xix. reggie mantle

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Location - Khalid

  reggie mantle, for skylar-babe «   

    I waited in the classroom with Betty, Moose and Archie, we were the only ones in the classroom and we were waiting for Reggie.

I turned my attention to the door as soon as I saw my boyfriend enter the room.

"What is everyone else doing in here?" He asked, clearly frustrated with the fact that I lied to him saying that it would only be me here, "and you, why are you here?" he pointed at Archie.

"Please don't fight," I told them.

Reggie turned to me and shut his eyes tightly, breathing out slowly.

"I don't want him here." He said, eyes still shut.

I nodded to Archie and he walked out the room.

"What's the point of this again?" Moose asked from the other side of the room.

"We're here to sort their problems," Betty pointed to Reggie and I. "So, what's the problem here?"

"We don't need a fucking psychiatrist," Reggie said but sat down on one of the tables. 

"I'm just trying to help-"

"We don't need your help Ugly Betty."

I gasped and stopped myself from slapping Reggie at his comment.

Betty shut her mouth and stepped back so she was standing next to Moose.

"Why do you always have to hang out with Archie? Is there a thing that's going on between you two?" Reggie asked me, avoiding any eye contact he kept his head down.

"Hell no! He's just my friend!"

"Yeah, friends with benefits, I see how Archie is, he can any girl in the school," he sighed. 

"Not me, I love you Reggie, not Archie."

"Yeah I bet you do."

"Believe me Reggie."

"Well then stop hanging out with him so much and maybe give me a little bit more attention because lately Archie seems to be getting a lot of you."

"Archie hasn't been able to get 'a lot of me' lately, are you fucking blind? Reggie I've been trying to talk to you all week-"

"And Archie thinks he can just try to take you from me-"

"So you're just jealous of him."

"I am not jealous of him!" Reggie stood up and walked up to me.

"Seems like you are." I whispered, but loud enough for him to hear.

Reggie had gotten closer to me and he had his hand raised up as if to hit me, I stepped back a little but I hit the table.

"Reggie!" Moose called for his name, but Reggie just lowered his hands to my face and pulled me towards him, placing his lips roughly on mine. 

"What the-" I could hear Betty and Moose whispering awkwardly to each other as Reggie and I were angrily kissing.

"Why did he just?" 

"We should go."

"They'll stop soon."

"Moose, they're not stopping."

"Okay let's leave."

I heard the door shut and I pulled away from Reggie.

"Did it work? Do you still love me?" He asked.

"Yes, the hell, why would I ever stop?" 

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in for a hug.

"There is nothing going on between Archie and I, he's just my best friend and you know that we've known each other for so damn long," I told him quietly.

Reggie nodded and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I fucking love you Sky, remember that," he said, and we stayed there for God knows how long and you don't need to know what we did.



so shit. It's the holidays and it has been for the past 2 weeks but I've been too lazy to update oh shit and I watched spider-man two weeks ago and was meant to rant about how peter's love interest is named Liz so fuck Tom fucking love me right now.


IMPORTANT sorry y'all, had to put this here because i've already said this once, actually multiple times on my profile but no everyone follows me so... I'm not actually accepting anymore requests other than those that commented on the first chapter on this book BEFORE MY COMMENT that states that I'm not writing any new requests, just the old ones because I have no motivation to write this book anymore but I'm still continuing it, obviously, but I can't have the pile of requests growing bigger and bigger because it's actually quiet stressful lmao yeah sorry you all

sincerely yours, liz

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