Old Reminders

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"so have you started planning your bachelor party yet Seb?" I asked him. "you better as Kimi, he's doing it all" he replied. I turned my head to the side and frowned, "youre planning it?" I quizzed, "oh great..." I heard Sophia sigh from my left side. Kimi turned his head to look at me with a smirk on his face. "yes. What is the matter?" he asked smugly. "Nothing..." I answersed, turning back to laying facing the sky. We were all chilling out under the suns rays taking advantage of the peace before race week next week. "aren't you planning Sophia's?" he asked, still watching me. "yeah..." I answered, admittedly sounding shady... "and what does that mean?" Seb asked, raising his head off his towel and looking across at me. I smirked, "hey, you have him planning your party, what's wrong with Bella?!" Sophia countered Seb's reaction. I turned away, leaving the two of them having a little heated discussion, facing kimi who was layed grinning. "you just plan on taking him out and getting him pissed right?" I asked him. "of course" Kimi shrugged, "please don't get strippers, Sophia really won't like that" I whispered, still hearing her and Seb 'discussing' their plans. Kimi scoffed, "I mean it Kimi!" I warned him. "yes yes. No stripping" he replied, making me giggle. "you can strip, I doubt there'll be many wanting to throw money at you though" I sniggered. He turned his head to me, feigning hurt, "you would throw a euro or two my way wouldn't you?!" he asked. I shook my head, "why pay for something I can get all a for free?" I quirked my brow at him and then rolled over to try and settle Sophia down. The idea of Kimi planning Sebastian's bachelor party was clearly not a good plan as far as she was concerned, but I eventually calmed her down and promised I'd make sure Kimi wouldn't do anything well, too Kimi.


"so when are you having the party?"
"where are you even going?"
"not sure"
"have you actually even started planning it yet Kimi?"
"no" I groaned in frustration, "let me guess, you have sorted everything out?" he asked me, making me smile, "of course. Not that I'm telling you the details" I added. Kimi rolled his eyes, flicking on the TV. We were back in out hotel room, I wanted to grab a shower and start getting ready for our reservations at wherever Kimi was taking me tonight for dinner.

"if you tell me, maybe we can plan something together." he shrugged. I stopped brushing my wet hair and looked round at him. "you would not want to be going out with us" I replied, seeing Kimi shrug. "Seb would. I think they would like it" he said, making me pause to think. Actually, he was right. For once... "but we wouldn't tell them" I grinned mischievously, "have half the night doing our own thing, and then meet up somewhere for the rest of the night. And I know just the place we can meet" I grinned, feeling even more excited about my best friends bachelorette party.


An hour later, I emerged out of the bathroom, dressed in a short black dress, spaghetti straps and a lace bodice with a pleated skirt. As the door opened Kimi's attention drew straight to me, watching me as I walked over to him. He smiled, a smile that made my tummy swirl and I flicked the peak of his hat upwards so I could bend down to kiss his lips.

I tried to pull away, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me down onto his lap. I giggled and kissed him again, feeling his other hand trace circles along my lower back. "do I look okay then?" I found myself asking shyly when our lips parted. The look in Kimi's eyes was enough to answer my question, making me blush. He said nothing, but then reached out and grabbed a small box which was sitting beside him. Not taking his eyes off me, he took all of me in as I watched him place the box in front of me. I glanced up at him, his eyes silently asking me to open it. I felt my pulse quicken, wondering what it was, but the box seemed familiar for some reason. Wasting no more time I opened it up, and I gasped. I looked up at him, seeing a soft smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. I Looked down at the box once again, then back at Kimi. The moment he first gave me this gift felt like it was only weeks ago...


Christmas night to me was probably the most magical. After the long day of cooking, eating and drinking, the night was the best part. Everything was cleaned and put away and the fire was stoked and crackling. Kimi lay on the couch watching it absent-mindedly whilst he waited for me to bring our drinks and snacks through.

Setting the tray down on the foot rest, and Kimi pulling back the fluffy red blanket, I took up the space beside him, molding my body against his, when something sharp dug into my hip. "argh what the fuck is that?!" I hissed, moving to see what prodded me. I looked down to find a smallish brown box sitting on the couch.

"Kimi, what's this?" I frowned, staring at the box. "open it" he told me. I glanced up at him, catching his eye, he smiled "open it" he encouraged me with a nod of his head. I carefully picked the box up in my hand, snapping the lid open. I gasped, inside, sitting on the dark brown velvet was the most sparkly tennis bracelet. "oh my God Kimi" I was breathless. I couldn't take my eyes off it. "you like it yes?" he asked, my eyes painfully tore away from the diamond studded jewellery, to his twinkling eyes. "oh Kimi, I love it" I beamed, looking down at my gift. "are you sure you want to give me this though?" I asked as I watched him take the bracelet from the box. He frowned and looked to me, "shut up." he simply stated, making me roll my eyes. "I wanted to make something only for you" he told me as he carefully closed the clasp. "wait, you designed this?" I asked with a frown. "yes" he chuckled. "I am not just going to buy you any old shit" he smiled, me mirroring his expression, "you are perfection. And so, is a diamond. You belong together" he said, raising my wrist to his mouth, kissing my pulse point. "I love you with all of my heart Bella" he whispered, locking eyes with me.


"my... My bracelet" I whispered, feeling tears begin to bubble up. "you kept it?" I asked, looking back to his eyes again. That smile was still there, "of course I did. It's yours" he answered, watching me intently. "Kimi..." I sighed, I didn't know what to say, I was in shock that he had actually kept it "it is a first for you to be speechless" he teased, making me scowl at him playfully. "put it on, it is not to be sat in a box all this time" he told me. Without hesitation I picked it up, looking at its beauty as if it was the first time I'd seen it. It still took my breath away. Kimi gently took it in his hands and fastened it around my wrist. The diamonds shone wildly, dazzling my watery eyes. "I can't believe you kept it" I said again, still not taking my eyes off it. "it only belongs to you Bella." he replied softly, "I was most hurt you gave me it back. It was a gift for you" he added, instantly making me feel guilty. My mind flashed back to the day I left, leaving the note of him, and placing the bracelet in his locker with his phone and wallet. I couldn't just take it, it would have cost him thousands. I didn't say anything to him, but placed my hands upon his cheeks and brought his lips to my own. "we can always stay here and skip the meal" he smirked.

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