Home For The Week

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"Jesus, look at this place" Sophia gasped as we pulled up outside of the log cabin we'd booked for the week. I parked the car and the five of us climbed out. "pretty cool right?" I smiled, standing there taking it in for myself. The others grabbed the cases out of the trunk of the 4x4 and joined me in front of the house. "we gonna head inside then? I'm freezing my tits off here" Selena so elegantly put it. I flashed a look at her and smirked, nodding, I grabbed my case and headed on towards the steps of the cabin. 


The cabin itself was pretty impressive. From the front door we walked into a dining area, kitchen off to the left, living area towards the back and the five bedrooms to the right. It had a great cosy feel to it, which was good because the temperatures in these parts weren't exactly balmy this time of year. 

Sophia got the pick of the bedrooms, which was a given, leaving the rest of us to fight it out. Not that any of us really cared, but I did end up with a pretty room, with a view of the country side behind the cabin. I dumped my case onto the ottoman and proceeded to unpack, making short work of it, unpacking was never my thing.

"knock knock" I turned to find Sophia in the doorway. I smiled, letting her walk in and flop onto the bed. "I can't believe you picked this place for me" she said, as I busied myself hanging dresses into the wardrobe. "it wasn't all me," I replied, "Kimi knew the best place" I said, Sophia laughed. "well you can thank that man of yours for me" she said. I turned round to face her, "that I will, but I'm not planning on talking to him any time soon. This is a going to be a girls only trip" I said, folding my arms as I rested back against the wardrobe. "well, partly" I smirked, receiving a look of alarm off Sophia. I chuckled, "now, I dunno about you, but I'm starving, and I was told that the fridge would be stocked up for us. How about we grab the others and crack open some pizza boxes and beers?" 

"sounds like a plan" my friend beamed, pulling herself up off the bed. We left my room and headed down the corridor, knocking on bedroom doors as we did. Selena and Cameron were in their rooms unpacking and the youngest of the five of us, Pepper, was already in the kitchen firing up the oven. I should maybe say at this point too, that our companions on this trip were friends of ours; Cameron and Selena were part of Ferrari, we had met them a few years back when we had started at the team, they had started in the merchandise design team and we'd managed to stay friends. They were a little more outrageous than Sophia and myself, but we got on well and were great company on a night out. We just didn't do that all too often now, but we planned on making up for that this week...

And then there was Pepper. She was only a few months younger than us, but she always seemed a hell of a lot younger than us because she was much more naïve. She was the one we needed to look  after. She had known Soph from her previous job, and I'd met her a fair few times over the years and got on like a house on fire with her. So, after making a few calls to the girls, the guest list was formed, and here we are. 

"that's what I'm talking about" Selena said as she spotted the pizzas lined up on the counter ready to be put into the oven. And when I say said, I mean almost shouted, she was crazily loud, brash but a loyal friend. She'd kick anyone's ass that hurt you, she was pretty intimidating with her jet black hair, piercings and numerous tattoos. But she was awesome. "I'm really craving potato wedges and Guinness right about now" she said, making me snigger.

We found ourselves moving around the kitchen, preparing food and opening bottles of beer, coke for me, and then chilling out in the dining room until the food was done. "so what's the plan for the week ahead?" Sophia asked a little nervously. I grinned, making Selena chuckle. Pepper looked at us wide eyed. She was as shy as they come, but with her long flowing red hair and bright green eyes, she always had the boys falling at her feet. That girl was like a siren, with the body to match. "well, we've got a few things lined up, but I won't spoil the surprises just yet" I answered. "tomorrow we have a day booked in a Spa not too far from here, and then we head out for dinner, drinking and dancing." I said, "but for tonight, we drink!" I declared, raising my flute glass, brimming with coke and we all toasted to the  chaos that was to come. 

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