Are We Grown Ups?!

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The shirt was sticking to my back as I walked through the paddock. The sun was glaring down on me and I was beginning to get more than a little irritated. I used the papers I was holding to fan myself a little, hoping the slight breeze made the walk down in this heat bearable. "you do know that you produce enough energy fanning yourself to actually not cool yourself down at all doing that?" a voice distracted me, and I looked over my shoulder rolling my eyes, "there's only you who would know that" I smirked at him, making him chuckle. "how the hell are ya Vettel?" I asked him as he moved up to walk beside me. "good." he nodded, "recovered from your trip yet?" I smirked, knowing he was totally worse for wear according to Soph. He chuckled and nodded, running his hand over the top of his hair. "I cannot do that again. I am getting too old I think" he said, making me snort. "I hear ya Seb. At our age it's more 'cosy night in' huh" I smirked. "ha! tell that to your other half!" he laughed. "I know right" I sighed, "sometimes I swear he thinks he's still 18" I snorted, Sebastian giggling beside me. "I hear he has asked you to move in with him" he stated, grinning widely at me. I returned his smile and nodded, "yup." not meaning to let out the sigh that accompanied my answer. I felt Sebastian's eyes on me and I was waiting for him to ask...

"If you need some time to think about it..." He started, "do I sound that unsure?" I smirked. Sebastian rested his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it- getting my answer. "honestly though, I'm not. I want to live with him." I said, looking to my feet as we walked through the paddock. "but..."

"I just don't feel excited. Not like I would have done- before..." I said, feeling ashamed. "you will do. But you have a lot going on. Planning the wedding of the year for a start" He grinned cheekily at me. I let out a snort and nudged him with my elbow. "once you have your belongings in the house and you're settled in, it'll feel like home" he said softly, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I nodded silently. "not to mention the dog Kimi's planning on getting..." Sebastian couldn't help but laugh, "WHAT?!" I gasped, darting my head round to look at him. "I think you better talk to him...." he giggled more.


"a bloody when would we have time for a dog...and what dog?" I waffled to myself. "huh?" I jumped and looked around, seeing Lance looking at me wide eyed. "nothing" I said with a breathy laugh. "Kimi, well Seb- he told me Kimi wants us to get a dog" I laughed it off with a roll of my eyes. "both of you? Y-You've not even moved in with him yet" Lance frowned at me. "I know" I rolled my eyes again, "it's probably not even true" I waved it off. "I dunno Bells" Lance smirked walking over to me. I passed him his helmet and took his drinks bottle off him. "If I ain't careful I'm gonna lose ya to him and Ferrari" he said, big brown eyes looking at me through his visor. "don't be stupid" I snorted, "now get out there and smash in some laps" I said, smacking the top of his lid.


"Not a bad day for your guys huh" I sighed as I walked into Sophia's room back at the hotel. She smiled and shrugged, "what can I say, I got the best" she smirked, making me roll my eyes, pushing the door closed with my bum. "have you got something strong to drink if there's gonna be smushy love floating around in here tonight" I asked her. I followed her through to the mini bar that they had in the kitchen area of their mini suite. "we got this delivered to our room when we arrived." 

"a little premature isn't it?" I asked as I looked at the chilled Dom Perignon she held in her hands. "that's what Seb said" she huffed, "and a little silly considering you can't drink it whilst working. Or driving...." I added, smirking at her. "I dunno, your hubby seems to be able to manage it" she smirked again before turning to grab some glasses. "don't call him that" I huffed following behind her. "he practically is though" she stated. I took a seat at the stools behind the breakfast bar and shook my head in disagreement. "Nope. There has been no ring, no exchange in vows. Therefore- no husband status" I replied blankly. "well it's only a matter of time Bells-y!" she sang at me. I grimaced at her new name for me "nah, Stark is what I am, and that is what I'm staying." I declared, "besides, moving in with the grumpy old man is enough for me right now" Sophia giggled at me and I grinned, "that and getting a dog." she burst into my laughter and my grin dropped. "Oh I bet Vettel had a ball telling you about that!" I snorted and Soph smiled, "I think it's cute!" she cooed. "well it'd be nice if he actually told me about it" I said, pulling Sophia's wedding planner across the kitchen counter to me. "he's probably mentioned it to Seb in conversation." She brushed it off. "I think it's kinda cute." She shrugged again, "I mean, we all know he can't wait to be with you. Live together, be a family" she smiled, leaning on the counter facing me. "a pup would complete the picture." she smiled. "for now...."

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