Up And Down

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A little short but a little fluff ❤️ kinda like Kimi himself 😍

"Kimi!" I squealed as he rushed me into the elevator. He wore a smirk on his face that just spelled mischief. The doors closed behind him and he thumbed the button for our floor.

It hadn't taken us long to get back to the hotel, a car was already waiting when we left the club. The sneaky bastard had already planned this. Anyway, on the journey back to our hotel, he couldn't keep his hands off of me. Well, he tried to put his hands everywhere he could, but I kept fighting him off. Making him more and more angry. I loved my angry Fin.

"you have teased me far too much tonight I think" he said, still holding his smirk as the elevator began to move. He advanced on me, as I backed up into the corner and had nowhere to go. An uncontrollable giggle erupted from my mouth as his hands met my hips, his nimble fingers pressing into me. He wasted no time in delving into the crook of my neck, nipping at my sensitive skin with his teeth. I felt my knees threatening to buckle as he hit that spot he knew so well. My eye lids fluttered closed and I was close to melting under his touch, those long lonely months away from my favourite person in the whole world felt like a distant memory as he hit those spots of pleasure like he always used to do.

"... Kimi..." I sighed his name, causing him to break away from me. He looked right into my eyes, his smirk softening ever so slightly, there were so many things I wanted to say to him in that moment. So much emotion and love I felt for him, and I just couldn't put it into words, and I suddenly felt my eyes well up and a tear plopped onto my cheek. "Kulta, what is wrong?" his smug expression changed into concern. I smiled at him, he was such a softie where I was concerned. "I love you Kimi" I whispered. His smile shone back at me in a response, right as the doors glided open, two men walking into what was our private little space. Ignoring that they were even there, Kimi pulled he hard against him, wrapping his strong arms around my tiny body. His cheek pressed tight to mine I felt him sigh, "I love you too my Arabella."

My heart was so full of love I thought it could barely hold out. It was only when we hit another floor and our two elevator companions exited that I opened my eyes. Instantly I frowned. "how are we back on the ground floor?" Kimi broke away from our hold and turned around. We'd been so hung up on each other we'd not even realised we had reached our floor and then travelled back to the main lobby. Kimi chuckled causing me to face palm myself, "let's go back up" he turned to me with a wink. I instantly blushed, knowing exactly what he intended, but my phone started blaring out. By the time I reached it, the person rung off. "it was Seb" I frowned looking up at Kimi. Just as his began to ring. I watched as his expression changed once more to a solemn stare, my heart started beating fast. He nodded and told Seb we'd be there soon. "we have to go to the hospital. It's Sophia"

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