Russian Roulette

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Sochi. One of my favourite circuits on the calendar. I couldn't tell you why, I just loved it. I was here early this week, as I mostly liked to do, sitting in the sunshine outside of the Williams camp with the mundane task of going through my emails. Since Bahrain, I'd travelled back home briefly to Williams HQ and managed to get home to spend a night or two in my own bed. It felt strange being able to go home as much as I was this season. When I  was last here, I didn't spend too much time at home, I was usually with, um, Kimi...

The thought made my stomach churn. After the weird way we parted in Bahrain, I'd not crossed paths with him again. Of course Seb was itching to know what happened that night, and no doubt he had asked Kimi too, but my guess was he wouldn't have said a word. Well, nothing had happened, so nothing to tell right? Sebastian didn't believe that. "writing love notes now are we?" I groaned, looking over my Mac to be greeted with the smiling face of the one and only Seb Vettel. I rolled my eyes, "what are you doing in my camp Vettel?" I asked, looking back at my half written reply to the numerous Canadian stations wanting an interview with Lance once we arrived in Montreal for the GP in a few weeks. "Just come to visit my favourite maid of honor" he smirked, that had me raising my brow at him. He chuckled, "Just wanted to check that everything was good for Sophia's birthday on Wednesday?" he asked, making me smile, "of course," I nodded, "We're having some time in the Spa during the day," I told him, knowing he was going to be in training most of the day, "then we'll be meeting you in the hotel bar after dinner" I said, going over the plans as we agreed. "perfect"


Wednesday came by quite quickly, which I was glad about. A day off from the paddock, laying around in the hotel spa with my best friend for her birthday celebrations. "I don't think that a wax was exactly the idea of a birthday treat..." Sophia sighed nervously as we walked through the spa in our complimentary robes. I sniggered, "I don't think Seb will appreciate you being as hairy as a bear when you guys go to bed tonight" I smirked, "besides, I'm getting waxed too, think of it as a bonding session" I grinned. She rolled her eyes at me as we followed the therapists into the waxing room. 

"I suppose Kimi will approve of the smoothness too huh" she smiled at me as we climbed upon our separate beds. I looked round at her with a sharp glare. "why?! I thought we promised that that word would not be brought up anymore" I asked, laying down, legs akimbo for the therapist to begin. I heard Sophia scoff. "C'mon Bella, it's only a matter of time, you know that"

"you're spending too much time with that Fiance of yours. You're morphing into him more and more" I said with a wince as a clump of fuzz was ripped away from my delicate skin. "Sophia tutted at me, "I hear he's flown into Russia today alone" She added, my head darted round to look at her. "But it's wednesday?" I frowned. Sophia shrugged, "seems as though he's keen to be here this week" she winked. I rolled my eyes. I'd had enough of this conversation now. Get me waxed and out of here.


The night came by fairly quickly, and Sophia was out with Seb having their romantic meal for two. I was sitting in my room, with Lance having a salad... "Why did you make me eat what you have to have?! I'm not on an exercise regime?!" I protested, pushing the lettuce leaves around my plate. Lance laughed, "well you're not eating a burger in front of me, so it's this or nothin" he chuckled at me. I sighed and took a swig of my diet coke. "what time are we meeting Vettel?" he asked me, causing me to glance up at the clock. "I think they're aiming to be in the bar for 9, but we can be there whenever" I shrugged, "I need to get my make up on and hair fixed first" I added, still sitting in my robe from our spa day. My plucked skin was now soothed, and my manicure and pedicure was spot on. Truthfully I was too chilled out to really fancy going out and having drinks, but it was my best friends birthday, I couldn't miss that.  

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