xiii. jughead jones

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no song I'm watching life with boys because throwback

    jughead jones, for shadowhunterdoll «    

    I heard the doorbell ring and I instantly got up from the couch to open the door since I already knew who was there.

"Jugs!" I said happily, I smiled and pulled him in for a hug which he kindly returned. "You may enter my home."

"Thanks, Amanda," he stepped inside and I followed him to the living room, Jughead knew his way around my home since he's stayed over multiple times. "We need to talk." He said when he sat on the couch, I jumped on the one opposite of him.

"Sure, go ahead Jugster," I spoke completely ignoring the frown on his face.

"I've been transferred to Southside High and put in foster care. "

i opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't think of anything to say so I closed it again and kept quiet.

"I want you to know that I didn't want to," Jughead looked at me, his eyes glistening. 

"I know Juggie," I sighed and got up from my couch to sit next to him.

"There's more."


"I'm joining the Serpents."

"I-What?" I asked with shock.

"I'm joining the-"

"Never mind I don't want to hear it," Jughead chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. 

"I just, everything is ruined, the mess that my life was before has turned even messier and I'm not sure everything will be fixed, I'm not sure my life will ever be normal," Jughead inhaled deeply, little droplets falling onto my jacket sleeve. "I don't want to leave this all behind, everything we did together and our friendship will only be a memory-"

"No Juggie, our friendship is gonna stay strong if you stay strong and as hard as this situation is right now (harder than your DICCKKCCKKCKKC I am so sorry, god why did I do that, please move along.) and as cringy as I am sounding right now, you will get through this even it takes forever," I took his hand an held it, I never wanted to let it go, not just his hand, but our friendship or whatever we were.

"Oh god I'm too late," I mumbled.

"Too late?"

"I should have told you this before everything was bad," I turned to him, I could see my reflection in his eyes. "Over the past few years I've developed feelings were you, and I never thought about it, I just thought it was a phase in life, you know? Having a crush on your best friend, so I ignored it. But the freaking feeling stayed stuck to me and I held it all in and kept quiet because I was afraid that it would ruin our friendship," I paused and took a breath then continued, "what I'm trying to say is, I really fucking care about you, I do, I want you to know that just because we aren't going to be together doesn't mean we're not gonna have each other's backs, I'll fucking do anything to be with you," I stopped and breathed, I planned to say more but I didn't.

"You forgot something."

"What?" I asked Jughead.

"You forgot to say you loved me," He smiled nervously.

"Of course, how could I forget?" I felt my eyes growing heavier and heavier until everything was blurry, "I love you, Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third."

"Good, because I love you too Amanda Bryant." Jughead then pulled me in for a kiss, it felt as if it was just us two in the world. "But it.doesn't change any of this, I'm sorry Amanda."

"I know Jugs," I kissed his cheek and we both stood up. "How are you gonna tell the others? Do you need my help?"

"As much as I'd love you to be with me, I think in order for me to stay strong I need to do this myself."

"Okay Jugs, I believe in you."



Cringe but I'd die for Jughead to say he loved me, actually I'd die for anyone to say they loved me because nobody ever says it to me haha whoops

I'm a very unlovable person.

This is the last update for tonight

sincerely yours, liz

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