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Hey guys! Finally a new chappy to post! Sorry for any mistakes, haven't proof read yet. Just wanted to get it published. Hope it's not too shabby for being away so long!

Warning of slight Smutty language... Enjoy!

The party was in full swing when we arrived. And when I say we, I mean myself and Lance. I'd turfed Kimi out when I had my shower. I needed to get ready and more importantly arrive with my team, not Ferrari.

We walked into the main hall of the hotel where the party was held. It was rather impressive I must say. Naturally we headed for a drink, meeting up with some of the team at the bar.
"not a bad first season hey Stark" Travis grinned at me, passing me a drink. "not bad at all." I nodded, "working with this one has been easier than last year" I teased Lance. He looked round at me in shock which made me giggle. "you sticking around for next season too?" Travis asked, Lance listening intently too. I was about to answer his question when a figure appeared in the distance, noticing him over Travis' shoulder. I smiled. "yeah definately" I nodded. Travis raised his glass to me and we toasted. "something tells me it's not just your job you're sticking around for" Travis winked, noticing Kimi appear not too far away. I laughed, "not necessarily. If I left this sport again it'd only be the job, my world would still be here" I cooed, momentarily losing my no bullshit persona. Although I'd noticed I'd mellowed out since joining Williams. I suppose I didn't have to fight Kimi on everything anymore. I did miss that though.

"do you want to head over to him, Vettel and Sophia?" Lance suggested, seeing Kimi watching us. I swear he made my rookie nervous. "hmm no, he can wait" I said innocently, knowing Kimi would get angry that I'd ignored him so far. But I was going to push his buttons a little more.

I excused myself from my colleagues and headed on over towards Kimi and his engineer. Kimi's eyes were fixed on me as I strutted over, expecting me to greet him with a kiss little did he know I was putting my plan into action. "ah Bella, good to see you" Dave greeted me with a smile. "Hey Dave, how have you been?" I beamed a smile back. I'd not seen Dave much at all this season. I loved working with him at Ferrari. Sharing the difficulties of working with the Fin. "good thank you, life's treating me well." he nodded. "how's the family? The girls okay?" I asked, I genuinely liked him and working together always felt like being a little family as cheesy as it sounds. We talked and caught up a little, all the while Kimi was just stood there listening, until he was brought up, "so how's life at William's?" Dave asked, I smiled, "it's great. The team are hard working and dedicated. Can't ask for more" I nodded, "it's a hell of a lot more chilled and stress free over there too" I said, glancing at Kimi as I said that. Naturally he smirked. "I bet" Dave laughed, then someone caught his eye "oh we'll have to have a talk later, Antonio's wanting me" he said, excusing himself from our company.

As soon as he left Kimi stepped closer to me, his hands automatically caressing my hips, his gaze down at my cleavage. "eyes up iceman" I said, pushing his chin up gently with my finger. He looked into my green eyes and smirked, "hands off too, I'm opposition remember?" I wriggled out of his grasp. Kimi frowned, "like fuck I won't touch you. Williams or not" he said, pawing at me again. "you like what you see boy racer?" I smirked, stepping closer to him. He grinned back at me, he liked it when I flirted with him. "I'm no boy" he purred back confidently. And he had reason to be. "hmm, I know, I remember... I still have dreams about it" I sighed, biting my lip, pressing myself against him. Doing all those things he liked. Kimi's smirk got bigger, "yes?"
"oh God yes." I briefly closed my eyes. "your rough hands on my thighs" I sighed thinking about it. "pressing kisses onto my neck..." I looked back at him as I ran my hand over the spot on my neck that he kissed, "and the feeling of your breath on my skin making my nipples hard" I groaned that last part as I pushed myself against him. I saw him gulp at what I was describing, and as he moved closer, ready to make a move, I moved away abruptly. "okay well I guess I'll head to the bathroom. The guys are still waiting for me" I said, indicating back to where I came from. I looked at a very displeased Kimi and winked. "you are leaving me this way?" he snapped, I looked down and saw his semi pressing through his jeans. I stepped closer once more, briefly pressing my thigh against it, "for now. You don't know how wet I get just knowing how turned on you are for me." I whispered in his ear, my lips brushing the curve of it, "knowing you can take me whenever I want...I love it" I purred, pulling away from him, and with a quick press of my lips on his, I was on my way to the bathroom. Leaving him well on his way to being in Limbo.

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