Too bad, You're Cute.

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Okay so maybe Travis got me outside, and maybe we were in the snow and maybe I was currently in a position that if Kimi saw me he'd knock the guy out....

"okay, so spread your legs apart... That's right" he said from behind me. I was standing on a snow board, my arms stretched out either side of my body and Travis had his hands planted on my hips to steady me. His body was pressed up against me, head looking over my shoulder to check I was standing right. "okay cool." he said, moving back and bending down to click my feet into the foot holds on the board. He looked up at me from down by my ankles and winked. 

"So" he said, standing back up, as I fought to hide my blushes. what was coming over me?!  "I want you to ease onto your lead foot, and with the momentum, you'll begin to move..." he said, standing to move in front of me, taking both my hands in his. I swallowed hard and nodded, I could do this... 

I heard a squeal, seconds later I realised it was coming from me as I began to move forward, gripping Travis' hands tightly as I travelled forward. The speed I was going at was nothing more than Tortoise MPH, but still, I was doing it. And I was happy, well, until he tried to let go. "Travis, don't you dare!" I freaked out, he chuckled at me, pulling his hands free as I tried to grip tighter still. "you can do it!" He laughed at me, breaking free "argh!" I yelled, flailing my arms around in a panic as I looked ahead, seeing I was about to travel down a huge slope. okay. so maybe it wasn't huge, but it felt like it. I took a breath, steadied myself and then did what he had taught me. Then before I knew it, I was at the bottom of the slope, still in one piece, and still upright.

"ah ha!! I did it!" I yelled back up at him, waving my arms up in the air. My heart was pumping and I had the biggest grin on my face. I watched him throw his arm up at me, and then he clicked in his feet into his board and within seconds he was joining me at the bottom of the slope. "I did it!" I squeaked again, watching as he lifted up his goggles. "oof!" he puffed as I clattered into him, giving him a hug. "thank you" I squealed, "I loved that, thank you for teaching me" I beamed, moving back from him. "it was all my pleasure" He smiled at me, flashing those pearly white teeth at me. "you wanna head up and do it again?" I suggested. "hell yeah" 


However long later, I couldn't tell you, because I was having so much fun zooming down the slopes on my board, Travis stopped me, after getting a call from Marcus, telling him they were finished up for the day, getting everyone together back at the lodge.

We were the last couple to get back to the others, and they had already got the drinks in. Apparently they had already agreed to spend the night here. I pulled my snow suit jacket off, dumping it on the chair which seemed to be holding everyone else's and grabbed the glass of vodka off the bar. 

"how's your day been?" I asked Sophia as she sat on the couch, seemingly on her own. "good. tiring but good" she yawned, making me laugh. "I seriously thought he was a stripper" she whispered, leaning into me. I laughed out loud, grabbing my stomach. "I know" I nodded, "he was cute though, a nice way to spend the afternoon" I winked, making her snort. "Sebastian would kill me" She whispered, making me smirk, "yeah yeah, it's not like you have stuffed five pound notes in his boxers is it" I told her. "hmm." she sighed, making me look at her. she laughed and shoved me with her shoulder. "what about you and that guy anyway?" she said, nodding not to subtly to Travis, who was stood at the bar with Pepper. I rolled my eyes, "he's a cutie, I'm not gonna deny it was a pleasant afternoon either. But what happens on the slopes, stays on the slopes right?" I laughed.


a few hours passed and we were all starting to tire. I'd been sat with Sophia, Marcus and Travis when the lodge manager told us they were closing up. Sophia headed to the bathroom, Marcus took our glasses to the bar. "so thank you for convincing me to go out onto the slopes today" I smiled at Travis as I pulled on my jacket. "oh you're welcome. It's been a cool day" he smiled, a slight blush dusting his cheeks. "it would be good to see you again before you leave?" he asked, looking away from me a little timidly. My heart sank for him. "yeah, um, well, yeah it would have been, but actually..." I started, checking Sophia wasn't around, moving to sit back down beside him. "Sophia's fiancé is flying in to surprise her tomorrow, with my boyfriend..." I explained, seeing his shoulders sag a little, "boyfriend? figures..." he let out a disappointed laugh. "that's too bad. You're cute" he said, looking to the carpet. I smiled, blushing at his flattery. "well thanks" I laughed a little, making him look up at me, with a bashful smile. "it was cool to meet you. Your boyfriend is a lucky guy"

"I think so too" I said, making him laugh. "well keep up the boarding" he said, moving to stand. "oh I will" I beamed a smile at him, "thanks again" I said, stepping closer to him, as I sensed he was floundering a little. "you're welcome. anytime Bella" he said softly, as we embraced. He left a soft kiss on my cheek and pulled away. He gave me a smile and then turned to head off out the door with his friends.

"Kimi would knock him out" a voice made me jump from my daze watching him walk out. yes, maybe I was a little flustered. "huh?" I looked round seeing Sophia behind me watching over my shoulder. "If Kimi knew he'd tried making a move, he'd knock him out" Soph sniggered. "I thought that too." I smirked, "c'mon, let's go home. My old legs are feeling it after today" I smirked, throwing my arm around her shoulders. 

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