xxxviii. jeff atkins

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Champagne and Pools - Hoodie Allen, Blackbear, KYLE holy shitbewjrufbgw

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Champagne and Pools - Hoodie Allen, Blackbear, KYLE holy shitbewjrufbgw

jeff atkins claysbaby  

    I sat at Monet's with Jeff, the silence was killing me.

Jeff and I were best friends, often mistaken to be dating, but we were just friends, well, best friends.

Well, actually I wasn't so sure anymore.

Normally when Jeff and I hang out it wouldn't be at a place like Monet's, we would be going on our own little adventures and the atmosphere wouldn't be so awkward, right now it was very awkward.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, Jeff looked up at me and shrugged.

"I just remembered that I need to study," he said, his voice cracked a little but he covered it up with a cough. I nodded slowly and let him leave. Minutes after he left, I decided to go too.

I ran all the way home because physical activity made me forget my feelings, but the running didn't stop me from breaking as soon as I stepped foot into my house.

My parents weren't home so they couldn't hear the wails coming from me.

I managed to find the way to my room even with my eyes so blurry.

I jumped on my bed and buried my face in my pillows and slowed my breath down.

"Stay calm Jade," I told myself.

It didn't take me long to control myself, I was sat on my bed holding my pillow in my arms, my breathing was heavy and my eyes were closed.

I was calm for about two seconds before my phone started ringing.

I picked my phone up and read who was calling. Jeff.

"Jade." He spoke.

"Why'd you leave?" I asked, my voice cracked.

"I couldn't handle it."

"Bryce raped me, not you, yet you couldn't handle it?" 

"I'm sorry."

I didn't say anything, I tried to speak but I couldn't.

Minutes later I heard tapping on my window, I didn't think much of the tapping because I thought it was just some annoying birds, but there was continuous tapping on the window, it was really bugging me so I decided to open it only to be surprised with what was on the other side.

Jeff was standing there with his phone up to his ear. 

"Can I stay the night?" He asked. 

I nodded slowly and let him in, I watched him climb into the window and as he looked up I could see that he had been crying, and I couldn't take it anymore.

I walked over to my bathroom and closed the door, I leaned against the wall and slid down, letting the tears fall down.

I cried for god knows how long, it was until Jeff opened the door and walked in.

"Sorry that I left you okay, but you don't need to hide your emotions from me, I don't really care if you cry in front of me, it won't change how I feel about you," he walked over to me and sat down, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling my back into his chest.

I kept crying into his chest, Jeff was constantly wiping the tears from my face and telling me that he was sorry and that everything would be okay and that we'd get the scumbag Bryce in jail.

"You finished?" He asked softly, I nodded and Jeff pulled me up from the ground and held my hand as we made our way to my bed.

It was only six pm and I was so tired.

Jeff lay me down and laid down next to me, pulling my blanket over us both, then he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I love you, Jeff," I said quitely.

"You do?"


Jeff's face instantly brightened and a smile appeared on his lips.

We stared at each other, smiling, for quite a long time until I finally had the courage to do it.

I moved my head closer to his and let our lips touch.



this is so shitty, i know, but i have so many other requests to write for this book and i don't want to stop writing this book because of the fact that many people have been waiting in line for requests, but lately i haven't been motivated to update and i've had the sudden urge to stop writing this book. but i feel as if i have to finish it. i don't really want to be writing anymore, but i will continue writing this book, all i ask for you guys to do is be patient (you all have been very patient) because it might take me a while to update this book because my lack of motivation.

sincereoy yours, liz

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