Stolen Moments

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"why didn't you come to me Kimi before this got out of hand?!" Stefania yelled frustrated at the Fin. Kimi just stayed slouched on the couch in her office, playing with the arm of his Ray Bans. He chose not to answer her. "Damn it Kimi! You know what the media is like! You of all people know! You should have given me a heads up!" she sighed exasperated at both the driver and the situation. "how is Bella dealing with it?" she asked him, staring down at him her hands sitting on her hips. Kimi shrugged again, "how Bella deals with it" he answered. "oh dear"


"WHY THE FUCK DO THEY HAVE TO INTRUDE ON EVERYONE'S PRIVATE LIFE?! HAVE THEY NOT GOT ENOUGH CRAP TO FILL THE HEADLINES ON WHATEVER THE FUCK HAMILTON'S DOING IN HIS SPARE TIME THAT THEY HAVE TO MAKE UP SHIT ABOUT KIMI CHEATING WITH ME?!" Bella threw her trainer against the hotel room wall. Sophia loitered near the hotel room door, she'd come to see her friend after getting a text off of her this morning with curse words and exclamation marks. "Bella, try and calm down, Stefania will put a statement out clearing it all up, and you can too. You know how this works" she said trying to settle the atmosphere in the room. She watched as Bella sighed dramatically and flopped down onto the bed. "we just wanted to keep things easy." she said softly, her head resting in her palms as she held her elbows bent on her knees. "I guess we just got swept up in each other, and I totally forgot that he was 'Kimi Raikkonen'. It just felt normal last night, just me and Kimi. Like it used to be, we didn't get the hassle all too much from the media then. Why do they have to do this?" she looked up at her friend with sad eyes. Tears filling them up. Sophia dropped down onto the bed beside her, pulling her close with an arm over her shoulder. "it'll be okay Bells, we'll fix it. Kimi won't let anything happen to you." she tried to comfort her, "but he can't stop whatever Claire's going to say about it." she swallowed hard, "I've got to see her in her office at 9"



"fix it." Claire said sternly, to which I nodded, gave my thanks for her (sort of) understanding and I left the room sharpish. I wiped the beads of sweat off of my brow and left the building with haste.

"cheating now huh?!" a chuckle came from over my shoulder. I glanced round and gave a sort of grimace in Callum's direction. "you been reprimanded then?" he jogged to catch up with me. I shrugged, "she didn't lay into me as much as I was expecting." I replied, as we walked down the paddock. "I've just gotta set the record straight, write a statement and then get back to work" I answered him, "so no bans from seeing him then? Leaking info to him during some pillow talk?" Callum teased. I looked at him with my unimpressed face and raised my eyebrow. "obviously I wouldn't do that, but she couldn't really do anything about it, what with others doing it in the passed. She really just wanted to know about it before it became public knowledge. Particularly as the story that's broken isn't exactly moonlight and roses." I explained, "besides, she was more pissed that it's a negative story on one of her employees than the fact I'm back with a Ferrari... driver" I slowed down, almost stopping "oh fucking brilliant" I huffed, seeing about 30 photographers and interviewers hanging around outside of the Ferrari suite. "how you gonna get through that?!" Callum asked, turning away from them to cover me. I looked around, spotting my escape route between two of the 'buildings'. "I'm gonna run through there," I pointed, "I'll talk to you later" I said and then dashed off before anyone noticed me. Fortunately, well, maybe unfortunately, depending on which way you look at it, they were waiting for Kimi instead...

I scurried passed the Ferrari camp, hoping to God I didn't get snapped sneaking around behind the place, or that would have looked really dodgy. I made it by unscathed and rushed down towards the Haas team. It was always pretty quiet down here, and I wanted to have some time to write up my statement.

I reached the Haas team area when my phone vibrated. I glanced at it as it was in my hand, seeing a text from Kimi. I stopped to answer him when I heard my name in a whisper. I looked round, no one. "Bella!" I looked round again, and between two of the Haas buildings, there was a flash of red. I smirked, wanting to laugh at how ridiculously obvious he was, standing there trying to hide.

"what are you doing down here?!" I whispered, with a laugh as I snuck down into Kimi's hiding place. "I wanted to eat my ice cream in quietness." he answered me, sticking his tiny plastic spoon into the chocolatey gooey goodness. "why are you here?" he asked in a low tone, Kimi didn't feel the need to whisper. It was hard to hear him speak at the best of times with his monotone grumblings. "I came to get some peace to write my statement" I replied, still eyeing his ice cream. "gimme some of that" I told him, biting my bottom lip at how good it looked. "kiss. Then ice cream" he answered, looking up at me. "really Kimi?" I kicked up a brow, "we'd get in so much trouble if we were found here" I told him. He didn't seem to care, I mean, why would he? And he quickly took his hand to the back of my head and pulled me against him, crashing his lips into mine. I couldn't help my actions as I gripped onto his shirt, crinkling the collar in my hands tightly. His lips were sticky and sweet, but I liked it.

"are you okay?" he asked when we parted, tenderly tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. I nodded, my gaze back onto the ice cream as I picked up the plastic spoon. "Claire wasn't as bad as expected, I just need to issue a statement and get it sorted. How about you?" I asked, scooping as much ice cream as I could onto my tiny shovel. "bwoah, it's nothing. Stefania is dealing with it." he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I sighed, "why can't it be like it used to be Kim?" I raised my eyes to look into his. "we never had this shit to deal with before" I added, feeling his hands slide onto my hips as he held me close. "you were with Ferrari then. It was simple." he told me, I huffed, spooning another globule into my mouth. "you should be with Ferrari now" he added, making me look up at him again. He had a tiny hint of a smile on his face. "it is not the same with Stefania." he said, making me giggle slightly, "that's because she's the boss' wife" I smirked. Kimi shook his head, "I miss how you boss me around" he smirked at me, making me giggle again. "me too" I smiled, feeling my butterflies in my stomach as he smiled that Kimi smile at me. "come back. Be at Ferrari again" he whispered. My stomach dropped and my smile did a little too. "I can't Kimi, you know it's not that simple." I sighed, pulling away from him slightly. "I can't just walk back in, not after leaving like that, besides Stefania is your woman now, and I've got Lance..."

"but you're never hardly with him. Not like we were" he interrupted. "that's different"
"how?" he asked, looking all serious at me. I felt my face flush, "well, you need more looking after..." I smirked, "and well, I kinda maybe liked being around you more..." I admitted shyly. "because you thought I am sexy" he grinned, making me giggle a little too loudly. "yes Kimi, because you are sexy" I grinned. Sadly though, my phone began ringing, and right now I wasn't in any position to screen my calls, "it's Lance, I better go" I told him, looking back up to his handsome face. "here" I said, passing him back his ice cream pot. "I'll see you tonight" I whispered, kissing his pink lips softly, then turning away to head down the paddock, "Bella!" he growled, as I looked back he was glaring at me, making me giggle, "love you!" I blew him a kiss and skipped off, leaving him alone again, with an empty tub of ice cream.

I felt much better now, but I wasn't sure if it were the stolen moments with my Fin, or the stolen ice cream that did the trick.

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