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"Ah good morning my friend!" I beamed at the sight of Kimi strolling through the door to the tailors. Kimi's smile spread wide across his face as he reached out to shake my hand. "Are you ready to get your in-seam man handled?" I sniggered at him, earning a snort from him. "How was your flight?" I asked him as we entered the building. "fine. I slept." he replied making me laugh. "How has your morning been? The girls okay?" he asked. "good. Had a late breakfast and just chilled out before I left to come here" I replied, "Have you not spoken to Bella yet?" I asked, but before he could answer we were interrupted by the owner of the store. 

"Ah Mr Vettel! Welcome back! How are you today?" he asked. The man was extremely flamboyant and I knew Kimi was going to struggle with him..."very well thank you Ansel. How are you?" I replied whilst shaking his hand. "good, very good sir." he beamed back at me, "and this is...Mr Raikkonen?" He added, looking to Kimi. My friend nodded and reached out to shake his hand too, "Hello" Kimi nodded at him, still not taking off his sunglasses. I smirked at him and watched the two interact. "please, follow me, your suits are waiting for you in the changing area. Come" he said kindly, turning then to lead us through the store to where my suit awaited me. 


I was standing there opposite Kimi, both in our suits and I couldn't hold back the grin of excitement that this was finally happening. He caught my expression and he grinned at me knowingly. "It's happening" He said to me as Ansel fiddled with the cuff of my trouser leg. I took a deep breath and nodded at him. "I'm nervous." I chuckled, "and I have 3 days left" I added, making Kimi laugh. "I was terrified" he admitted, making my eyes go wide. Kimi started laughing even more. "even more so when I realised what I'd done after the fact..." he said, fiddling with the collar of his shirt. "Jesus Christ" I sighed, looking back at him. His bright eyes snapped over to me and he smirked, "do not worry, you are not making the same mistake that I did" he 'reassured' me. "thanks Kim" I rolled my eyes at him. He chuckled again. "did you actually regret it?" I asked him, surprised to be going down this road with him. Especially with there being others in the room, but Ansel was busy working, pinning this and tucking that. I didn't realise how much weight I seemed to have lost, or toned up more I guess.

But Kimi shrugged. "I was young. I loved her. I found myself marrying her" he shrugged. "as simple as that?" I questioned, cocking my head at how clean cut he seemed it to be. "bwoah...I dunno..." his face turning a little more serious. "It seemed that way." he shrugged again. "but then she changed. I would have stayed with her. But then she did what she did. And that was that." he said, "I don't even know why she married me." he admitted. That must have felt pretty shit to think like that. "but it is in the past." he declared. 

"and now you're with are you guys?" I asked him, wanting to maybe brighten the mood. But he sighed again, "we are okay I think" he answered. "you think?" I chuckled a little nervously but he smiled, "I never thought we'd be together again." he admired, "I never go back" he stated. "but here we are" I grinned and a small smile broke out on his face. "she is like no one I have ever met." he spoke of her and his smile slowly got wider. "you're finally getting her to move into your house..." I smirked, "when are you going to make an honest woman out of her?" I grinned. But again, Kimi sighed. "After the first wedding, I vowed there wasn't going to be another." 



After the suit fitting we made our way back to Sebastian's house.  I missed Bella and wanted so much to see her. But after my talking to him, my mood was very strange to me. The words Sebastian had said to me were going around in my head. I had never spoken to Bella that much about marriage. Since we had been together anyway. I didn't really know what she thought about it either. I just knew that she was okay with moving in with me and she was ready to have the children with me too. I chuckled to myself remembering that she would have a whole hockey team with me if I wanted. But the truth was, I was scared. I was scared to bring all those things up with her again, in the case that she was sacred too and I lost her again. 

But, did I want to get married again? Did I want to go through all of that with someone else, again? I have not even properly thought about this myself. I had promised myself after I had my divorce from Jeni that I would never put myself through all of that shit for anyone else. It was not worth it.

The sound of Sebastian's door opening had me snap out of my thoughts. Then I realised we were back at his house already. "come on" Seb smirked at me, seeing the fogginess over my face. "forget what we spoke about earlier." he spoke up, putting his hand upon my shoulder. "don't let it spoil what you have right now. Both of you deserve to be happy. Just make sure she knows where your head is at." he added before leaving the car. 

I looked out of the windshield and saw Sophia bouncing down the steps to greet him. They were so happy. I watched as they embraced, the smile on her face as she reached up and nestled her face into his neck was good to see. 

Then movement behind them had my attention and a smile broke out onto my face. There she was. Her long dark hair down in curls that fell past her shoulders. Her big green eyes looking around, waiting to see where I was. She bit down nervously on her lip, arms folded across her waist, hiding part of her IceOne  shirt she wore. I looked her over, those white shorts displaying her slender tanned legs. But I chuckled at the fluffy red socks she wore on her feet. She was adorable to me. 


I stood on the door step as Soph greeted Seb and I felt a little awkward. Soph heard the car pull up and she grabbed my hand and pulled me up to go meet them. I had missed Kimi don't get me wrong, but something was still a little off with my mood, and I felt kind of anxious to see him, even though we hadn't actually had an argument or anything. And adding to my anxiety was this moment right now, Seb and Soph cuddling like teenagers by the steps, and me standing there, actually wondering if Kimi was even there...

But then I saw him get out of the car. My heart involuntarily began to race. His head covered in my favourite grey beanie of his, a dark lumberjack style jacket over a black t-shirt and a tighter than usual pair of dark blue fitted jeans hugging his legs. I looked down to my feet as I tried to hold back my smile, but when I looked up to him he was looking back at me, his icy blue eyes narrowed but that half smile adorning his face as he moved towards me. 

"Hi" I spoke quietly as he reached me. the smile getting wider on my face. He didn't reply, just looked right into my eyes as his hands slid over my hips. He smiled down at me as he closed the gap between us and I wrapped my arms around his neck just before his lips met mine. And then all was right with the world once again.

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