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Time for a little rant. My Wattpad app decided to have a freak out and crash, thus losing ALL of my original chapter. I was already in a bad mood as it's the first Race at Silverstone that I won't be going to in quite a few years. So I am sat watching FP2 whilst rewriting this chappy. Only a little bit of Kimi can ease my pain right now. Rant over, time for the next installment...

That evening, I made it back to my hotel room, dropping my shopping bags onto the bed as I flopped down beside them. I was exhausted. After the unfortunate encounter at lunch with Sophia and Seb, we decided to carry on shopping and eventually got back to our hotel and caught some dinner in the restaurant.

I admit I should have maybe called Kimi back, but I wasn't in the mood for his temper, so I just sent him a picture of me in my dress for the wedding, hoping it may soften his mood. His calls eventually ceased and his messages too, assuming he was busy with his family. I was glad he was there, he needed some time to relax, and with all this shit going on here, the further away he was, the better.


Bang bang bang. I paused, standing under the hot water of the shower. What was that?! Bang bang bang. I shut the water off and grabbed my towel. Wrapping it around my wet skin, I walked out into the room. I stopped and listened. Nothing. I frowned, positive I'd heard the noise, and then, "Bella" I looked to the door, I rushed over to it and opened it up.

"What are you doing here?!" I gasped, as he barged into my room. I watched him roll in his suitcases and I closed the door behind him. He stopped in the middle of my room and looked round at me. His serious expression faltered slightly as a smirk formed across his lips. I rolled my eyes at him, "yes, you interrupted my shower" I sassed, "I can always help you" he smirked even more. "Why are you here Kimi? I thought you weren't coming here til next Monday?" I questioned. He pulled his woolly hat off his head, the sight of his hat hair making me smile and he dropped it onto his suitcase. "Well you sent me that shot of you in that dress....what do you expect?" He shrugged, advancing on me as I stood in front of the hotel room door. I couldn't help but laugh at his silliness, but as his presence got closer and closer to me, I started to get a little flustered. "I couldn't get here quick enough" he whispered as his fingers slipped across the fluffy white towel hugging my hips. His breath tickled my skin when he whispered, dipping his head into the crook of my neck, pressing a kiss to my damp skin. My eyes fluttered closed as I savoured the feeling of my Fin against me. He littered soft kisses down my neck, across my shoulder, making me feel like I was floating, when there was a sharp tug on my towel. My eyes flew open and I grabbed my towel tight against me, "Kimi!!" I yelled, causing him to chuckle. "Was worth a try" he grinned at me. I raised a brow at him, "better tell your other girlfriend you're here huh..." I sassed. Kimi shot me a look. Maybe it's a little too early to be making jokes...


"So why are you really here?" I asked him, dropping down onto the bed beside him. I'd just had a hasty change, being around Kimi in anything was bad enough, let alone a towel. He was insatiable. Not that it was a bad thing, usually, but right now, I needed him concentrating on what I was saying, not what my body  was saying to him...

He watched me tie my damp hair back into a pony tail, knowing how much he loved running his fingers through my long dark tresses, I knew he missed doing it. I looked back to his face, as he looked a little sheepish. I frowned. "Kimi?" I pushed, feeling a tad nervous. "My mom heard me talking about you to Rami" he said, looking to his lap. "oh" yeah, maybe I had a right to be a little worried. "she told me not to leave Barcelona without you by my side" he said, looking into my eyes. I couldn't help but blush, which made him smile. "really?" I asked, causing him to nod. "and will you?" I asked, "leave Barcelona with me?" I added. Kimi smiled, "of course." He shrugged, "but right now I don't want to leave at all" he said, suddenly grabbing me and pulling me down onto him as he fell backwards onto the mattress. I think I could get used to being held hostage by him.


It was a rare occurrence that we lay cuddling and kissing without it leading to something. But today was one of those days. I was curled up against his side as he lay on his back staring up at the ceiling. "what does your mum really think of me?" I asked him, curled up to his side, resting my head on his shoulder as his arm curled round me. "hmm?" I sent me a throaty groan. "your mum, doesn't she hate me?" I asked, my question making Kimi turn his head to look down at me. "shut up" he answered me, making me roll my eyes. I tutted and slapped my hand against his firm stomach, making him chuckle. "c'mon Kim, she must have said something" I asked him, feeling his arm tighten around me a little. "she would not say anything about you in that way" 
"why not?" Kimi sighed and turned onto his side so we faced each other. I rested my head on my hand, looking back at him, Kimi mirroring my actions. He sighed, raising his hand to my face, running his thumb gently down my cheek and to my chin. "because she knows how much I love you." he whispered, looking at me with tired eyes. "she told me that you were the only one for me and no matter what had happened between us, we should be together" he told me. I couldn't contain my smile. "I think your mum is a wise woman" I said, making Kimi chuckle. "she knows just how perfect you are" he replied, making my heart race, "just perfect for you" I added, leaning forward, claiming his lips with a soft kiss. 

"You just have to tell Minttu at your anniversary dinner..."


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