Two Plus One Makes....

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I picked up the eye pencil that was sitting on my dressing table and momentarily got distracted by the sparkler that sat on my finger. My heart fluttered every single time I saw it. It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. And classically Kimi. Simple, elegant yet dazzling at the same time. I wiggled my fingers causing the stones to twinkle under the lights in my dressing room and I bit back a smile. I would never get bored of marveling in its beauty. But alas, I needed to snap out of my fawning; tonight was a big night and I needed to get ready.

It had only been a week since Kimi asked me to marry him- a week since I moved in with him, and he'd some how managed to organize an engagement party for us, just before we all flew out to Belgium for the second half of the racing calendar. It was the first time I was going to experience one of Kimi's parties, but I knew he'd be on his best behaviour, our parents were going to be there tonight. And meeting each other properly since we got together. That made my stomach roll a little. Anyway, I quickly finished my eye liner and grabbed my mascara. A few thick layers of that would do- if only my hand would stop shaking! I was so nervous! 

I heard Kimi in the next room to me turning on the shower before he strolled through into the dressing room in only his Puma shorts, all sweaty from his workout. I paused my shaky movements to have an ogle at his body in the mirror. "you know you could join me in the shower so you could watch me even longer" he smirked not even looking at me and yet he knew that I was drinking him all in. I snorted and blinked away turning my attention back to my mascara. "you're kidding, do you know how long it's taken me to perfect these wings?!" I pointed at my winged liner on my eyelids. "you do not need all that shit. You are perfect as you are" he said coming up behind me and planting a kiss to my cheek. I grinned widely at him before he strolled back towards the door- and I let out a loud giggle as his bare ass reflected back at me before he disappeared round the doorway.


I looked back at my reflection as I smoothed my hands over my clingy black dress. I turned this way and that trying to get a good look at my figure at as many angles as I could. Letting out a huff I stared back at myself. My hands lingering over my stomach. I chewed on my lip wondering if later tonight would be the perfect time. What if it wasn't? What if he was too drunk? Maybe I should do it tomorrow. I could wait 24 hours couldn't I? 

The sound of his shiny black dress shoes hitting the tiled floor alerted me to his presence. I looked over my shoulder to find him leaning against the door frame, hands in his black dress trousers and his crisp white shirt open at the collar and rolled up at the sleeves exposing his tattooed forearms. Just the way I like him. I swallowed back my apprehension an turned to face him. His soft smile showed me how content he was, but his eyes were ablaze as they worked over my figure. 

My hands dropped to my sides as he stood and made his way over to me. Once his perfect blue eyes met mine, they turned to a look of concern. "are you okay my Bella?" he asked me, raising his hands to my bare arms, holding them gently. I nodded, taking an unsure breath. "I...just...."

"It's okay" he hushed me gently, moving his hands to carefully hold my face. His thumbs brushed against my cheeks as my eyes held the gaze of his. "tonight is going to be perfect." he soothed me with his voice and gentle smile. "I cannot wait to see everyone, show them how happy we are" He smiled, and I swallowed hard. "K-Kimi, there's something I need to tell you first though..." I stammered. Okay, so we're doing this right now...

"I know we've been together for a while, but we've only just moved in together and well, part of me has a little anxiety about that. Like, what if we just don't work? what if-"

"Bella, you are the woman's that I was meant to be with" He interrupted. "from the start. Not Jeni, not Minttu. You." His pale blue eyes held mine like they were holding me captive. I could never look away from them even if I wanted to. "Everything about you is what I want. You are everything I could ever dream of. I want to go through everything with only you by my side" he whispered. "a-and what about if there were 3 of us?" I asked biting my lip in anxiousness. 

He smiled down at me and let out a breathy chuckle, "when that day comes, I will be the happiest man on the Earth" he grinned at me, making my stomach roll with butterflies. He took my hands in his and kissed the back of each one. "what if that day was 9 months from now?" my voice was still small, but stronger than it just had been. 

His smile grew wider as his eyes connected back with mine. "really?" He laughed, squeezing my hands tighter. The warmth he was giving off right now made all my insecurities melt away and I shone a smile back at him as I nodded. "yep, I took a test this morning" I giggled- no, I squealed as Kimi's strong hands grasped my waist and spun me around. 

"Bella!" he laughed loudly as he placed me back onto the white tiles. His forehead found mine as we tried to calm our rapid hearts, "you're making me a daddy" he said still catching his breath. He brush my hair behind my ear and ran his thumb over my cheek again. "thank you" he whispered and I blushed, "no thank you. For being there for me Kimi. For loving me at my best. And at my worst..." I admitted. But he shook his head. "you always have my heart Arabella Stark. For as long as I live." he confessed moving to take my hand. "I'm a lucky girl Raikkonen." I sighed smiling up at him. "yes you are" he smirked at me, causing me to roll my eyes. "now, let us go and show off to everyone" he said, "now I want to show off my baby's Mommy" he winked, causing my cheeks to flush. "say that to me in Finnish Iceman" I winked and he looked at me puzzled. I giggled and dashed off down the hall. Maybe I didn't want him to say everything in English....

The End

Thank you all so much for sticking with me through writing this book. It has taken way longer than anticipated to finish- so I feel much more appreciative of those of you who have read from the very beginning. Thank you.

CrownOfThorns22 xxx

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