Cloud Number 9

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Hey guys just a short one today, had the song 'Cloud Number Nine' by Bryan Adams in my head all morning, so felt I had to do something with it. Hope you enjoy!

Surprisingly, I turned down Kimi's offer of 'dessert in the hotel room' as he put it, as much I would always want to sleep with him, I felt right now that it wasn't right. Things felt new with us, yet the same old Bella and Kimi at the same time. I admitted to myself I was scared about what Williams would think of us being back together again, but Toto and Suzie did it right? The only person I wanted to tell now was Lance. I'd not seen him all week since he was back home taking some time out before he came down here on Wednesday. I missed him too. So I decided to give him an easy day when he arrived and we could have a little bonding time. And that's when I'd tell him I was back with Kimi. That's if nobody else got there first...


The meal I shared with Kimi was perfection. This swanky place he took me to, apparently the Barcelona footie team frequented (not that Kimi cared) but I was secretly on the look out for a player or two...

"you look beautiful tonight Bella" he spoke softly, catching my attention. I looked across the table at him, seeing him smiling back at me. I blushed in shyness, why does he always make me shy?! "thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" I replied, making him chuckle as he slid his hand over mine that was resting on the table. "I never thought we'd be here again" he said, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. I nodded, "I know right? Glad we are though" I grinned at him.


"hmm?" he replied, looking over the extensive menu. I chewed on my lip a little and my hesitation caused him to look up at me. "are you going to do anything about, Minttu?" I blushed, nervous about his reaction and kinda embarrassed about taking about her. "already have" he said, looking back to his menu. I frowned, "when?"

"on my way to Spain. I called Stefania and told her to sort it out." he answered me. "oh" I stared at him a minute, I think my silence wasnt normal to him, so he looked up at me again, "I do not want to spend my free time going and talking to her myself. We broke up and that's that. She is playing silly games to try and hurt you. I won't stand for that" he said, a cold hard look in his eyes. I had to admit my butterflies were fluttering at the thought of him being protective over me. I loved possessive Kimi. "now let us order, I am fucking starving" he muttered, still scanning the menu as I sat silently giggling at him.


"thank you Mr Raikkonen, Mrs Raikkonen" the consierge smiled at us as we left the restaurant. Kimi smirked at my shocked and sort of uncomfortable expression at being called Mrs R. I glanced at his face briefly and blushed crazily, but stepping outside I hoped to brush it off. "sounds good doesn't it" nope, I was still going to be bright red for now. "oh um, well, yes, I guess it does" I replied, looking down at the pavement as I felt Kimi take my hand. He never said another word about it, and we began a quiet stroll down the promenade.


We stopped part way up the promenade and looked out to sea. The gentle breeze fluttered my hair over my shoulder, tickling Kimi's face as he came behind me, wrapping his arms tight around my waist and burying his face into the crook of my shoulder. I heard him grumbling about my hair but I laughed it off, "Minun pöyristyt" I giggled, shaking my head. Kimi turned his head a little to look at me, "sinun" he replied, making me smile. "Forever Bella" he whispered into my ear. God I was on cloud 9 right now. It was a pretty good job I'd not seen the photographer behind us, taking shots of our romantic moment. Or maybe I'd have been just a little bit pissed.

Translation: "my grumpy Fin"

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