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Not a word was spoken as we walked through the lobby of my hotel. I expected him to leave me there, yet he didn't. We travelled up in the lift, and down the hall to my room. I shakily got my room key out my purse and taking it out of my hands softly, he unlocked my room.

"Thank you" I whispered, my eyes still blurred from unshed tears as he pushed the door open and let me walk inside. I placed my purse on the dresser and turned back to him, ready to say goodnight, but instead he closed the door. He must have seen the surprise on my face as I stood in the middle of the room looking back at him. He uncomfortably scratched the back of his neck, "I thought, that maybe I should wait a while until you are settled?" He said, looking down to the floor a little. My heart fluttered at his sweet actions and I smiled a little at him. "Okay"

His eyes darted up to mine at my acceptance, and he smiled. "Um, I think I'm going to freshen up a little" I said, feeling my cheeks flush a little. He nodded, still keeping his small smile and turned his attention to the tv. He picked up the remote and turned it on as he flopped down onto my bed, flicking his shoes off in the process. Well, he was making himself comfy.... So I grabbed a few of my things and headed to the bathroom. This was so weird.


Twenty minutes later, I emerged from the shower. Feeling instantly better from cleaning my body of the sweat and smell of the club, feeling the paw prints of that Russian guy wash down the plug hole. I dried off, pulling on my leggings and favourite hoodie. I tied my damp hair up onto the top of my head and swiped away my panda eyes with a make up wipe. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked tired. Exhausted and miserable. But a cough in the next room made me instantly smile. He was still there. It was a stupid thought, but part of me feared he had left while I was in here. So I hung my towel on the rail and opened the door.

He hadn't changed his position as he slumped down on the bed. I smiled as I closed the door and made my way over to him. He looked up at me and instantly a grin slid into his face. "Feeling better?" He asked. I was about to reply when a knock on the door interrupted me. I frowned, "it is okay" he jumped up from the bed, "I thought you may have been hungry" he added, clutching at the door handle. I watched as he greeted the waiter and took off his hands some silver plates with those huge lid things. I smiled, walking over to them as the waiter closed the door. My stomach rumbled at the sight before me, fried chicken and fries. His familiar chuckle caught my attention and I looked up at him, "I knew you would want this" he grinned at me. I blushed and playfully stuck my tongue out at him, the nastiness of the night briefly erased from my mind.


Sat on the bed, surrounded by chicken crumbs and empty plates, we chilled out watching tv. My phone had been buzzing with messages of concern and second ones of relief, adding a wink wink nudge nudge type of thing when finding out Kimi was with me. I rolled my eyes and dropped my phone down beside me on the bed. I couldn't help but grin a little at it though and when I turned to Kimi I found him looking at me. "are you okay?" he asked with a slight smile himself. "uh huh" I blushed, shuffling down to rest my head on the pillow beside him. I couldn't help the butterflies fluttering in my tummy as I thought about him saving me.

"thank you Kimi" I found myself saying. He simply smiled my way and then shuffled down to my level, his head laying on the pillow as he looked back at me. I couldn't stop my cheeks from blushing but I smiled, yawning too, and I found myself closing my eyes. "do not thank me. It is my job to keep you safe" he whispered as I began to drift off to sleep.

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