It's Bella...

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I escaped from the hotel room, incredibly eager to get to the paddock. This wasn't me at all. Everyone who knew me, knew I would never be there even a minute before I had to. My time was more valuable than that. But the more time she was with me, the more I had to get away.

"Minttu not with you this morning?" Sebastian smirked at me as I joined him at a table in the Ferrari tent. I grunted at him and rested my forehead on my forearms, resting on the table. "don't you have that stupid book with you this morning?" I snapped a little. I heard Seb laughing. "what are you doing with her mate, she doesn't bring the good out in you I think" he said, a serious undertone to his voice. I didn't want to hear it. Not off him, or anyone for that matter. It's not like I didn't know what everyone thought. I actually thought the same. But after she left, I felt lost. And my friends introduced me to Minttu. That's when things snowballed out of my control. It irked me that I was letting her do what the hell she wanted, but I didn't care, about anything so I let it happen. My own fault.

I lifted my head up and sighed, looking around, "tell me there is ice cream here" I asked, spotting the fridge. Seb chuckled again, "yes. Maybe it will clear your bad mood up" he joked. I chose not to answer him and made my way over.


Upon my return, only minutes later, Sebastian's demeanour had completely changed. His face was as white as a sheet, he looked like he had seen a ghost or something. "what is the matter?" I asked, sitting back down. I glanced out of the window to follow his gaze, but there was nothing there. "Seb" I pushed, then he snapped out of his weird trance. "what's the matter?" I asked again. He started mumbling and stuttering over his words. Taking a deep breath he tried to calm himself. I saw him type something furiously on his phone and then place it on the table on his opposite side to me. "what the Fuck is wrong with you?!" I asked, getting a little annoyed by his odd behaviour. He finally looked back at me and swallowed hard. "it's... It's Bella...."


I paused, about to take a bite out of my ice cream. I hadn't heard him utter those two syllables in a long time. I wouldn't allow it. I didn't want to talk about her to anyone. So Seb promised me he wouldn't talk about it. Her. Any of it. And we hadn't. Until now.

"I don't want to know Seb" I said, feeling a rage building up. "y-you might want to now..." he stammered. I sighed, dropping my ice cream onto its wrapper and sitting back in my chair. Luckily I had my sunglasses on to hide my face a little. "what"


"well... It's... Umm, here's the thing-"
"spit it out" Kimi barked at me. I knew this was a bad idea, why did I have to drop the bombshell?!

"she'sbackinthepaddock" I blurted out. I winced internally, waiting for his outburst. It was actually creepy. He just sat there, emotionless. God knows what he was thinking. He didn't utter a word, not a sound. I was getting uncomfortable, so I thought best to speak some more...

"she's that new kid, Stroll, his media officer" I told him. I saw his face begin to turn a little red. "she, she just went passed our tent" I nodded, indicating to outside, "and well I thought it best I told you before you randomly bump into her" I added. That was a mistake. "you Fucking knew she would be here this season?!" he growled under his breath. Suddenly my throat got a little dry, and my collar a little tighter... "um, well yeah.." I answered, "she's Sophia's maid of honour, she comes over all the time" I rambled on. He blew a breath of air out of his nostrils and I thought he was gonna charge me. "if I thought you cared about it then I'd have told you sooner" I explained. "I don't" was all he said before he upped and left the tent. Shit.

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