Family Part II

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We sat through the entire meal, my parents and Kimi talking, and myself, well I was simply sat there in awe of what he had done. I'd not known him do anything like this before. I glanced up at him as a rare chuckle erupted from deep in his chest. A rare sight to see when he was amongst strangers. I couldn't help but smile, which my mum caught. I blushed but she smiled at me and I knew right then that she loved him too. It was a total relief, but I kinda knew she would, it was my dad that was the tricky one. After all I was his little girl. But Kimi seemed to be keeping up with him, I mean there's not much that can fluster the Iceman is there?


Kimi had disappeared off somewhere leaving the three of us to talk. "he's a good lad Bella" my dad said after Kimi left us. I looked up at him in shock. "no one is good enough for my little girl" he added, "but Kimi is a good contender" he nodded sincerely. "thanks dad" I beamed a smile, knowing if he got my dad's approval then it's all good. It was a relief to have tonight go so smoothly, and have both my parents like him. I finally felt that I was in a good place in my life again.

"so what time do you have to be at the circuit tomorrow? Or are we meeting you there for breakfast?" dad asked, making me frown a little "are you guys coming to the race?!" I whispered excitedly. They both chuckled, "yes! Lance has got us passes to his side of the garage" dad smiled, "so we can see you there for some breakfast?" he asked again, I nodded as I grinned excitedly. Dad loved his breakfast, probably one of his favourite meals.

"everything is okay?" Kimi's monotone voice interrupted us. I looked up seeing him pull his chair out to rejoin our group. I nodded, smiling at him. I was so taken aback by his sweet gesture. I took his hand as he Sat beside me. "I guess you both need to be heading back now?" dad asked us, glancing at his watch. I gasped a little seeing it was 10.30pm and we had an hours drive back to the hotels we were staying in. "yeah, we better be going" I said, looking to Kimi who nodded also. "you will need as much sleep as you can get right?" my dad asked Kimi, which made me giggle. "he'll fall asleep in the car on the ride back" I rolled my eyes as I giggled. Kimi simply shrugged and mumbled something, yet mum and dad laughed at us.

"well I guess we better settle up before we leave" my dad said, slowly moving to get off his seat, he'd had a rather healthy portion of Pasta for dinner. I sniggered. "it is all taken care of" Kimi responded, making my dad pause. "it's okay dad," I said, giving him a warning look. I knew Kimi well enough to know that he didn't like talk of money when he was doing something nice like this. "oh, well, um, thank you" mum stammered, knowing my dad well enough that he'd protest a little. I smiled at her gratefully and Kimi nodded, making me squeeze his hand under the table. He brushed his thumb over my knuckles and my heart fluttered. "let's head out then" my dad said after swallowing his surprise, and maybe a little pride...

We said our goodbyes outside of the place and our car was ready and waiting. I hugged mum and dad goodnight and slipped into the car, Kimi following close behind.

"I can't believe you did that for me" I said, looking at him as he clipped in his seatbelt. He looked across at me and smiled, "I am glad you enjoyed it" he said simply, knowing he wasn't one for fuss. I smiled, desperately trying to calm my fluttering heart as I looked at this handsome man sitting beside me.

The car pulled away, and glancing up I noticed the glance divider was shut, so in an unexpected moment I unclipped my belt and pounced on a very unsuspecting Fin.

He looked quite startled as I landed on his lap, straddling him, pinning him to his seat. I couldn't help but giggle at his expression of surprise, which soon turned to Lust as I wiggled my bottom against his crotch. I ran my fingers through his styled blonde hair, biting my lip as I felt him harden beneath me. He never had any problems in that department. His hands gripped my hips as he pressed me down onto him, hoping I felt what he had to offer me.

I gripped his hair tight in my hand and pulled him towards me, meeting my lips in a much needed firey kiss. My desires for him were as carnal as ever, grinding myself against him, gripping at his shirt, his hair, breathing out sighs of want, of need for him. Stolen moments with him kept being interrupted and there was only so much I could take. I'd not had my way with him in such a long time, the urge to become undone by him was too much to bare.

"I need you Kimi" I sighed out, after pulling on his bottom lip with my teeth. He smirked that cocky smirk at me but it only turned me on more. "I need you inside me Raikkonen." I panted breathlessly, as our foreheads touched. "right fucking now" I told him, almost with a slight whine to my voice. I was getting desperate. He let out an animalistic growl, squeezing my hips in his hands. "Bella..." he whispered.
"I know don't say it" I did whine this time, like a little kid not getting their way. He chuckled at me, slouching back against the leather seat. I huffed in annoyance that he couldn't do all the things I wanted him to do to me because of qualy tomorrow. "you don't have to laugh about it" I pouted at him, crossing my arms too. "I am not laughing. I like that you want me" he grinned at me. Then he leaned forward, towards me, "and when I do have you to myself" he whispered into my ear, then pressing a kiss to my jaw, "I'm going to taste every. Single. Part of you" he purred, teasing me. "Kimi!" I snapped with another whine, leaving Kimi chuckling at my outburst.

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