Versace Virgin

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It was safe to say that for the rest of the night I hardly slept. All I could think of was Kimi; first telling his little nephew stories of his racing, then imagining it were our children he was telling stories to, and then how we made those babies.... My brain wouldn't switch off from all the smuttage. Between you and me, I'd never stopped thinking about it. All the time we'd been apart, he was all I thought about, the tender moments we shared, the not-so-tender moments when I was about ready to pull his head off, and then the sex. My god the sex. Truthfully I was never ready to be with another guy whilst I was away from formula one, I needed time to myself, to get over him. But I couldn't, he'd always be the one that guys could never match. Especially in the bedroom. Shamefully I'd spend nights dreaming of him, fantasising about our passionate nights together. And yeah I know what you're thinking, I gave that up right? I know, and walking away from everything I loved, well, that was the biggest mistake of my life. I knew that as soon as I'd gone. But I thought he wouldn't want me back. That he'd hate me for doing what Jenni did to him. I was no better than her. It pained me to think about that, I was the first one he loved since her, I was meant to heal him. Instead I tore the wound open even more. And in turn I ripped a new one in my heart too. Of course I wanted children, I thought that maybe it was too soon, but leaving him, being alone, it made me realise that it's what I wanted more than anything, to be with Kimi, have his children and live with him, be a family. And how lucky was I that he wanted to do the same? Even after all of the shit we've been through. I was going to do everything in my power to make sure I didn't lose him again.

Anyway, enough of my internal monologue, it was a new day, and that meant more shopping....


"you look like shit today Bells" Sophia kindly pointed out to me. "thanks dear friend of mine" I glared at her as we walked out of the hotel, deciding on skipping breakfast today. Sophia laughed, "eat something dodgy at dinner?" she asked, I shook my head and slipped on my sunglasses. "Kimi" I yawned. "Kimi?" she smirked at me. "we talked last night" I explained the note and everything, "I can't get the idiot out of my head" I added, glancing to see if it was safe to cross the road. "by the sounds of it neither can he" she replied. "did you tell him about Minttu?"
"no, we were having a nice conversation, I didn't want to spoil it. I can tell him later." I said as we headed to our first destination of the morning.

"now don't look at the name of the store when we go in..." Sophia said to me before we headed through the doors to wherever she'd brought me to."huh" I attempted to look up, hey it was my natural reaction, but I did as asked and followed her into the store with my head down. What was this all about?!

"welcome to Versace ladies. May I be of any assistance?" my head shot up in shock, "thank you, we are just browsing at the moment. Thank you" Sophia smiled at the handsome Spaniard. He nodded and walked away to leave us in peace. "Versace?!" I hissed at her, "Bella" she replied, acting like it was no big deal. "Fucking versace?!" I whispered at her again, "will you not swear in front of the clothes?!" she frowned at me, making me sigh. Okay yes, we were in our element here, well, fashion wise. I didn't exactly feel comfortable here with how I was dressed. Sure I had a pretty floral dress on and gladiator sandals, but this was Versace.

"Sebastian called last night and I said we'd not found you anything, so he told me to ignore your protests and to take you any shop I wished and bought whatever dress I wanted to" she told me as she scanned the rails. I was too busy being shocked by it all
"but Jesus Soph" I sighed flabbergasted. "it's my wedding day, so I'll choose what you wear" she smiled angelicly at me, with a hint of menace only a friend would notice. So I decided not to argue back.


She'd picked out a few dresses for me to try on. It had gone from keeping to a select colour, to ultimately trying anything on that would fit. She seemed determined to purchase something for me today, but trying on all these designer dresses was making my head foggy. Not to mention the ludicrous price tags.

"madam, please, there is one final piece I would love for you to try on" the guy who greeted us earlier was now like our own personal shopper, but by hell did we need him now.
Without a word he rushed off somewhere, leaving me standing in my underwear shrugging back at Sophia who was sitting on a plush fabric couch sipping on her champagne.

A few moments later he was back carrying something unexpected on his arm. Maybe things were going to get a little more interesting...


Two hours after entering the store, we were leaving with a bag carrying my bridesmaid dress. "I'm in love" I sighed as we headed down the street. Sophia laughed, "well I'm relieved we've found one finally! And now it's time for lunch" she said, linking arms with me as she guided us down the road.

"when is Seb getting here?" I asked, taking a seat outside a little bistro Sophia knew of. "Ahh, missing me already Arabella?" I turned my head to be greeted by the sight of "Sebby!" Sophia gasped in surprise. He have me a cheesy grin and wrapped his arms around his fiancée. "What are you doing here?!" she squealed. "why would I stay at home any longer when my home was already in Barcelona?" he replied with that smooth smile he kept for her. I pretended to gag and received a playful glare from Sophia. Seb chuckled and they joined me at the table.


Lunch was eaten and we were sitting in the sunshine talking when my phone started to ring. The smile on my face told Sophia who was calling me, and she grinned back at me. "hi" I smiled as I answered the call. "hello, how are you?" he asked, his voice low and a little husky. "late night was it?" I giggled, knowing his nephew would probably have kept him up. "he went back to bed an hour later. But I could not sleep. Uh, our conversation was still in my head" he said, sounding a little shy for some reason, "what conversation?" I teased him. "you know..." he said, making me giggle.

"who is there with you?" he asked, hearing Sebastian laughing in the background. "it's Seb and Sophia" I answered, looking up at them, as they looked at me. "Seb's actually just bought me my bridesmaid dress" I smiled across at the german, whose grin turned into a genuine smile, "oh, great..." Kimi's reaction was a little disinterested. "uh huh, my first Versace" I added, then seeing Seb begin to choke on his drink, snorting it everywhere. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. "I could buy you the whole store, not just one dress..." Kimi pouted. My laughter died down a little and I smirked, "I know you could" I grinned at his behaviour, "I'd rather you just take it off" I flirted. I knew my company couldn't hear as Soph was too busy grabbing napkins to dry Seb's shorts.

"that sounds better. He can buy you all the dresses in the world if I get to take them off" he purred at me, making me giggle some more. "do I get to see this dress?" he asked, "of course, it'll be hung up in my hotel room all week" I answered, "I get to see your room again?" he asked, "to see the dress, yeah" I grinned, he chuckled too, "you're not lucky enough to see it on though, maybe I'll send you a picture" I teased. "that'll come in handy..." I loved flirty Kimi.

"oh, Minttu." Seb blurted out, making me jump. "what" Kimi heard him too. I looked round and saw her walk up to our table. I switched ears so kimi was less likely to hear what was about to be said. "hi Sebastian, Sophia" she smiled, giving me a glare. "what, what are you doing here?" Seb asked. "oh didn't Sophia tell you I saw her yesterday?" she smirked, "I'm here with friends, I'm meeting up with Kimi when he gets here." she said, and I could hear Kimi swearing down the phone. "PUT HER ON THE FUCKING PHONE BELLA!" he yelled at me. I had to yank the phone from my ear in risk of becoming deaf. I ignored his demands, which pissed him off to no end, "okay, great, I'll double check those dates and call you back and confirm. Thank you, bye" I chirped down the phone and cut the call as Kimi launched another tirade of swears at me. I knew how to handle him. Minttu, not so much.

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