xvi. archie andrews

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Two Ghosts - Harry Styles

archie andrews, for  

    It was two in the morning, I couldn't sleep. Ever since Jason's death I had trouble sleeping, we were pretty close and was one of my close friends.

I decided to get out of the house, without my parents knowing, I opened the window to my room and jumped outside with ease. 

I started to walk, I didn't know where to but I let my feet take me to wherever they were going to.

I found myself in the forest, surrounded my trees if I hadn't created a path as I was walking I would have never found my way out. 


    I sat in class that morning, my head bobbing as if I was moving my head along to a rock song. 

"Hey Cassandra," someone spoke from the seat next to me, I ignored them and closed my eyes. "Cass!" A hand popped up in front of me. 

"Yes?" I jolted up-right and turned to face Archie, he furrowed his eyebrows and smirked.

"Did you stay up all night?" his image was blurry through my eyes, they were closing, "hey!" he clicked his fingers, I shot up again and blinked at him, "okay, I already know the answer to my question."

"I was in the forest last night, it was cold," I yawned, leaning back in my chair, Archie's expression changed from being amused to being absolutely mad.

"Why were you in the forest in the middle of the night?!" 


"About what?" 

"Jason." Archie stopped and shook his head just before the teacher walked in. I sighed tried to stay awake for the rest of the lesson, every once in a while Archie would kick me under the table to wake me up.


    I walked into the school yard and made my way to a bench.

"Looking good Cass," Reggie said as we did our special handshake when we walked past each other, and I gave high fives to everyone else I walked past. 

"My bench!" I whispered to myself, I walked up to the bench and lay down on it. 

I closed my eyes attempting to sleep but was interrupted by someone dropping food on my stomach.

"Hey! I'm trying to sleep!" I shouted at them.

"Get up, we need to talk," I sat up slowly and took a look at Archie who looked very mad, his cheeks were a light shade of red.

"Whoa, look at all the red things at this school," I pointed at the apple that was thrown on top of me, then to the bench, I was lying on, then to Archie's hair, then his face.

"Shut up Cass, this is serious," Archie dropped down onto the bench and gestured for me to sit properly, I shook my head and he sighed. "Why were you at the forest in the middle of the night."

"I needed to take a piss," I joked.


"I couldn't sleep Archie, you should know that by now since Jason's death I haven't had my shit together in a while."

"Jason's murderer is still out there! What are you doing in the middle of the night? You could have been hurt!" He said out loud, many people turned to look at us.

"To be honest, I don't give a shit anymore," I sighed.

"Well I give a shit."

"Go to the freaking toilet if you really need to take a shit."

"Cassandra stop trying to be funny."

"Archie, stop telling me what to do."

"Why are you so freaking complicated?"

"Why do you even freaking care?"

"Because I fucking love you."

I put my head up to look at him. 

"That's right, I love you, but I guess you were too hung up on Jason that you never noticed."

"No-no-no, Archie, Jason and I were just friends, I never liked him, not like that," I smiled apologetically, Archie nodded slowly and looked down. 

"I shouldn't have said that..." Archie said quietly.

"I love you too."



There was this fight last year that my friends were in so I stood and watched and I was so close to the middle, my friend was roasting her so bad at first and then they started talking shit and saying 'don't start shit' and like 'you're a piece of shit' and more 'shit shit shit' and me and my guy were just like 'Jeez go to the toilet if you really need to take a shit,' or 'everyone is shit when they need to go to the toilet' and we were literally just throwing these comments at the two who were fighting, then they stated actually fighting and I was like 'ooooo boy she made the toilet get blocked did she?'. 

sincerely yours, liz

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