xxii. alex standall

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Stick to the status quo - HSM

alex standall, for leenkobeissi « 

    I lay in bed all morning, my Mum understood how I felt and let me stay home from school. 

My dad walked out on us, again, and this time I was pretty sure he'd never come back.

My phone vibrated and I picked it up, I had multiple messages from my boyfriend Alex. 

bby al x
Hello babe, how are you

I'm fine

bby al x
No you're not...

how do you know?

bby al x
My amazing boyfriend powers

okay okay

bby al x
are you coming to school today? 


bby al x
why not?

I don't feel like it

bby al x
okay then, see you after school 

okay, see ya

I put down my phone and sighed.
I looked and felt disgusting, I didn't want Alex to see me so depressed, instead of being productive I stayed in bed, tears fell from my eyes.

Then I heard a knock on my window.

I sat up and stared, someone had written on the foggy glass, Leen, it's Alex, let me in 

I got up and opened the window, Alex was standing outside with a wide smile, but the smile dropped as soon as he saw my face with wet tears.


"Alex, I really don't want you to be here," I sniffed, he shook his head and attempted to climb through the window but gave up when he realized that it was too small.

"Leen, let me in," he said, I shook my head and he sighed. "I need to know what's wrong."

"You don't-"

"Yes I do, it's my responsibilty as your boyfriend to make sure that you're happy, I even bought ice cream because I thought it might have been the time of the month again."

I nodded and closed the window, then I walked to the front door of the house and opened it, Alex immediately came in and pulled me into a hug, when he let go we walked to the living room and sat together on the couch, his arm around my shoulders and my head on his chest, we sat quietly eating ice cream.

"You don't have to tell me what happened," Alex said softly, he was playing with my hair and brushing his fingers through brown hair and stopping at the end to examine my blue tips. 

I inhaled deeply and hesitated to speak, but I found the courage to tell him, "my dad is gone, again, he's never gonna come back, he even made Lucas pack all of his stuff," at this point my eyes were already heavy with tears, "how am I meant to live away from my little brother? I don't want him to be with dad, I don't want him to go through what I did, he's only five!"

"It's okay Leen-"

"No, it's not okay, I don't want Lucas with him, I want dad in jail." I struggled to breathe, Alex wrapped both arms around me and held me tight. 

"We'll find a way to get Lucas back, " he kissed my head, "and we'll get your dad in jail, as well as Bryce, they both deserve to be behind bars." 

I laughed and snuggled into Alex's chest, allowing all of his warmth onto my body. 

"Sing a song for me," he whispered.

I breathed deeply and cleared my throat and began to sing Niall Horan's song 'Slow Hands' as best as I could, which was hard since I was crying.

"You're so talented, I love you," Alex said quietly. 



I have 2 assignments due tomorrow and I haven't started one of them but one of them is English and I'm writing poems and I am slaying them, but all of them are depressing, about death or being scared of something and being heartbroken and sad. 

sincerely yours, liz

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