Snow Bunnies

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Two Days later....

So it was Wednesday and we were well into the swing of things. And when I say that, I mean we were all feeling totally hungover. Especially after last night. It had been our first huge blow out since we had arrived, dancing and drinking into the early hours, and by god we were feeling it this morning. 

I hobbled into the living area, my hair looking like something could probably nest in there, last night's make up still splattered across my face and I think my pyjamas were on inside out. quite frankly I'm amazed I'd managed to get them on at 4am in my drunken fuzzyness. "hrumph" I groaned out as I vaguely made out Soph, Cameron and Pepper nursing cups of hot coffee, looking pretty much the same as I did. They replied to my murmur in a similar way too and I dropped down in a spare chair and grabbed the coffee cup that was so patiently waiting for me. I took a good chug of it and rested my head back into the welcoming comfy leather seat. "where's Selena?" I mumbled, choosing not to open my eyes. But an answer was not needed, as the front door flung open with a thud, causing us all to wince in unison, and the woman in question came bounding toward us. 

"please don't tell me you've been on a run?" I said, barely even opening my eyes. "damn fucking right!" she bellowed, making us all groan again. "what the fuck?" I responded, I mean, she was the one knocking back the shots quicker than we were. She laughed, "the cold morning air subdues the nausea and the headache. I'm ready for a day on the Piste now" she answered, bouncing on her toes. "funny, that's what I thought we'd done last night" I chuckled, I couldn't resist that one...



 "I can't fucking do it Kimi!" I yelled, throwing my sticks into the snow in frustration. Kimi laughed. I scowled. "it is OK, you are doing fine" he chuckled, obviously trying to hide his amusement. "I can't even Fucking stop without falling on my arse!" I snapped, struggling to get up out of the snow. Yeah this was probably my 1000th fall. Kimi walked over to me in his ski's, any other time I'd have laughed at his amusing waddle, but not now. "you have a very nice arse" he said, awkwardly using my English term. I couldn't help but smile. "I shall kiss it better when we get back home" he purred softly. "you better" I told him, sighing as I began to calm down. "come on, one more try and we stop for lunch"

Many a flashback was popping into my head as I stared down at the fluffy white snow beneath my skis. I was shit at this sport then, and I'm still shit at it now. Although it wasn't as bad then really, I had a sexy Fin to kiss my bumps and bruises and I didn't have this pig of a hangover affecting my mood.  

I was still hungry, which wasn't a good thing as that affected my mood somewhat, and I'd just gotten a What'sApp message off Kimi. He was bizarrely taking more selfie's lately and the one he'd sent me just made me miss him that little bit more. He'd text me a few times since the guys had landed, but I'd not seen his face for a few days and I was missing him so bad. "you ready to fall on your ass Bella?!" Cameron laughed as she called me out, snapping me out of my daze. I looked up, seeing her looking like a fucking Barbie doll on skis. seriously, she had bright pink thermals on, snowsuit to match, white boots, black gloves and a black head band covering her ears. I discovered that said head band didn't stifle her hearing any because when I asked where Ken was she shoved me hard enough for me to lose balance and fall on my behind. "technically that's a fall from abuse, not inadequate skiing skills" I pointed out as I looked up at her from my spot in the freezing cold snow. why was I even still sat in it?!  I grabbed Cam's outstretched hand and stood back up. "enough of the ego bashing, can you at least just help me onto the lift" I said, throwing my arm up, indicating the way I wanted to be taken. She giggled at me and helped me over to the ski lift. I even hated these things. The things I do for friends...


Lunch time came and we were now in the safety of the Lodge. I was thankful of the warmth of the open fire, and the hot burger that I held between my hands. "how's the head Soph?" I asked as she sat across from me, looking as happy to be eating as I. "pretty good now. I've stopped seeing double" she nodded, then taking a bite out of her food as I let out a belly laugh. 

The food was so good here, and after a light drink or two, we were lazing by the open fire, watching the snow falling from the sky outside. "Miss Tino?" a voice interrupted our peace and quiet. The five of us looked around, to find some dashing guy smiling at us all. "um that's... That's me...." Sophia answered, the worry in her voice evident, making me giggle as I watched him walk over to her. He was dressed in a dark blue snow suit, the jacket tied around his small waist, showing off his tight fitting thermals underneath. He held his hand out to her, which she took, whilst giving me a little glare. I sniggered a little more, I knew she'd think it was a stripper, which made this whole thing funnier. "my name is Marcus, I shall be teaching you a thing or two on the slopes this afternoon" he smiled at her. The Four of us giggled again childishly at the handsome man's remark. "o-oh okay" she blushed, shaking his hand. "and these guys will be taking your friend's out too" he turned, pointing behind my chair. I turned and looked round, seeing four more guys standing there now, dressed the same as Marcus. That floored me, we'd booked a guy to take Sophie out for a few hours, not for all of us. However, Cam and Selena didn't waste any time and they jumped up and rushed over to two of the guys. I rolled my eyes at them both, when another guy made his way over to the couch opposite me, to a nervous looking Pepper. I smiled as I watched her blushing like crazy as the cute guy bent down and spoke to her.

"shall I just leave now?" another voice came frim behind me. I looked round seeing a rugged looking guy with a shaved head looking at me with a smirk. I sniggered and flopped back into my chair. "I think you'd be wasting your time taking me out there" I told him, seeing now that even Pepper had left with her tutor, leaving me and this guy alone. He moved around my chair and sat on the couch closest to me. "I'm Travis by the way" he said, looking at me as he perched on the seat. "Bella" I smiled, recieving a nod off him. "so I'm guessing you don't like skiing?" he asked making me smile. "I guess you could say that" I answered, looking over at him. The smile he gave me made me blush. He was a handsome boy, had a little look of Timberlake about him. "well, I'm more than happy to chill out here and get paid for talking to a beautiful lady, or maybe we could get you enjoying the snow a little?" he raised a brow at me. "and how do you propose we do that?" I asked, making him smirk a little more. Oh crap, I had a feeling I was going to end up in trouble by the end of the day...

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