Same Old Brand New

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I pulled my sunglasses onto my face as I stepped out into the paddock. Yes the paddock. I adjusted the crisp white shirt that I had tucked into my rather snug navy trousers and prepared for my first day as Lance's media officer at Williams at Albert Park, Melbourne Australia.

It was pretty early, as it always was when I arrived at the circuits. And quiet. But I knew that wouldn't last.

I felt jittery most of the day, feeling jumpy at every sight of red that flashed in my view. I cursed myself every second too. Why the hell did I accept this job?! Was the hefty salary really worth it?! Hell no, not when I practically had a heart attack at every corner. How the Fuck would I cope when I had a situation to deal with?! If I had to do a briefing with them, I bumped into him in the media pen?! Crap. I'd not thought of that. I didn't think I was going to make it through the day let alone the entire freaking season. I was toast.

"well, well, well...if it isn't Arabella" a smug voice sounded from behind as I walked the lonely paddock. I instantly looked up to the sky and smirked as I turned around. "ya know I only saw you two nights ago?!" I laughed, being greeted by the warm smile of Sebastian Vettel. He chuckled and nodded, "the new look suits you" he said, ignoring my comment. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "how you doing?" he leaned in and hugged me. "shit" I said with that same smile on my face as he laughed and nodded again. "it is only 9am on a Monday."
"tell me about it" I groaned. "I'm sure it'll get worse" he grinned mischievously at me. I couldn't help but laugh, "why Soph is still marrying you I have no clue" I teased, making him grin more. "she will not stop talking about tonight" he groaned, yet still smiling. "hey, wedding planning is a big thing!" I grinned, "and deciding on Maid of Honour dresses is the most important thing! Besides her dress of course" I giggled. "well I'm glad you've done most of it with her, I daren't give answers incase I say the wrong thing!" he said making me burst into laughter. "just turn up on the day and it'll be cool" I assured him. He nodded and we both shared a look and started laughing again.

"it's really good to see you back in the paddock though" he smiled kindly. "even if you are in the wrong colours" he added. "thanks Vettel" I smiled at him. "I'll see you later tonight then" he said, "yeah, tell Soph I'll text her anyway" I told him as we both turned to head in our separate directions. He nodded and then slipped his headphones back on and headed off. I shook my head. Nothing ever changes, I'm always an hour early for everything and Seb is always here way ahead of every one of the drivers. Organised to the last. He was my kinda human.


That night, I was back into my comfy attire; leggings, an oversized Mickey mouse sweater and a pair of converse. I'd grabbed a shower and gotten out of my sticky uniform. It was hot here but Jesus my nerves were making me sweat by the bucket load. My hair was wet but tied up in a messy bun and I was outside of Seb and Sophia's hotel suite.

After knocking the door flew open, with a distressed looking Seb on the other side of the threshold. I immediately began grinning. "she's all yours. I'm going to the gym" he said and moved passed me and shot down the hallway. I continued laughing as I went inside and closed the door. "is it safe to come in?! I haven't brought my bridezilla tamer with me!" I called out as I stepped through the suite.

I looked through into the living area to find her sprawled out on the floor, surrounded by magazines and colour swabs. She looked flustered to say the least. When she saw me she gave me raised eyebrow and I laughed as she blew a rogue strand of hair out of her face. "looks like I've come to save the day" I grinned, bravely joining her on the floor to help sift through her magazine cuttings. Well, that's what a maid of honour is for right?


"I can't believe we're getting married this summer and I still haven't got your dress picked out, or the cake organised, or the centrepieces." she puffed as she looked around at the stuff scattered around us. "or the favours" I added sheepishly. She looked at me and shrugged with a 'see' expression. "it'll be fine. My dress isn't that important." I said, honestly meaning it. "let's get the favours picked out. Seb won't mind" I said, hoping not to let her know that he'd rather me do it anyway. "he isn't that bothered," she shrugged. "he just wants me to have everything that I want." she said, looking up at me. I gave her a sympathetic smile. "well then, pick out whatever you want. And if you can't decide, I'll choose" I laughed. She laughed too, "let's face it, it's about as close as I'm ever gonna get" I said without thinking. Sophia sighed. "you will Bella." she replied, hesitating a little and I knew what she was thinking, but we never talked about it. Until now.

"I don't suppose you've seen him then?" she asked, nervously, I could tell. I shook my head, not looking up from the magazines. I could feel her watching me but I didn't look up. I knew how she felt about the whole situation, even though we didn't ever bring it up. She wanted us back together. That was never gonna happen. And I don't suppose he and Seb spoke about it either. I didn't really think about that. I doubt I ever entered his head. Why would I?

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