Familiar Faces

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A short chapter guys, but this needed to be on its own...

"We must be crazy!" I shrieked laughing as we ran as fast as we could down the desolate paddock as we headed to the driver's conference. "it's nothing we haven't done before!" Lance called back to me as he ran ahead, obviously fitter than I. That was true, there had been plenty of times we'd forgotten the umbrella as we headed out somewhere, opting to leg it to wherever we needed to be. Usually it was to interviews and the interviewer would give us some odd looks, but that made us find it funnier. Today though, the rain really took the cake. It was coming down like a bitch and I knew I was going to regret running in this stuff. 

Finally we made it to the building, not getting inside quick enough. Lance pulled off his baseball hat off instantly, shaking his head like a dog as he tried to rid his hair of water. The hat not exactly doing much to shelter him. "see smart arse, thinking you were gonna be safe in that" I nodded at him. He snorted, "says the chick bent over the pot plant" he burst into laughter as he watched me. I pulled my tongue out at him but howled with hysterics at the situation. I was stood, bent over the plant in the corner of the lobby area, wringing my hair out into the plant pot! 

"I wondered when I was going to hear that familiar laugh around here again" a very familiar voice interrupted our joking around. Lance and I turned to the door way and there was a sight I didn't think I'd see yet. "Stefania" I beamed a smile at Arrivebene's wife. She smiled kindly at me, "I have missed you Arabella" she said, she was the only one I allowed to call me that. I loved her, and missed her being my 'go-to' boss under her husband. I briefly wondered why she was there, it wasn't usually her thing to be here doing the work with the drivers, but then interrupting my thoughts and before I could respond to her kind statement, movement from the doorway distracted me. walking in from the rain, head covered in a hood and cap, was the one person that took me off guard more than anyone or anything. Oblivious to my presence, he pulled his hood down,  then looking up to see who was causing the commotion in the lobby area, those icy blue eyes locked with mine. Piercing right through to my heart. Kimi.

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