He's Here?!

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The next day dawned and I rolled out of bed simultaneously hitting the mute button on the cheap hotel alarm clock beside my bed. I scratched my head as I hung my legs over the side of the mattress. I searched my brain to decide what day it was and what I needed to do. Saturday- check. Qualy- check. Then I gasped with excitement as I remembered my mum and dad were joining me for some breakfast at the track. They were in Lance's garage. Today was going to be awesome, so I jumped up and raced to the bathroom to take a shower.


At the track, I was dashing down the paddock, eager to see my family again, and maybe because my stomach was more than ready for some of the food catering were cooking up. my mouth was watering at the thought. I pulled open the glass door and stepped inside, it was pretty chilled in here as it was only early in the day, and there were a few people hanging around, but I couldn't spot my mum or dad anyway. I frowned, checking my watch. 8am. They should be here. I chewed on my lip, wondering if it were rude to grab some food before they got here, but then the door behind me opened. "sweetie!" I smiled, "mum" I was glad they were here, my stomach was screaming blue murder. "there's been a change of plan" she said, still just poking her head through the ajar door. I frowned again, "c'mon, we're heading up the road a little" she said, nodding her head. what?  She made it sound like we were just heading down to a different café, it was a bloody race track. Not a quaint little street in Italy. I huffed a little, knowing I probably wasn't going to be eating any time soon...

I moved through the doorway and saw my dad stood at the bottom of the steps with Sophia and Lance. "oh, hey guys, dad" I greeted them a little warmer than my mum. Hey, my stomach affected my moods... "hey Bells" Lance smiled that big smile of his, Sophia hugged me as usual. "what you doing here?" I asked as I glanced at my friends. "waiting for you" Lance chuckled a little, "and these guys" Sophia added, nodding to her left. I turned my head and my heart leapt. There were three figures walking slowly towards us down the paddock, Seb and Kimi flanking a third person as they casually strolled chatting away. "no way" I gasped, whispering to myself. You see, the reason I was acting this way was because the person they were accompanying was not the person I was expecting to see here, "granddad?!"


"My Arabella" He smiled his crinkly smile at me as I ran over to him, Seb  and Kimi. I flung my arms around him and embraced my favourite person in the world (just don't tell Kimi). "I have missed you so much" I whispered as I squeezed him tight. He chuckled, "I have missed you too" he replied, and kissed my cheek. "I can't believe you're here!" I beamed a smile at him as we broke away. "me neither, I didn't think I'd make it down here" he said, looking at his surroundings. "but thanks to this young man" he said, slapping Kimi's back, which made me giggle, "I'm here for the weekend" he told me which made me giddy with excitement. I glanced to Kimi with a bewildered look, but he just smirked at me from behind his sunglasses. "now, let's get some breakfast, I'm starving" He said, making me smile. "well it was nice to meet you Syd, but we have to start some preparations for the final free practice" Seb interrupted us. "it was fantastic meeting you Sebastian, I hope to see you before I leave, but good luck" my granddad shook the germans hand. Seb winked at me and then headed behind me to I assumed Sophia. "I will see you in the garage later on sir" Kimi said to my granddad, which made me frown, "oh Kimi, I have said, please, call me Syd" my granddad told him, shaking his head, Kimi smiled and nodded. "I will leave you to say goodbye to your beau" he turned to me, making me blush and giggle at his old school term. Then he toddled off with his walking stick to meet up with my mum and dad.

"what the hell else do you have up your sleeve?!" I raised my brow at Kimi. He chuckled at me, pulling my hips up against him, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "I missed you last night" he nuzzled my nose with his, this was a totally different public Kimi, actually showing me affection in the middle of the paddock. "me too" I smiled, my butterflies going crazy. "go and enjoy your breakfast with your granddad. I will make sure he is looked after today" I frowned, "he is spending his weekend in my garage" he told me, my stomach fluttering even more. "He is important to you, I should get to know him." he shrugged, then pecking my lips. I grinned from ear to ear, "do you know how much I love you?" I asked, making him chuckle. "you can make it up to me after the race" He smirked and kissed me again. I blushed and giggled, "I guess I'll see you later" I said, then stepped away from him.  "I love you too Arabella" he said, then headed off to join Seb wherever they needed to be.

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