Post Race Rage

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Well the race was over and what a disappointing end result for Lance. He had to bail out after 40 laps due to a breaking failure. Not the best start to his formula one season. But still, he was in higher spirits than I was expecting, pulling things from his experience even I hadn't thought about.

He was chatting away to one of the German tv stations as I was whispering to the BBC girl that we'd be coming to her next, when a flash of red appeared next to me.



Stefania pulled me around the media pen, reluctantly I followed, giving the same answers to their questions. I had to try and hold back my yawning. It was no shock to people this was the part I hated most. But I had to do it. The woman I was talking to was speaking something about Sebastian's fastest lap when I was distracted, which wasn't too hard. A familiar aroma of sweet perfume caught my attention. That laugh too. I darted my head around to the next reporter, and then I saw her. Smiling at something the rookie had said. She must have felt me watching her again. It's all I seemed to do. But I didn't give a fuck, I couldn't help myself. She turned around and looked across at me, giving a small smile in my direction. I turned and looked back to the reporter without changing my miserable expression, but they saw our exchange. "Kimi, what do you think to your ex girlfriend being back in the paddock?" My face must have told them what I thought about that incredibly personal question. I knew Bella will have heard it too, she was stood right beside us. I took a moment to think about which was to tell them to go fuck themselves but Stefania interrupted. "That is enough for today" she announced and walked out of the pen, with me following.

"What the fuck was that?! Why the fuck would they ask that?!" I growled storming down the paddock with Stefania now trailing behind me. "I will talk to them about it later" she answered me as she tried to keep up. "I'm not doing any interviews with her again!" I barked, aiming straight for the fridge in the Ferrari camp.


"Not now!" I snapped at Minttu who was waiting to greet me in the hospitality area. The smile dropped from her face and Stefania moved over to her. I didn't care what she told her, I just needed to calm down. So I headed for the showers.

I pulled off my race suit and all that was underneath and rushed into the shower. The cool water trickled over my sore muscles, washing away the sweat from my skin. I sighed, questions going through my head. "What do you think to your ex girlfriend being back in the paddock?" Truth was, I hated it. Seeing her again, especially around the paddock was just killing me. I had been miserable with Minttu since I had got with her honestly. She wasn't a bad person, but my heart was never in it. Whenever I was with her I'd be thinking of Bella. Whenever we made love, it was Bella in my head. I couldn't breathe without thinking of her. She was tearing me up inside. And now that she was back I couldn't stand it. Seeing her in the media pen, in the drivers conference, just anywhere near me had me struggling for air. I needed her now as much as I had done then. Maybe more.

I sighed, it was actually the first time that I had really accepted that I had not gotten over her, and I probably never would.



I walked down the paddock with Lance in a bit of a daze. "What kind of question was that to ask him?!" I sighed, Lance throwing his arm over my shoulders as I was in shock. "I know right? It's pretty unfair of them to bring something like that up right now. Ever" Lance replied. "I hope Stefania has sorted it out though. I can't imagine it to have gone down well with Minttu either" I cringed, thinking about that fall out from that one. "Not our problem though huh chick?" Lance replied. I hummed in response. I still felt guilty though, not that I had control over what the reporters ask, but still. I was worried that he'd hate me for causing even more issues with his, girlfriend. Ugh! I hated calling her that. She really didn't deserve him. But neither did I.

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