xxxvi. justin foley

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Grand Piano - Nicki Minaj

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Grand Piano - Nicki Minaj

  justin foley, for CTH__1996 «    

    I sat on the couch at Jessica's house. I was never really friends with Jessica, but she said that the party was an open invite so I decided to come.

"Hey Maddie! Have a drink!" Jess shoved a cup into my face and forced the liquid down my throat.

When she pulled the cup away, she grinned and held another one up. 

I shrugged and took the cup, then swallowed the alcohol in seconds, taking drink after drink, I was drunk in under 10 minutes. (Does that happen? Do you get drunk that quickly???)

    I woke up the next morning, my head was throbbing so badly, I was surprisingly lying in my own bed.

Visions from the night before flashed in my mind; alcohol, dancing, laughter, more alcohol, singing, dancing, kissing and... Wait, kissing?

I opened my eyes widely and gagged.

Did I kiss Justin Foley? THAT dick and Liar, I'm meant to be mad at him!

I know he's on those tapes that I've heard of, after all that he did to poor Hannah, he was bound to be mentioned on there.

He just didn't have the guts to tell me about him being on these tapes.

I buried my face in my pillow to sleep again. Then it hit me.


I got out of bed slowly and took very little steps to my bathroom. My head was aching, not because of my hangover, but Justin was on my mind.

I moaned in pain and got ready for school.


    I walked into school, my feet dragging across the floor, carrying the rest of my body to my locker.

I lifted my head and the first person I saw was Justin, who completely ignored me. This made me even more mad, I wasn't even tired anymore.

I opened my locker and shoved my bag inside, too mad to even care that it didn't fit and I walked away with the locker open, I heard everything fall from it behind me.

Justin stopped to look at the noise, I glared at him and he looked at me with an annoyed look.

"I'm not on them, I swear Mads-"

"Whatever broski," I showed him the peace sign and kept walking.

I was stopped by Bryce.

"Hey maddie,"  he smirked, I smiled at him even though I really didn't want to speak to him.

"Hey Bryce."

"You look good today," Bryce said.

"I wish I could say the same about you," I told him, Bryce laughed as if he thought I was being sarcastic.

"You going anywhere tonight?"


"Well, come to my house later and we can hit it," he winked, I looked at him with disgust.

"Hey, Maddie, you up for that date tonight?" Justin asked, I raised a brow  at him and Bryce looked at both of us confused. "You're meant to say yes, I'm saving you from this dick!" He pointed at Bryce.

"Wow, Justin-"

"Hold up guys let me get a video of this fight about to happen," I smiled.

"Girl be quiet and go back to the kitchen, come back when you have my sandwich." Bryce said loudly.

I gasped, and instead of me having to hit him, Justin had already done it for me, but multiple times, Bryce was on the ground.

Zach stepped up and pulled Justin away from Bryce.

"Next time I won't stop, and next time I'll have a gun and next time I will use that gun on you!" Justin shouted so loud, his voice echoed through the hallway, making my headache even worse.

Bryce got up off the floor and struggled to stand. I walked up to him and helped him up.

"Thanks girl." He groaned in pain, I rolled my eyes and pushed him back to the ground and as he lay there in pain, I took a high jump and landed on his man parts.

"Fun fun." I giggled and walked away but not before Justin stopped me.

"Maddie," he said, out of breath. "You still up for that date?"

"Nope, not until you admit you're on the tapes."

"Fine I am, and I hate myself for being on there but that happened in the past and I can't do anything to fix it."

"Do you know what happened last night?"

"No. Was it good or bad?"

"I don't know," I sighed, rubbing my temples.

"Well, if it was bad then hopefully I can make it up by this." He leaned in and kissed me, it was only a short kiss and I wished it was longer.

"That's what happened last night," I smirked at him before walking away.

"I'll pick you up at eight then!" He called from behind me.



sorry for not updating a lot, i had assignments. anyway, i have a problem where i have a crush on a guy and my sister's are annoying me about him when they don't even know that i like him but i get so annoyed like really wth like i thought we were sisters, we're meant to be there for each other not tease each other. actually, siblings are meant to tease eachother. i need to work out, bye.

sincerely yours, liz

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