Breaks And Bones

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"What the fuck happened Kimi?!" I yelled breathlessly as we ran out of the hotel lobby towards a taxi. In my initial state I was frozen inside the elevator, Kimi had to prompt me to exiting it and to head out to grab a cab. That's when I snapped out of it and then I was in panic mode. "All he said was she had fallen down some steps and they were on the way to the hospital" Kimi answered once he'd told the driver our destination. I swallowed hard and tried to hold back my tears of panic


We raced inside the hospital, looking around for Sebastian, but at this time of the night the emergency room was choker block with all kinds of people. So Kimi pulled out his phone and called him. Within seconds he answered, telling us to wait here and he'd come out and get us.

My fingers itched with impatience as we awaited the German. When finally he appeared through the crowds. He looked tired and emotional. My heart pounded harder than ever right now. "Seb!" I yelled and waved frantically, pushing passed people to get to him as Kimi struggled in keeping up with me. "is she okay? Where is she? Can I see her?" I asked without taking a breath. Seb smiled weakly and nodded. "she's actually okay." he nodded, "she's in a private room, she keeps asking for you" he told me, making me smile. I turned to Kimi to check he was still there, of course he was, giving me a soft smile and we then followed his team mate down to their room.


The door to Sophia's room opened as a male Nurse exited through the doorway, he smiled at me and nodded, hearing Kimi send a growl at him as he did. I grinned to myself, but then as I moved into the room I saw Sophia laying on the bed, her lower leg wrapped up in a red cast. Her face wasn't a happy one.

"you're okay" I smiled softly, sitting on the edge of the bed. She sighed pitifully, "a hairline fracture in my fibula" she sighed. I pushed my bottom lip out pouting at her, "it's a good recovery time though babe" Sebastian said, closing the door behind us. "about 12 weeks Seb!" she whined. Oh no. He frowned at her, clearly oblivious to her turmoil. "okay so maybe it'll spoil your hen do party," I interjected, "but you might be okay for the wedding" I said hopefully. "the doctor said it can take anywhere between 8-12 weeks" Seb told me, their wedding was in 10, it was looking 50/50. "well, if you rest up and do exactly what the docs tell you, there's all the chance in the world you will be in heels on your wedding day" I smiled at her hoping to get one returned. She gave me a weak one, a smile I could see right through. "they've recommended she take a few months off work" Seb said cautiously, I turned to look at him, leaning against the wall beside the door. I cringed, "I'm not taking time off" she snapped, I knew that wouldn't go down well with her, she's a workaholic like Sebastian. I rolled my eyes as Seb gave me a knowing look. "I'll go get us some coffee" he said, hastily moving out of the room. "you have to take time off. You can't bitch about not healing for the wedding but then refuse to rest." I sighed at her. She just pouted at me. "Stefania will take over Seb's media stuff."
"she has Kimi to deal with" she replied. "Stefania can cope with him. I'll make sure he's no bother for a few weeks" I told her, turning to look over my shoulder to find Kimi- not surprisingly- fast asleep slumped in a chair in the corner of the room. I smirked. "had Seb interrupted you guys..." she asked. I turned back from sleeping beauty to see her worried face. I smiled, "it's nothing that can't wait another couple hours or so" I smirked, "he's waited over a year to have me again, a few more nights isn't gonna hurt him" I told her, seeing her smile at me. "besides, does he look ready for action?" I raised my brow, making Soph laugh. "hmph" we both turned to the noise Kimi made, thinking he'd woken up, but nope. Of course he was still sound asleep. I'd thought about leaving him there but I know Sophia would kill me.

"when can you leave?" I asked her bringing my mind into the present. She shrugged. "I've got to fill out some paperwork before I can go." she sighed. "could be in an hour, could be in three." waiting was always the hardest part. Well, unless you're Kimi and can fall asleep anywhere. I unconsciously yawned, warranting a prod off Sophia. "go back to your hotel, you'll be just as tired as us." just then Sebastian came back into the room, armed with four coffees.


Needless to say we didn't go back to the hotel. We stayed in the hospital room with her, well I did, Kimi was still asleep so he was no use to anyone. Sebastian kept nodding off too but it had been a big day for these guys. We had been so lucky we weren't flying out first thing in the morning. I was catching a flight home to connect with everyone back at the factory for a few days and then I'd be heading out to Monaco.

But for now, I Sat on Soph's hospital bed with her, giggling as we whispered about her upcoming hen do and any other gossip we'd heard this weekend and trying to see how many tiny balls of tissue paper we could throw at Kimi before he woke up...

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