Feels Like Home

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The guys had spent the rest of the night with us, squeezed into the booth we were provided with at the beginning of our visit here. Conveniently the girls had taken a liking to Seb and Kimi's friends so they were quite happy chilling with them. Which was lucky for me, because I had a rather frisky Fin on my hands.

"Kimi!" I gasped, feeling his wandering hands roam up the bottom of my dress as I sat on his lap. He chuckled at me and carried on, "Kim!" I hissed at him a little, making him scoff at me. "no one is looking" he shrugged with a smirk, making me frown at him, "um, do you remember who you are?" I asked him, making him shrug again, "then they will be looking at me, not you" he teased me, making me snort. "you're an asshole" I rolled my eyes, hearing him chuckle at me. "you love me" he responded smugly. "that's irrelevant" I tried to hold back my smile, as he laughed loudly. I smirked at him, holding his gaze. He flashed me that smile, which showed me all his feelings, my stomach fluttered. He motioned with his head for me to move closer, which I did, leaning against his chest. "I'm ready to leave, are you?"


Twenty minutes we were in the back of our car, along with Sebastian and Sophia. They were sitting across from us, Soph snuggled up against Seb, kissing and giggling with him, acting like teenagers like they so often did. We were used to them being this way, don't get me wrong, we weren't exactly angels, but tonight I was just sat contently on Kimi's lap, looking out of the window. The warmth of him and his scent was comforting right now, threatening to send me off into a sleep, but a certain view out of the window had me distracted, and I lifted my head from his chest and stared outside.

"Bella?" Kimi whispered to me, bringing his hand to rest on my back. "are, are we going to your house?" I whispered, failing to hide the panic in my voice, not that he didn't know what was racing through my head.
"it is okay Kulta." he whispered, rubbing my back with his rough hand. I looked to his eyes, seeing them soft and loving as always. "we're only going home" he said. I let out a shaky breath and looked back out the window. I really didn't expect to feel like this going back there. But thoughts flowed through my head. Had it all changed? Was everything still the same? How many girls had he had back here? Minttu? The thought made my stomach turn, and I sure as hell wasn't ready for this.


It didn't take long to arrive there, on the drive way of his beautiful house. The driver opened up the door for us, myself climbing out, finding my legs had turned to jelly. "what's the matter?" Sophia came over, whispering to me whilst the guys made their way into the house. "I don't know" I swallowed hard as we followed them. "I, I guess I needed to prepare for this..." I whispered, walking up the familiar hallway, "there's so much we haven't talked about yet, I guess lots of insecurities I need to address" I said, "maybe this is the perfect place" Sophia shrugged as she looked round in awe at the house I was almost about to call home.


Kimi led the way into his family room,  me automatically taking my heels off by the door we'd come in. Sebastian followed his team mate over to the huge leather couch looking out onto the swimming pool, "do you like something to eat?" Kimi turned to look at myself and Sophia mainly, I nodded, "go help yourself." Kimi told me, holding my gaze, almost questioning if I was okay with that. I nodded again and told Sophia to come with me.

"this house is amazing" Sophia said once we'd gotten far enough away from the guys. "I know" I smiled sadly, I'd missed this house since the last time I had visited. "sorry Bells" Soph sighed, resting her hand on my shoulder. I looked back at her and half smiled as we walked through the numerous rooms to access the kitchen. "what's weird is, nothing feels any different, I feel like I've never left. That scares me... "

"why?!" Sophia frowned at me. I shrugged, "Kimi worships you. Get a grip" Sophia said bluntly. I sighed, feeling even more stupid then the little panic attack I had in the car on the way here. I nodded, then began to search through the cupboards for some snacks.


We made our way back to the family room, on the way promising myself to do what Sophia said, and chill out a little. I threw some packets of chips at Seb, who was joined by Sophia on the couch. They snuggled up together, looking out at view in front of them. Pretty much what Kimi and I always did.

I moved around the couch and joined Kimi, who was sitting in his usual spot on the couch, waiting for me with his cream blanket. I felt my stomach swirl at the familiarity. I snuggled up beside him, as he draped the blanket over my body, and pressing a kiss against my head. The silence in the room was comforting, the only noise coming from Seb crunching his chips at the other end of the couch.

"I've missed this" Kimi whispered to me as he held me tight. I smiled to myself. "me too" I sighed, closing my eyes, taking in the moment. It was a couple of beats before anything else was said. "it has only ever been you Bella" he whispered almost too quiet for even me to hear, never mind Seb and soph, who were in their own little world right now too. "hmm?" I sighed once again, half dozing, half just enjoying the peace. "here. There has only ever been you in this house" he told me. My eyes fluttered open at his words. I turned my head to look at his face, his serious expression fixed on his face. "it shouldn't matter, but I need you to know that there hasn't been anyone here since you left. This house is yours. Only yours" well damn.

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