All I Need

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AN: this is the penultimate chapter guys... Enjoy!

I felt so refreshed after I stepped out of the shower. A day travelling, even the shortest flight had me feeling a little bit grubby. I walked out into the bedroom and there was my suitcase with the last of my essential belongings inside. I smiled, never doubting my Kimi. I lifted it onto the bed and opened it up. I grabbed my make up bag and hairdryer (essentials of course) and took them over to the walk in closet Kimi had adjacent from his bedroom. 

I walked over to the pretty dresser he had sitting in front of a mirror that was framed by the perfect lighting to do your make up by and placed my make up bag down. I already had a few things here that I left for when I came over for weekends and things. But every girl has a few of her favourites that are tried and tested right? They always travelled with me. So anyway, I wanted to make a little effort tonight, being it was our first night living together and all. So I headed to the closet and to my side where I'd folded up a few jumpers, and had a few dresses hung waiting for the right occasion to wear them. But I noticed a new item that I'd never seen before. I frowned, reaching up and grasped the hanger in my hand. I lifted it down and firstly saw a tag hanging off the metal hanger;

'just a little welcome home present, Kimi x'

My butterflies went off again and I smiled. The dress was amazing, classic Kimi- simple, elegant and of course, black. I felt the material between my fingers and instantly got a chill of excitement flash through me. So I hung it back up and decided I best get to it and fix my hair and make up before dinner was ready.


I came down just over an hour later, wearing a pair of thin black heels and the dress he had chosen for me. My hair I'd chosen to wear in waves tonight, not something I did often, but I knew Kimi liked it that way.

I made my way through the house, in search of my new roomie. I found him outside, on the lawn waiting for me by a candle lit table. I blushed profusely as I saw him standing there. Now dressed in black dress trousers, the shiniest black shoes and a crisp white shirt. The wide smile on my face was replicated on his when he saw me make my entrance out onto the patio. I walked over to him, taking him all in before my eyes finally settled on his. "you look so handsome" I said softly, feeling the atmosphere out here needed only a soft voice, gentle to add to the romance that was seemingly in the air already. He never spoke, just smiled down at me as his hands smoothed over the fabric of my dress. "you look sensational" he replied, his icy blues never leaving mine. "thank you for the dress" I replied before pressing a soft kiss to his lips. 

"thank you for being here for me to buy you it" he said making me giggle. "is it one that you intend to take off as well?" I asked with a raised brow as I played with the hair on the back of his neck. "bwoah, of course" he shrugged, that smug smirk curling at his lips. "but first, we eat" he declared, making me snort. I pecked a kiss to his lips once again before pulling away. "what are we having?" I asked, turning to look at the beautifully set table. "take a seat and I will bring it out to you" he replied, moving to pull out my chair for me. 


The sky was as black as ink which made the stars look so much brighter, twinkling like diamonds above us. The flames of the candles danced in a rhythmic pattern as the breeze fluttered over this private balcony in the gardens of Kimi's home. Our food was absolutely amazing- and cooked by Kimi himself. I was honored. "keep this up Iceman and I'll be expecting this from you every night" I giggled as he filled up my wine glass. He smirked at me, "and every night that you are here I will cook for you to make sure that you stay" he answered smoothly, placing down the bottle into the ice bucket. 

I looked across the table at him as he picked up his own glass, and he raised it up a little, "to an amazing first night in our home" I raised my glass to his and we toasted before taking a sip of my drink. Yet as I went to place the glass back down onto the white table cloth, a black velvet pouch was sitting in front of me. How did that get there?!

"Open it" he pushed gently after waiting a few beats too many from me sitting there frowning at how he managed to slip it in front of me without me seeing it. I snapped my eyes up to him, seeing a relaxed smile on his face, so I pushed my glass to one side and picked up the pouch.

"I always struggle to find the right words to say to you Bella. In Finnish - never mind in English too" he said softly. Lightly I giggled as he spoke- a shiny silver key slipped partially out of it onto the table. A key to our house. "you have made my life a happier place to be." he continued. I glanced up at him and instantly melted seeing he had written this down on a piece of paper.

"there has been so many happy times that we have had over a short space of time. Some not so happy. But during each one- I know that I have loved you just as much...You drive me crazy. You send me to cloud nine. And I loved you before I had even realized this." he read. "you make me the man that my mother says I was meant to be....I am proud of the man that I am when I am with you."

By this point I literally was fighting back the tears. I tried my best to blink them away, and I looked down to the black pouch- the key half hanging out of it, "this key opens up my house to you-but as long as you have it, it will open up my heart to you." 

I picked up the shiny metal and allowed it to be free of its pouch- but then I gasped and dropped it onto the table in shock. I covered my mouth over with my hands as I stared down at the huge ring that was tied to the key with a little red bow.

I was aware that Kimi was standing now, moving around the table to me. 

I managed to move my gaze from the ring to him quickly as he took my trembling hand in his, as he knelt down in front of me. "K-Kimi, I think you misunderstood what a keyring actually is..." I whispered, as I watched him take the key off the table and untie the ribbon. 

"you always have a smart mouth..." he mumbled as his brow furrowed, fiddling with the knot. And for a brief moment my nerves dissipated and I smirked. But with those soft blue eyes looking back at me again, soon enough I was an emotional mess. Again.

"I love you Arabella. I'd be forever willing to give up everything for you. You mean everything to me. Please, will you marry me?" 

I didn't even look twice at the rock that he held between his fingers. I just slid out of my chair and knelt on my knees in front of him. My hands came up to hold his face and I nodded through blissful tears. "Yes Kimi" I sobbed, "I million times yes!" I laughed before pulling him against me to kiss him with all I had.

I didn't need a massive ring, I didn't need a swanky wedding somewhere in Italy. I just needed him.

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