Child's Play

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After Callum was supplied with paracetamol and shoved out my room, I got dressed for the day ahead. It was Friday, which meant practice 1 and 2. The day was spent with interviews here and there; but mostly I was in the media office, distracted on my phone.

Kimi is more pissy than normal today 😱 seeing you last night with Callum has not pleased him...xx

I sighed reading the message, yeah I guess the aim of my antics last night worked, but I found myself wondering what the aim of it all actually was. Sure I wanted to show him something to look at if he kept watching me, but I guess I didn't anticipate just how pissed he may have been. Still, wasn't my problem was it. Nope, it was Callum's...

I daren't fucking breathe around that dickhead today. I accidentally brushed by him in the garage and he looked like he was gonna knife me 😵 X

That was off Callum. I cringed, I felt sorry for the people who were working with him today. I sent a few texts back to Sophia and one to Callum, I knew he'd be working on Sebastian's car right about now, so I tried to get on with some work. At least until my break which was in an hour.

It was soon lunch time and I was currently running down the paddock with little Felipe Massa. I'd acquired his company as I headed through the Williams camp on my way to check on Lance. Of course with this little dude with me, we got side tracked and found ourselves running away from Daniel Ricciardo. These two were inseparable. It was quite cute actually.

Me and Felipe had to stop, panting out of breath, and Daniel caught up to us. "Slow poke!" He laughed, bending down to tickle Felipe, who giggled a belly laugh as I laughed beside them. "Whatcha doin with a stinky girl mate?!" Dan beamed down a cheeky smile at Felipe and then me, to which I let out a playful gasp. Felipe looked up at me, "she's no girl" he crinkled up his little face, "that's Bella" he told Daniel, who burst out laughing, I couldn't help but smile, not exactly sure how I should take that. "I know,she's still a stinky girl though mate" Daniel whispered, causing me to nudge him in the side. He jumped back laughing from me. "We are going to see Lance" he told his Aussie friend, "ah, I, a little far away from the Williams garage am I right?" He frowned at me, "well we would have been there now if someone hadn't chased us half way down the paddock!" I teased, Felipe laughing as Daniel flashed me another cheeky grin. "Oh look!" Felipe gasped, interrupting our exchange, we looked to him and saw him pointing behind us, "it's the Iceman!" He yelled, loud enough for everyone around us to hear. We'd turned to see what he was pointing at before he'd said it, and that's when I felt my insides shrivel up again.

Kimi had heard little Felipe call out his nickname and a rare smile appeared on his face, that was until Minttu saw the situation unfolding as she appeared behind him. I watched as she grabbed Kimi's hand tightly in hers and pulled him away from our direction. I rolled my eyes at her, how ridiculous it all was and I didn't see Kimi wave at the little Brazilian. A snigger coming from Ricciardo brought my attention back to my company. "Drama, drama, drama" he sighed shaking his head. I let out a huff, "tell me about it" I said, looking back at him. "It's all gossip around the paddock again" Daniel said, "after their little scene at the club last night, I'm surprised she's shown up. I'd have been mortified" he said. "Thankfully I wasn't there. I took off as soon as I could." I replied, looking to my feet a little. "Don't blame ya mate, you're a brave one to be back that's for sure" he said, sitting his hands on his hips. "Brave? Or stupid?" I raised a brow at him. He grinned at me, "maybe both" he grinned, I couldn't help but smile at him, I nodded a little, maybe he was right. "But she's totally off her head to make him angry like she did" he shook his head, "Kimi is pretty cool and all that, but I'd never seen him lose his shit like he did last night. The chick must have really delivered a low blow" he said, widening his eyes at me, "oh she did" I nodded, Daniel cocked his head to one side, intrigued by my statement, I turned a little away from Felipe as I carried on, "she told him to come find me and you-know-what cause he still loves me" I said, and of course my face turned red. "Sweet jesus" Daniel whispered and whistled through his teeth. "She'll be after your blood then girl" he added, making me shake my head. "I'm trying to stay away from them. I don't wanna deal with all that crazy" I said, "somethin tells me you won't have a choice mate" he replied. I really hoped he was wrong.


That night, I was meeting Sophia for a few drinks in her hotel bar. The practice sessions had gone pretty well and both me and Lance were looking forward to his first formula one race.

"So how's your first race weekend going with williams?" Soph asked as we made our way into the bar. "Pretty good. Its totally different though, I mean, maybe it's because we were together at Ferrari, but here I know I won't be able to get away with anything" I chuckled, sliding into a free seat at the bar. Sophia laughed at my statement, "yeah it's not the same in the media office now you've gone, it's not as fun." She sighed, waving down the barman who gave her a flirty wink. "Does Seb know you flirt it up?!" I teased, Soph snorted,"oh please, Sebastian wouldn't know what a flirtation was even if it hit him in the visor" she rolled her eyes at me, making me snigger.

"Speaking of flirtation, are there any cute William's guys to accompany you to a certain wedding this year?" Soph asked with a raised brow. I rolled my eyes. "Not in the slightest" I replied shortly. Soph sighed and took a sip of her martini. "Well you're not bringing Callum as your plus one" she said, making me giggle. "There won't be any plus one, trust me" I said, gulping my drink. I hated this kind of talk. Directed at me anyway.
"So Monaco, that's where we're getting my dress from right?" I winked at her,causing her to choke on her drink. I let out a giggle as I slapped her back, "Seb would have kittens if you came strutting into our room with a dress some designer bag" she coughed. "Let's do it!" I laughed, making her smile and shake her head.

We spent the rest of the night talking dresses and the wedding, of course, it seemed like a whole lifetime to go until the big day, but to Sophia the weeks were flying by. It was pretty refreshing to have a good chat and a giggle over several cocktails before we retired for the night. But that right there, was when things made our night turn a little sour...

"Why don't you go back to your hotel and stay away from the Ferrari team?!" I heard over our shoulders as we were about to leave the bar. I outwardly groaned, why now? Soph and I shared a look and we turned around to find Minttu and some other girl, I assumed was her friend. "Not now Minttu, we're about to leave" Sophia told them, hoping we could go without any kind of silliness. "No. I want her to know that I'm onto her" she said, glaring at me. I frowned, "for what? What have I actually done?!" I asked, looking right back at her. "I know what you're up to" she said, stepping closer to me. "What might that be?" I asked, folding my arms, "working? Doing the job I was employed to do? Or having a drink with my friend?" I asked her, looking her right in the eye, "stay away from him"
"Who?" I asked, when inside my blood was boiling. How dare she. But I had to keep my cool, my job came first, I couldn't lose my shit over some jealous little girl. "MY boyfriend" she said through gritted teeth. I let out a slight smirk, "you wanna tell him to keep away from me little girl" I whispered to her. And that was it, she launched at me, going for my hair, but I of course was ready for it and slid out of the way. Sophia grabbed her and held her back as she shouted stuff at me in her mother tongue. A couple of the fellas in the bar saw her go for me and came up to settle everything down, one of whom was Kimi's engineer Antonio. "Go Minttu" he said to her, after a little protesting she huffed and walked off with her friend in tow. I sighed and shook my head. "You alright Bella?" He asked, after making sure Minttu left. I sighed and nodded, "I don't get her," I shook my head, "we hadn't done anything to her and she comes over threatening me" I said, looking at Sophia. "I know, we saw everything. Kimi's gotta keep that under control" he said, still a little out of breath.


"Well that was an end to the night" Sophia laughed as we walked through the hotel lobby. "You gonna be alright going back?" She asked me, I smiled, "I think I can handle her" I said, making Soph snigger, "I know." She hugged me, "it's child's play with her"I said, "she's just a silly little girl who's insecure. She's only gonna push him away if she carries on"
"And the sooner the better" Soph added. I didn't respond to that, but we hugged once more, wishing each other a good night, and then I left to head to my hotel a few blocks down. But thanks to that psycho, I didn't feel one bit sleepy.

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