viii. justin foley

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No Gifs lately because internet is as slow as Clay listening to the tapes

All star - Smash Mouth

Justin foley      

    "Hey Y/N."

I heard Justin call my name from across the hall, I sighed and ignored him.

Justin and I had just broken up, well I never told Justin that it was over but I was leaving him some hints.

"Y/N, why are you ignoring me?" Justin said when he reached my locker.

"I just don't feel like talking right now," I muttered, "I figured that you'd know because I feel like I'm making it quite obvious that I don't want to talk to you."

"Please elaborate."

"Elaborate? Please, I'm surprised you even know what that word means," I laughed at him, realising what I was doing I fixed it up with a cough.

"I don't know what it means, I've just heard you use it a few times," he smiled, I didn't return. "Please tell me what's wrong, what did I do? Did someone do something to you?" 

"Justin, I like you, I like you a lot, but I feel like you've been giving a lot of your attention to other people, you keep leaving me out of things and forgetting me."

"So, you just want my attention?" He asked.

"Wow it sounds really bad when it's said that way, damn," I sighed. "What I meant to say is, Justin, lately I feel as if you don't want to be with me anymore."

"Why do you feel that way? Of course I want to be with you."

"I don't know Justin, maybe I'm just jealous and whenever I see you talking to another girl, take Jessica for an example because she's your ex, maybe you still have feelings for her-"

"Baby, I love you and only you, okay?" He pulled me in for a hug, I let his arms wrap around me and I dug my face into his chest. "If you see me talking to anyone it's probably me telling everyone how amazing you are and how lucky I am to be with you, I just wanna let the whole world know." 

"But that doesn't explain why you were being so distant."

"I'm planning something, I needed a lot of people's help for it," he chuckled.

"What is it?" 

"You'll see, princess," he kissed my forehead and pulled away and began to walk off.

"When do I get to see this 'plan' of yours?"

"I love you," he shouted, his back still facing me.

"I love you too." I whispered.



How shitty are my imagines lately?  I just got told off by my sister so I had to take that bit out of this A/N.

Anyway I was out all day yesterday and went to the city to the beach, then I had dinner at this place that was so fancy I didn't know what 75% of the menu was and then we went to 50sixone, the best place ever I freaking love their thick shakes and fries with ice cream and AHHHH, if you guys are freaking interested go search up 50sixone and you will get diabetes from looking at their desserts, it's only in a specific area in Australia so if you guys aren't able to get to it then I feel bad for you, but if you are in AUstralia anywhere there is a freaking Zambreros go to Zambreros and get your Mexican food I am freaking gfreaojgrwi\


I was meant to be on a diet but frick frack fridge I ate too much food yesterday


 sincerely yours, liz

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