At The Beach

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The next morning came all too soon. I was exhausted from staying up until the early hours of the morning with Kimi. We talked and laughed and kissed. It was quite perfect actually. We didn't talk about serious stuff, just remembering things we'd done together, memories we'd forever share. But now, now that my alarm was calling me to awaken from my slumber, I regretted staying up so late. But then I remembered my plans for today, and smiled.

"Kimi." I shoved him. "hmph"
"Kimi! Wake up!" I shoved him again. "hmph" he grumbled for the second time, still not moving. I huffed and sat up, "its time to get up" I said, watching his body lay beside me. I briefly took the time to admire the sight before me and bit my lip. He was layed on his stomach, arms stretched underneath his pillow and his head turned away from me as he began snoring softly almost as soon as he'd answered me. Everyone knew how quickly he could fall asleep. Anyway, my eyes wandered down his toned shoulder muscles, his strong back and down to that oh so pert little butt of his, clad in a pair of black Calvin Kleins. I didn't bother to send my gaze any further as I was happy enough with the sight they were fixed on. One of my favourite parts of him actually. That's when I had an idea on waking him up.

I ran my hand down from the Base of his neck, down his smooth creamy back to the band of his Boxers. Leaning down to his ear I sighed, "I guess I'll have to just take a shower alone then..." with a squeeze of his butt.

"I am up! I am up!" he darted up in an instant, making me squeal as I then launched off the bed and made a break for the bathroom door. "What the fuck?!" he groaned in confusion, wondering what on earth had just happened. I turned the shower on and turned back to the bathroom door.

"you're gonna have to work harder than whispering a few sweet nothings into my ear to get these goodies again!" I smiled sweetly, poking my head through the ajar door. Kimi looked round at me, wanting to be angry but the smile that crept on his face betrayed him. I blew him a kiss and shut the door and locked it. Just incase.


I came out of the bathroom not too long later, dressed in my outfit for the day, with a bikini on underneath it. Today was a beach kinda day, only Kimi didn't know that yet. Assuming he wanted to come with us.

"hey! You've fallen asleep again" I sighed, seeing him layed on his back this time, arms outstretched either side of him. He didn't open his eyes but he spoke this time. "I have been waiting for you to come out. You have been in there hours" he teased. I crept over to him, and without warning I jumped onto the bed, and on to Kimi. "bwoah!!!" he exclaimed making me giggle loudly. I sat on his groin area, legs either side of his, looking down at him with a smile. He looked back at me, his hands automatically resting on my thighs. "are you going to come to the beach with us today?" I asked, innocently twirling one of my braids in my hands. He looked at me through slanted eyes, "depending" he answered, "on what?" I asked, dropping my hands onto his. "if I can rub in your sun cream" he asked, making me giggle again. I leant forward, my lips hovering above his own, "you can rub it anywhere you like" I whispered, making him chuckle. "deal" he said, then without warning, he flipped me over, landing on the mattress as he got up off the bed and wandered casually over to the bathroom, his very proud erection leading the way...


"oh! Good morning you two" Sophia beamed a grin at us as she saw us walking out of my hotel room. I smirked at her and left kimi to close the door. "since when you here?" Seb asked loudly, exiting his and Sophia's room. We left them to it as we walked on ahead to the lift.

"did you know he was coming?" Sophia whispered to me after we got a little distance from them. "no, he turned up at my door last night as I was getting ready for bed" I whispered back to her, "he left his family to come here" I added. Sophia looked surprised, "don't get all excited, I think it's to get this mess with Minttu sorted out. But we haven't exactly spoken about that yet. We haven't spoken about too much actually..." I muttered causing Sophia to giggle.


An hour later, by skipping breakfast at the hotel, the four of us were on the beach already, setting out our towels. Kimi had thrown his down and was sat watching as I began to undress.

"like what you see Räikkönen?" I smirked as I turned to face him, seeing him then shrug and flash a confident smirk at me. I rolled my eyes and dropped my folded clothes onto my beach bag. Walking to my towel, I stopped and put my hands on my hips and huffed at him." really?" I raised my brow, even though he couldn't tell under my huge aviator sunglasses. But Kimi chuckled, knowing exactly what he'd done. I shook my head and carried on to my towel, which I had layed beside his, but with a gap in between, somehow my towel had gotten under his a little so I was having to lay right beside him, practically on top of him. Typical men.

I took the tiny space beside him, turning onto my side, facing away from the driver, as I saw Seb and Sophia heading off to get us something to eat. I felt him shuffle a little behind me, then the feeling of something thick, long and hard pushed against my arse. "What the fuck is that Kimi?!" I froze, then I looked over my shoulder hearing him chuckle, "where the fuck did you get that from?!"


After some unexpected hysterics, Kimi removed the woggle from between us and moved closer to me once more. "I have missed making you laugh" he whispered, pressing a kiss against my neck. I sighed enjoying the moment. "me too" I answered, then after a little silence, "can we talk now Bella" he whispered, almost nervously. I turned my head to look over my shoulder at him, he was layed on his side too, spooning me. "of course" I nodded, then turning to face him.

He smiled at me once I'd turned over, I rolled my eyes and smirked at his childishness, as he was checking me out. I pushed my sunglasses onto my head and looked into his eyes. "I am not always good with words," he started, making me grin, "so, I say what is in my heart... I love you Bella, more than anyone I have ever known. When you left, my heart went with you, and only now have I truly got it back. I will not let you leave ever again. I want to stay by your side. Always. No matter what" I couldn't help the tears that stung my eyes at his words. "I never thought I'd ever hear you say that you loved me ever again" and here go the tears... "I love you Kimi Räikkönen with all of my being. I was an absolute idiot walking away from you, I knew before I went that it was a mistake, but I thought I was letting you go for the right reasons." I explained. "but being apart from you only made me realise how much I did want those things with you. I'm so sorry for breaking your heart Kimi. I can't believe we lost all that time when we should have still been together." I sighed, looking at the tiny space between our semi naked bodies. "ah Bella, do not cry" he cooed, cupping my face in his palm, raising my head to look at him. "we must simply make up for lost time" he said, looking into my eyes, "join me for dinner tonight?" he asked, but already knowing my answer. "okay" I smiled timidly, "but don't think you can get in my pants if you buy me dinner" I grinned, causing Kimi to laugh, "ah I think I'll still try" he chuckled. I laughed and slapped his chest playfully. "I am already seeing your tattoo" he smirked, tracing the greyhound on my hip with his finger tip. His touch sent shivers through my body. "and that's all you're seeing Raikkonen" I replied, then turning back over to find Seb and Sophia coming back to join us.

"there's a shit ton of photographers over there, I've just seen one of them coming back this way" Seb told us as they reached us. I looked over my shoulder at Kimi. "what if they saw your woggle?!"

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