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After Sebastian left me in the lift on his floor,  I made my way up to the top floor. Thankfully the pills Seb had given me had kicked in and I was feeling much better than I had during the day. And that was about to get better still, as I unlocked the hotel room door. 

I walked into the room and the lights were all off, other than one by the balcony doors. I dropped my rucksack by the door and kicked off my trainers before padding across the room. I pushed the sliding door to one side and stepped out onto the balcony. The air still had warmth to it, despite it being long past sunset, and for some reason it comforted me. Although it was probably more likely to be the fact that my man was sitting curled up (under a blanket) with a glass of whiskey in one hand, a smile on his face and a bag of chocolate buttons in his lap- apparently waiting for me. "well aren't you a sight to come home to?" I smiled before moving over and molding myself into him on the couch. "I have been waiting much too long. The chocolate was almost melting" he said quietly. "I know, I wanted to be back sooner. But I took five minutes out- my head wouldn't stop banging, and then Seb spotted me, so we were sat talking." I told him. "what about?" he asked, "Nothing really" I yawned. "Wedding things really, he wanted to hold off coming back here, Soph's on one with the Bridezilla thing again" I sniggered. "only a week to go though. He doesn't have to go through it all much longer" I mumbled as I snuggled into Kimi's t-shirt. "Until she has babies" he thought aloud. I smirked and looked up at him, "I said that too him" I grinned, Kimi chuckled; "I hope you did not say that to him?" he asked with a smirk. "course I did" I giggled. "Bella" Kimi shook his head as he chuckled more which made me giggle louder. "he was fine..." I grinned, "just about" I added. Kimi's chest vibrated as he laughed, "he will be hanging on by a thread right now. The week before a wedding? Ahhh" He sighed, I looked up to see him shake his head with a knowing look on his face as he did so. "it is much too stressful, I remember. Especially with a woman crazy, a uh- Bridezilla..." he said with almost a chuckle. But my heart sank a little bit, and I certainly didn't laugh. 

"I wouldn't know" I replied in a blunt tone. I couldn't help it, and I don't know what come over me. I sat up and cracked my neck. "Bella?" Kimi questioned me as I moved my body away from him. "I'm going to get a shower and then head to bed. I have an early flight to catch" I said and without even giving him a second glance, I was out through the door and heading for the bathroom as quick as I could.


I locked the door and turned on the water. The hotter it was tonight the better. Suddenly my relaxed mood and turned into something a lot darker it seemed. I don't know what was coming over me lately. I wasn't a jealous person when it came to Kimi and women, I never really had been. Especially with Jeni. But now, now I was finding myself getting irritated when people brought up us moving in together, marriage and kids. Especially the marriage thing. I mean, we all knew I had a tendency to freak out in high committal situations, but now I was feeling weird. Hypocritical it seemed. After all this time that I was freaking out about marriage and having a family blah blah blah, and now here I was feeling Jealous that he had been married before?! I was being ridiculous. 

I tried to shake the unwanted feeling from my bones as I washed off the day's sweat. It was true that I was tired and needed a good nights sleep being that I was travelling to Germany with Soph in the morning, but I still shouldn't have acted like that. Anyway. I cleaned up and shut of the water, grabbing the towel off the rail as I stepped out of the cubicle. My body ached, probably from all the throwing up I had done early this morning. I couldn't get to my bed quick enough now. So after slipping on my cami and shorts, I hung up the dam towel and unlocked the bathroom door. 


The lights were still on when I stepped out of the bathroom, the door to the balcony still half open as I'd left it after my episode...But I chose to grab a bottle of Orange juice out of the little fridge, and a croissant I spotted lurking in there too before deciding to go and see him again.

"You are still up" He pointed out as he saw my head poke out beyond the door way. I sent him a small smile and nodded. "my hangover is calling for food now" I answered, waving my bottle of orange at him. He smirked at me and watched as moved towards him. He watched my movements until I placed myself on his lap and he settled with wrapping his arms around me. I rested my head against his chest as I curled up on him for warmth and I started to pick apart my croissant. 

"Did I say something wrong?" his awkward voice cut through the silence that surrounded us. I shook my head no but the sigh I emitted betrayed me. "Bella?" He pushed, but I shook my head once again. "No Kimi, you didn't say anything wrong at all" I replied, trying desperately still to ignore the heavy feeling in my heart and in my stomach. Man, jealousy was a fucking bitch. I turned my face to look up at him and his piercing blue eyes looked back into mine. "I love you Kimi" I sighed before pressing my lips against his. "I love you" he replied, leaning in for another kiss or two. "and you need to talk to me if things are a problem." he added, and I smiled. "I only want to make you happy, I couldn't bare to lose you anymore." he stated, holding me tight. 

Well then, wasn't that confirmation enough to my Jealous behind that he wanted me forever? 


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