Put A Ring On It

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"You look indescribable" I whispered to my best friend as I settled her veil over her face. She let out a shaky breath and blinked away the tears that threatened to spill. "don't. You'll ruin your make up and mine!" I warned her, feeling just as emotional as she did right now. "okay okay okay" she chanted as she wriggled nervously. 
"are you ready beautiful?" Soph's dad asked, appearing beside us. She looked to him and nodded. "I think so daddy" she replied, clutching her bouquet of Peonies tightly in her hands. "let's go" I said excitedly holding out my hand to take her flowers. She nodded at me and passed me the beautiful bouquet of coral, pink and white blooms. 

I moved around her and bent down to pick up the long delicate lace of her train and carefully layed it across my arm. "ready when you are Soph" I declared when I was sure I had to secure before we started to move. 


Cam, Selena and Pepper had gone already in the car ahead of us with Sophia's mum, so by  the time we arrived at the venue, her mum was already inside, and the girls were stood waiting for us on the graveled driveway. 

Soph's dad and I climbed out of the car, and I hurried round, as fast as I could in these ridiculous heels, to her side so I could once again catch her train before it hit the ground. Delicate oohs and ahhs fluttered around us as the girls got their first proper look at Soph in her gown, flowers and veil all situated. To say she looked stunning would be an understatement. Sebastian won't know what hit him when he sees her. "okay, it's time for us to go in" I smiled at her, clutching her hand. "good luck, you look absolutely amazing. He's going to have a heart attack in there when he sees you!" I giggled. "see you soon" I squeezed her hand before letting go and turning to the girls. The wedding co-Ordinator had appeared at some point and was speaking to the girls as I joined them. "off you go inside ladies, I'll take over this part now" she smiled at us, so making sure we were all okay, I took the lead and headed on up the stairs to go inside and get this thing started...


The music started and it was our cue to start our descent down the aisle towards Sebastian and his groomsmen. I had to say I was feeling the nerves myself right now. I was usually an emotional wreck at weddings, I guess it was the diehard romantic that was buried deep, deep down inside of me...not to mention this was my best friend, so I was allowed a tear or two. But as I walked slowly down the crimson carpet, I looked up and saw Sebastian's wide toothy smile beaming at me. I instantly shone a smile back at him, amused at how happy and eager he seemed. Bizarrely it settled my nerves, and the tight grip I had on my bouquet relaxed a little. I saw his brother standing to the side of him, his parents on the front row looking as proud as they could possibly be of him. It warmed my heart. He was a good man, and he deserved all that he had achieved, and now he was going to share that with his love. Speaking of which, my gaze finally then moved to the man standing on the opposite side of him, closest to where my spot was...Kimi. 

I stopped where I had been told to, and turned to face the aisle a little, but I couldn't help but look towards that man... The flutters started again as I took in his appearance. The dark blue- almost black suit, the champagne coloured Ascot tie against the crisp white shirt underneath. He was too distracting. My gaze moved up to his smooth clean shaven face and those piercing blue eyes that were already locked onto me. I felt hot under his stare, I bit my lip as those icy blues drank in my form fitting gold sequined dress, until his eyes met mine again and he sent me a wink. My cheeks flushed pink and his expression turned to a smug one, seeing my shyness appear due to his actions and I crinkled up my nose at him as I couldn't scold him for his teasing right now. He broke out into a toothy smile and I grinned, shaking my head at him- totally distracted from everything else going on around me until the wedding song Soph had picked out and started to play- signally she was on her way. Here we go...

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