The Meeting

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"Bella, can you tell us anything about Lance's move to Williams F1 team?" Internally I frowned at the question. "no comment" I answered, my poker face perfectly molded onto my features. "c'mon Stark, give us something," the reporter chuckled. "if there was anything to report, I'd tell you" I smirked, knowing full well that I was bullshitting, and they knew it too. I answered, or maybe sidestepped a couple more questions and then left them to head back into the office. My phone ringing on the way.

"hey... "
"what's the matter?"
"you called me" I laughed. "yeah but you sound weird" he chuckled. I looked around me, then turned back to my phone, "have you something to tell me about say, Williams?" I asked in a whisper. "ah"
"you better talk to my dad"


I paced up and down the corridor outside of Lawrence's office, my anxiety levels were soaring through the roof as I played out various scenarios in my head. But then I heard him call me in.

"ah Bella" he smiled kindly at me, "please take a seat" he indicated to the chair on the other side of his desk. I took a nervous breath and sat down. Why the hell was I so nervous?! It wasn't like I was losing my job. Was it?

"I see you have heard rumours before I have had chance to talk to you myself." he said, interlocking his fingers as he placed his hands upon the desk. I nodded, choosing to stay silent. "well, the rumours are true." he nodded. "this morning Lance signed the paperwork to become the new driver for Williams F1 team, replacing Valetteri Bottas" he said. My pulse was racing at this point. "that's amazing news for him." I smiled. Despite my raging anxieties, I was really genuinely pleased for Lance. We'd grown close and I was fond of the kid. He was talented and deserved to do well.

"indeed. We are overjoyed with him being signed with the team. But I can speak for Lance as well as myself when I say that we want you to go with him" he said. Aaaand there it was. What I feared he'd propose. To go back to the place that I loved. I mean truly loved, where my heart was broken and where I broke someone else's. Could I go back there? Could I deal with all the chaos again? Yeah. With my eyes closed I could. But could I face that someone again? My heart shrivelled at the mere thought of him. I couldn't. I could never face him. "Bella?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up to Lawrence. "think it through. But I'd pay you whatever you wanted." he offered.

Wow. The money would be good, but not a deal breaker. I needed to make a phone call. And have a stiff drink.

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