Pep Talk

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Please tell me you haven't slept with Callum?! xxx

what's wrong with Callum? He's gorgeous, sweet sexy, the list goes on...xx

Callum is that you?!

We burst into laughter at Soph's reply, then she called us.

"Bella!" she whispered down the phone. "hey Soph"

"what are you doing? You haven't slept with him have you?" she whispered, "I can hear you, you know!" Callum yelled down the phone at her, making me laugh. Like Soph cared. "you better not have poked her!" she yelled back, getting me and him into hysterics, partly because we were a little drunk. "What's the problem?" I asked, whilst gasping for air. "Kimi is so pissed right now" she said, her words erasing my good mood. "Like I care" I scoffed. "Bella you should. He's beyond pissed at you right now." she added, "he's arguing with Minttu in the middle of the club" she told us. Callum and I shared a look. "so what? What I do has nothing to do with him."

"She's accusing him of still fancying you" she said, "what is she? 12?" I sniggered, "she actually told him to go and find you and fuck you since he can't take his eyes off you" she said, I winced at her words. "ouch"

"yeah, she's a Fucking idiot, and Kimi saw red and told her to fuck off and he stormed out." she said. By this point Callum had fallen asleep on my bed. Soph could hear him snoring. "is that callum?" she giggled, "yeah" I sniggered, looking at him fast asleep. "you haven't slept with him have you?" She whispered a lot more calmly this time. I sighed and smiled. "No Soph, I haven't, and I wouldn't. I was just pissed at Kimi and I was fed up of him staring at me like that. I mean I hung out with that chick, and now she's with him. Just makes it feel even worse" I told her with a sigh. "well your plan worked. You guys pissed him off to the max" She said, I sighed in response. "Bells?"

"yeah?" I knew I sounded fed up. "Are you okay?" she asked softly. I shook my head as tears started to pour down my cheeks. "n-noo" I answered, hearing her cooing on the other end. "aww Bella, don't cry" She hushed me. "I was so not ready to see him. I thought I was, but I'm not. Then he shows up with her, you knew about her I'm guessing?" I said, already knowing the answer. "well, yeah...but cause we never talk about him, I wasn't sure if I should say. Besides, I didn't realise you two had met before" she said. I nodded, "it's okay, it's not your fault. He can do whatever and whoever he likes, I just guess I wasn't ready to see it. Especially her, I kinda liked her too. Fucked up eh" I blubbed, trying to catch my breath. "why does it still hurt so bad Sophia? Why am I not over it by now?" I cried, tears streaming down my face. "Probably because you still love him" She answered. I shook my head.

"Bella?" Soph questioned after my long silence. "hmm"
"what are you thinking?" she asked, as I stared at Callum beside me. I shrugged, "why the hell did I come back to this place? Why did I choose to start all this up again? I knew it would come back to bite me in my arse" I sighed. Sophia laughed a little, "hey, you're the best at this job. Lance needs you, and you deserve to be here. So what if Kimi is still around, and has a bimbo on his arm. You should rub it in and show him you don't care. Even if you do..." she pushed, but I wasn't going to let her into my head just yet. "I just want you back to the fun loving girl I met when I started here, the girl I asked to be my maid of honor" she said, making me smile. "thanks Soph. I'd be lost without you"

"I know, well, get your head down, rest and wake up tomorrow like you're ready to fight. And for the love of god make sure Callum has some pain killers in him before he gets into the garage, I can't be doing with his whinging all day" she told me, making me giggle, "okay I will" I replied. We wished each other a good night and I hung up the phone.

Undressing, I slipped my Pj's on and washed the make up off my face. I managed to shove Callum over a little on the bed and I got under the covers. Laying on my back staring at the ceiling, I began to wonder. Why did Kimi get so angry? He never got into arguments with me like that. He'd never walk out and leave me in the club. I frowned. I needed to stop thinking about him. He'd spent too long in my brain this week already. Tomorrow was a new day, and I was gonna take it by the balls and show everyone Bella is back. No one is messing with me anymore.

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