It's Not My Party, But I'll Cry Anyway

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We sang happy birthday and the cake was taken away once more to be cut. I felt like a little kid again, at a friend's birthday party, well, minus the alcohol and awkward sexual tension...

"have I missed the cake?!" I jumped at the huffy breath in my ear, turning to see Callum looking around. "why are you so late?!" I asked, ignoring his question. "I was on a date" he answered me, still looking around. I glanced around him and frowned, "where is she?" I asked, "sacked her off, she was a troll" he replied nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes, making him chuckle and flash me his gorgeous smile. "so, where's the cake?" 


"Oh I see grumpy guts is here" Callum scoffed, as he, um, scoffed his cake down. "hmm" I answered, not looking anywhere but at my cake. Callum looked across as me, "Don't ask" Lance said, Callum looking to him and nodding, "the words avoiding and Plague come to mind" he added, I shot a look at Lance, "but why?" Callum asked, stuffing more cake into his mouth. I huffed in annoyance at them both, "dunno, whenever she's around he goes in the opposite direction" Lance told him. "okay guys, that's enough" I said, my mouth full of vanilla icing. "he's a fucking spoon" Callum shook his head. That was it. I lost it. I jumped up from my seat, startling them both and I grabbed my plate and stormed out of the bar. 



I left the bathroom and was walking back toward the bar when the door flew open, hitting the wall with some force, and Bella storming through the doorway. She looked pissed as she moved passed me, and to the elevator. I watched her, wondering whether I should go and see if she was okay, but then I heard Sophia calling after her. So I left the lobby area and walked back into the bar.



"I'm so sorry Soph, the last thing I wanted to do was ruin your birthday" I sobbed, looking back at my friend as I waited for the lift. "don't be silly, you haven't. I just wanted to know what happened?" she asked softly, as the doors opened. she stepped inside with me and rode it to my floor. "after Kimi walked away from me at the bar earlier, I just felt like crap, then Callum and Lance decided to gossip about it and I just had enough." I sniffled, wiping tears from my face. "Aww, Bells, I wish you two could just sort this out" she said, rubbing my arm. "there's nothing to sort out." I shrugged. "I need to move on. We're never gonna get passed it. I need to grow a pair like I said I would" I sighed, looking back at her. She smiled and nodded, "if that's what you want?" she asked me as the doors opened onto my floor. "you go and enjoy your night, I'll see you in the paddock tomorrow" I forced myself to smile at her. "okay" she nodded, hugging me, "call me if you need anything" she said softly, watching me step out of the lift. I did, I needed my Fin.

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