Back For Good

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"I've missed this" Kimi whispered to me as he held me tight. I smiled to myself. "me too" I sighed, closing my eyes, taking in the moment. It was a couple of beats before anything else was said. "it has only ever been you Bella" he whispered almost too quiet for even me to hear, never mind Seb and Soph, who were in their own little world right now too. "hmm?" I sighed once again, half dozing, half just enjoying the peace. "here. There has only ever been you in this house" he told me. My eyes fluttered open at his words. I turned my head to look at his face, his serious expression fixed on his face. "it shouldn't matter, but I need you to know that there hasn't been anyone here since you left. This house is yours. Only yours" well damn. 


I didn't say anything to him. I mean, what could I say? Of course I was slightly smug that Minttu had never been up here. That had to have pissed her off. But I couldn't help but still feel a little on edge. "you are thinking.." Kimi mumbled into my hair as we snuggled up under the blanket. I took a deep sigh and blinked a couple of times. "You are not happy to be here?" he asked me lowly and my head snapped up and I looked up to his face. A sombre look adorned his features and that made me want to break my heart  in two. "of course I am" I whispered back, reaching out from under the blanket to touch his face. A small smile broke out onto my face as I looked back at him- but he remained looking anxious. "It's just...." I sighed again, trying to find the right words, but then we got interrupted. 

"Guys, Sophia and I are going to head to bed" Seb said with the biggest smirk I had ever seen. Sophia's face was bright pink and she was way too giggly. "okay goodnight" Kimi mumbled, obviously his thoughts weren't on anything but the two of us right now. But I smirked at them and bid them goodnight too. 

"you're going to have to get your cleaning lady to boil those sheets when we leave" I snorted as I watched Seb walk down the hallway to the guest room- with Sophia over his shoulder. But Kimi scoffed, "they will be thrown out in the garbage" he replied making me giggle. I turned back around into my previous position and rested my head on his chest once again. Then sky was black out there, and teeny tiny dots of light illuminated the landscape from the houses down below. "I've missed being here" I sighed. "I mean, I love your house in Switzerland- but here, it's just something else." I sighed. "I have missed you being here with me" he said, rolling his thumb over my bare shoulder. "it is not the same without you....I have missed your loud snoring. The smell of you on my sheets....Chasing you through the halls" he chuckled. I looked up to meet his eyes and I blushed. "I'm sorry for being a little distant tonight- well, since we came back here...It's just- this is so surreal being back. It feels like an eternity since I was here, yet no time at all. I never thought I'd walk through those doors again. That there would be a 'we' again. I guess I'm still trying to process all of this." I sighed deeply again. I felt Kimi nod his head and press a kiss to the top of my head. I was fed up of feeling down in the dumps and sorry for myself. "take all the time you need. I am not going anywhere..." he replied, snuggling further down into the couch. 

We stayed there for a few more minutes- until I heard the soft snores emanating out of him. I turned slowly in his arms to look at him and I smirked. He was fast asleep, head lolled back on the couch, mouth slightly open and breathing deeply in his unconscious state. I rolled my eyes and held back a giggle. There was no way he was just going to sleep like that. Not when we finally had a full night to ourselves with no interruption....


"hmph...hmph...." His mumbling disturbed his sleep and he was soon cracking his eye open looking around to see where the hell he was. But when his blue eyes landed on my form as I finished unbuckling his jeans? Now he was very much awake. "Bella?" he whispered. "so you're awake then?" I raised a brow at him, getting a smirk in return. "You can't bring a girl to your house and leave her sitting there all alone" I sighed at him, as I moved to straddle his lap. His smirk got wider and his eyes roamed my shape as I looked down at him. "especially when said girl has been waiting so long to have you inside of her..." I sighed out, running my nails up and down his chest. A slight growl rumbled through his chest and I bit back a giggle. "Bella..." Kimi groaned as his rough hands smoothed up my thighs, to the short hem of my black dress. "I've not forgotten how good you are Kimi...let's make up for lost time" I whispered, rocking my hips back and forth. 

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