A Change Is As Good As A Rest...Apparently

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"hey! Mr I'm over 100 points clear of Gunther" I laughed, chasing him down the pit lane. He laughed, turning round to me, "you're forgetting something" I breathed, stopping my run as I reached him. He held his hand out and I slapped his lucky rabbits foot into it. "you know that's so cliche don't ya" I laughed looking at his good luck charm. "it works though right?" he winked at me. I rolled my eyes, "and there's me thinking you were just talented." I teased. He chuckled. "good luck" I added, making him smile. He winked at me again and turned to head into the garage.

I turned away then and walked back through to my make shift office. It wasn't overly big, nor fancy. It was a small room bunched up with chairs and computers, which weren't exactly top of the range either, but I made it work. I took my seat and scrolled through my phone, checking on any updates that needed clearing up.

My job now wasn't stressful, it wasn't too hectic. I still travelled a lot, but it was mainly around Europe. And Canada. I was the media assistant to the Formula 3 champ Lance Stroll. It was a few pay grades down from what I was used to, not that I minded too much. I needed a change and this was it. When I'd left formula one in the winter of 2015, I intended on a little break, well, I actually didn't know what the hell I was going to be doing, and into the new year, I had a phone call from some guy called Lawrence Stroll. His son was an F3 driver, he'd done some F4 and Toyota racing so far and he was only 18. His dad, Lawrence found out I was at a loose end so to speak and wanted me to 'look after' his boy. Not in the baby sitting sense of the word, but it was practically that with these drivers. Most of them from my experience. Anyway, after a few days of weighing up the pros and cons, I decided to go for it. What did I have to lose?


So here I was, a year down the line, having such a great time with this young keen driver, smashing it in his F3 car, clearing race after race. He'd been doing a little test driving of the Williams F1 car too but I stayed away from that arena. That wasn't part of my pay grade. And I had no intention to step back into an F1 paddock. Ever.

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