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This season was turning out to be an absolute flop right now. Yet another GP my rookie was crashing out in. This time is was with Sainz, the Toro Rosso driver. Bombing up the inside of the corner from out of the pits, slamming into the side of Lance. I was opting for re-watching it on the videos before I made my decision on what I thought happened. Either way it sucked for us, and I had a lot of paperwork and media attention to sort through.


A few hours after the race had ended, I got a text from Lance, asking me to put my work to one side and have a drink with him. I was up for it immediately, getting tired of going over the same quotes and sound bites, although I was getting more done than I expected.

The Vettel's are here too... ;) xx

I laughed at his attempt to try and coax me into joining him.

I was already sold on the idea, see you in a few xx

I replied quickly and then flew through my suitcase for something to change into as I was still in my Williams uniform.

I tied my hair up into a high ponytail, quickly ran over my face with some foundation powder and added a pink glossy stain to my pout. I pulled on my favourite snug fitting dark blue jeans and a pretty white one shouldered top and grabbed my bag. I wasn't in the mood to dress up tonight, I just wanted to have a drink with my friends.


Fortunately I knew where they all were and headed over to the bar. I walked inside and scanned the room. Hmm, I Couldn't see a familiar face. I headed to the bar to grab a drink anyway and pulled out my phone to call Lance.

"What may I get you?" A voice asking me made me look up from my phone. "oh, um, just a rum on the rocks please" I smiled, not really caring for a particular beverage. The bar was heaving, which wasn't too surprising for a race night. It was usually most of the teams that were out if they'd packed up quick enough. I was about to try and call Lance when I was interrupted.

"They are in the back playing pool" he said, I looked to my right, greeted with the sight of Kimi smirking at me. "Fed up of being beaten then?" I smirked back at him. He laughed, "we have only just arrived" he said looking over his shoulder as if to look for his company. We? Great. I nodded back at him and turned to the bar, where my drink was now placed. I passed the barman my money and necked my beverage. I sensed Kimi beside me chuckling. "Long day?" He asked, leaning on the bar, watching the barman. "You could say that. But it's a long season so far" I answered, he looked back at me and nodded. "Congrats on 4th by the way" I added. He shrugged, "The first lap was embarrassing. It is good I managed to recover and settle with 4th" he said, modest to the last, my Kimi. He's not mine.... "The speed of the car is good. You looked better out there today than in the previous races" I said, realising I had let slip I take note of his performance. Eh, so what, I still loved watching him race. He nodded at me, if he'd picked up on it he'd not let it show. "It is disappointing for your rookie. For him at least" he said, I nodded, "it's frustrating. Just one finish would be a good thing. He's in a bad streak at the minute" I said, "have they come to a decision on who was at fault for the crash?" He asked, taking his drink and downing it too, immediately ordering two more. "No. Well, not that I've heard. I've turned my phone off" I said, making him laugh. I grinned and was surprised to see him push a drink my way. "Thank you" I blushed, picking it up off the bar top. He never responded but downed his again. "Rough night or what?!" I smiled, watching him place his empty glass on the bar. He looked to my face and as he was about to say something, I got pushed out of the way.

"What the fuck was that?!" I yelled, partly in shock, mostly anger, seeing Minttu slide in between us. Kimi saw it too, his face showed his mood had changed in a millisecond. I shook my head and picked up my glass, I was definitely ready to meet my friends. So I pulled out my phone and called Lance.

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