Jumping Ship?

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"How are you pumpkin?" Grandad asked as we turned to head into the canteen. I wrapped my arm around his and cuddled up to him. "Really good grandad, how are you? I've missed you so much" he chuckled and patted my hand. "I am feeling better than ever." He smiled, "your mum is mothering me a little too much though" he whispered, "I feel like her second child" he winked making me giggle. "Hey I'm just glad she's not fussing over me instead" I whispered back. "What are you two whispering about?!" Mum raised a brow as she caught us. She knew when we were together we were always up to something. We ignored her and walked into the canteen ready to devour a hearty breakfast for the day ahead.


"where's the fire?!" a voice called out as I rushed through the paddock. I laughed spinning round seeing Callum staring at me. "grandads here!" I yelled, getting a huge grin off my ex colleague. Even he knew that was a big deal, but being in Seb's side of the garage of course he'd heard. I turned back the way I was heading and quickened my pace. I'd told my family I'd meet them back at the hotel once I'd finished up with Lance and the team for the day. There'd been a few things to iron out before the race tomorrow and I was already half an hour behind schedule.

Kimi was taking things easy back in his hotel room tonight, gratefully letting me have some one on one time with my family, he stole enough of the limelight as it was the rest of the time. Especially where grandad was concerned. They had a really weird bromance thing going on. I never in a million years thought I'd ever say that about them. Anyway, I was aiming to be back as quick as I could, so I had at least some time with them before I crashed out and headed to bed.


"I'm so sorry I'm late," I burst into the conversation, sliding into the vacant seat beside my mum and grandad. "it's okay, you're here now pumpkin" he smiled kindly at me. "your mum was just asking me for the 30th time if I'd taken my meds..." he winked at me, remember our conversation from earlier in the day. I smirked and glanced at mum who seemed to be a little irritated at his comment. Which made me more amused. "so how was your day in the Ferrari garage?" I asked, switching the conversation to something a little more enjoyable. "ah I have never experienced anything like it" he beamed a crinkly smile. "it's amazing isn't it" I gushed, totally remembering my first time in the garage. Although albeit mine wasn't probably as enjoyable as his...

"Kimi, this is your new media officer, Arabella Stark" Stephania, my new boss introduced me to the driver I'd be aiding through my contract. We stood in his side of the garage as he waited to go out to do some testing. We were at the Barcelona track mid season and I was to be spending the time mirroring Stephania before I took over next season. And to be fair I was shitting myself. I wasn't going to tell anyone that he was someone I had pinned on my bedroom wall, (not literally, but looking at him in the flesh, if I had the opportunity...) anyway, on announcing that I was here, he looked up from whatever data he was looking at and shot me a look. Barely a noise came out of his mouth and then his eyes were back on the screens. No matter how cool he was... or hot... That was just fucking rude. He'd ruffled my feathers in the first minute of meeting him. This was going to be the worst job I ever have. I could just tell. He's an absolute knob.


Oh how wrong I was... I sighed thinking back to meeting him. I bit my lip and surpressed my giggles. "that young lady, the one who has your old job, she was lovely" he said, making me grin, not many call Stephania young these days... "yeah, she's an awesome boss." I nodded, "why are you not back over there? Everyone seems to miss you. They all say that it's not the same round there" he said, patting my hand. I shrugged, "maybe one day grandad." I sighed. "I've only just got back to the paddock, I didn't want to be jumping ship already" I said. "that may be. But that young man of yours is desperate to have you there with him again." he said, making me smile, "and darling, he really does miss you." he winked. Now what sort of conversations was he having with Kimi? What had happened to the iceman? Was this old man thawing him out?

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