.

alex and i were best friends, we have been since we were children but my mum had to move away for a job opportunity, we only visited in the holidays.

i tapped my finger on the window and continued to wait. a human figure came into view.

alex was walking towards the car with a a grin planted across his lips.

i opened the car with so much force that the door hit alex.

"shit, sorry!" i laughed, obviously not sorry.

"nice to see you too, dani," he groaned but gained his balance and pulled me into a hug. "danielle." 

"alex." i mumbled into his chest.

"alex!" my mum's voice popped up, i pulled away from alex who then went to hug my mum. "where's your mother?"


"how long has she been waiting?" 

"a while actually, you guys are two hours late," alex said as he checked his phone, i smacked myself and my mum chuckled awkwardly.

"then i guess we gotta go, we'll take you with us alex." my mum opened the driver's seat door.

"actually, i was hoping that dani and i could walk together," alex said, my mum stopped and turned to us.

"oh, okay, make sure you two aren't out too late."

we watched her drive away and soon it was just alex and i. 

he took my hand and lead me to the park, and into our little hiding spot.

we stopped and he took both my hands and held them tightly.

"i've been meaning to say this for so long, dani," he breathed in deeply, "i'm not sure how you'll react."

"what is it?"

"it's spring break."

"duh, but i meant, what do you want to tell me?" i asked him, alex hesitated but continued to speak.

"it's been on my list of things to do-"

"you have a to do list? wow!" 

"shut up!" he said.


"okay, it's been on my list that i tell you this during spring break-"

"hurry up boy!"

"i like you!" he said quickly, then moved his head towards me so that our lips touched.

i didn't kiss him back, i didn't know how, i've never been kissed before.

he pulled away, confused.

"sorry, alex, i don't know if that's gonna work out-"

"no it's fine dani, i didn't expect you to like me back-"

"no, no, no alex i do like you! but we live so far away from each other though and long distance relationships don't always work out." i said sadly.

"we can make this work," he spoke slowly and softly, this time i was the one to kiss him.

"i love you so god damn much alex." i whispered.

"i love you too, danielle."



i'm so sorry danielle if this isn't what you wanted, btw i lost so many requests comments so i'll need to replace those with preferences, i also apologise for him.

i'm also putting random movies and songs because sometimes i watch movies while writing so yeah, but last night i re-watched the lost boys, stand by me for like the seventh time this year and the breakfast club, it was great.

sincerely yours, liz

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