There's Someone Who wants To Say Hi

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Today was the big day. Well, in terms of surprising Soph with Seb. I was psyched to be reunited with Kimi and also ready to let my hair down with my best friends. Who's weekend was this...

Anyway, we took the day to do a little sightseeing around the city. Why come all this way and not take in some of the culture. Even Cam and selena were down for it too. Sophia knew that we had a big night planned, but she didn't ask too many questions. I think she knew better than to try. We still had two more days in Finland, and those days were going to be needed to recover from tonight...


The people around us must have wondered what the hell was going on as we all kind of semi staggered down the street, squealing and laughing as we went. The girls were beyond tipsy, myself and Sophia weren't too far behind, but I needed to be a little level headed to sign us into a certain club, owned by a certain Fin of mine...

"Bella, Bella Raikkonen" I said, trying to keep my voice down, turning away from the others. "Raikkonen?!" Soph pushed up against me, nudging my shoulder. I glanced over at her briefly, then back to the list the guy was scanning. "He told you to give that name?!" she squeaked. I rolled my eyes and chose to ignore her as the guy with the list unclipped the rope and ushered us all through. "Kimi?" Soph pressed again, "it's his place right?" she said as we walked through the club, actually we were taken through by some girl who worked here. "Please Miss Bella, I will take you and your ladies up to the VIP area. There is a booth ready for you, Mr Raikkonen has requested an open bar for you and your party" she explained as we followed her. "okay thank you" I nodded, not really expecting that. She led us through the crowds of people to a booth situated just off the dance floor. "impressive" Cameron nodded approvingly as we slid into the seat. I was about to ask the girl to bring us over a bottle of something when a young guy appeared, dressed in black pants and a crisp white shirt, holding a huge bottle of champagne. "your boyfriend is the best" Selena squeaked eyeing up the guy and the bottle. Yeah, I couldn't argue with that.


So, a few bottles of champagne had been consumed, and we were more than a little merry, which in a place like this wasn't ideal. It meant that although I was still a smidgen sober, I was getting swept well and truly into the party mood which meant soon enough I was up on stage with the other girls, singing....



"are they singing what I think they're singing?" Seb asked as they stood watching the scene unfold in front of them. He, his friends and Kimi had just arrived at the club, ready to crash the girls' night when they happened upon the latest act of entertainment. The girls, on stage slaughtering a song. Kimi just made some sort of noise in response to his team mate. His eyes were fixed on his girl, clad in a tight black dress, swaying on the stage as she belted out the words to their chosen song. He couldn't help but smirk

"And if, you don't love me now
You will never love me again
I can still hear you saying
You would never break the chain"



As the guitar riff rung out into the bar, I looked out into the crowd, and just like that, I spotted those eyes. As sly as a fox, not missing a trick and most importantly fixed on me. My heart rate soared, as did the butterflies in my stomach. All of a sudden I sobered up, and didn't care about the girls up there singing with us. I simply grabbed Sophia's hand and slipped off the stage. The other three were too far gone to even notice.

"what the hell Bella?!" Sophia frowned as I led the way through the people in the bar. "there's someone here who wants to say hi" I told her, looking over my shoulder at her with a smirk. "you'll love him" I winked.

We reached the group of guys seconds later, tapping the tallest one on the shoulder. He turned around, greeting me with a smile, "where is he?" I asked, discreetly noticing Seb wasn't present. "they're at the bar" he answered. I thanked him and grabbed Soph again, pulling her passed the three guys and towards the bar.

"Bells, they looked like-"
"can I get you ladies a drink?" that voice made Sophia's head shoot round, a massive grin erupted on her face. "oh my god!! Seb!!" she squealed immediately grabbing him for a hug. He laughed at her, grinning at me over her shoulder. I stood back and watched them with a smile. A little relief washed over me as the Plan came off perfectly. "beautiful" I heard a purr in my ear, my heart instantly pounded in my chest, I spun round to fling my arms around his neck, "I've missed.... You..." I paused, the smile dropping from my face, seeing a guy who wasn't my Fin standing there. The guy smirked at me, "you thought I was someone else?" he asked, raising his brow, "I can be anyone you want baby" he murmured, sidleing up close to me, attempting to put his hands on me. But before another move was made, the guy was pulled back rather sharply by his shirt collar. I jumped at the sudden movement, seeing some huge bald bouncer bloke dragging him away. My expression shifted when I saw someone fill the newly vacant space. "you did that I gather?" I smirked. Kimi shrugged at me like it was nothing. I bit my lip as I watched him casually move over to me, looking me up and down like he always does. "you touch my woman, you're out my house" he said, eyes fixed to my mouth. "hmm, I like this power you have" I sighed, finally touching him, sliding my hands up his chest and around the back of his neck. He smiled down at me, his nose millimetres from mine as his hands gripped my bum, pressing me hard against him. "you know I can take control of any situation" he said in almost a whisper. I couldn't hold back my smile at his comment, but instead of giving him a verbal response, I pulled him closer, pressing a passionate kiss to his lips.

The tension between us had reached its peak a long while ago, but for some reason we'd not taken it to the next level. But God in heaven I needed a reward for the abstinence. This man was my undoing and I was just about ready to release right here in his hands. Literally. "Aion tehdä sinusta tuhat kertaa, kun saan sinut sängyssäni" (I'm going to make you come a thousand times over when I get you in my bed) he whispered before kissing me again.

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