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Trying something a little different with this one, adding a song in here: anything inbetween the * in italics. Haven't done this before so bear with me...

Kimi's POV.

She rolled over, tangled up in the sheets, feeling her hair tickle my shoulder. I smiled. Waking up this way, there was nothing better. I opened my eyes and turned to face her. "I love you Kimi"

My eyes flew open and I instantly frowned. Another Fucking dream. Unwanted. Yet again, I start my morning with thoughts of her. How long was this going to last? Every night for the passed week it was the same dream. And all because I had seen a commercial on tv of greyhound racing. I huffed. Another morning of being in a shit mood. Just because I dreamt of waking up beside her....

*Why can't I wake up with you?
So you're there when I open my eyes
Baby why can't I wake up with you,
You're my life*

"Kimi" she moaned from beside me, pulling me from my thoughts. I grunted at her, feeling her hands slide around me, on to my chest. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and rested her chin in the crook of my neck. "good morning baby" she giggled, kissing my cheek. I muttered a 'morning' at her, but I really couldn't care any less. My mood was bad enough and that was before I realised I had the drivers conference to attend later. Fucking brilliant. But then I heard the familiar sound of pitter pattering feet....


"you come to see mama?!" she squeaked beside me, I rolled over to find her sitting up in bed with that God awful dog wriggling in her grasp and licking her face. Great. "will you get it off the bed!!" I snapped. I was a dog person but that thing was just irritating. Yappy and fussy and all hair. Pretty much how she was actually. What the Fuck was I doing?!

"I'm getting ready for work" I muttered, slowly rolling out of bed. "okay baby!" her shrill voice pierced my ears and I cringed. I needed a cold shower.

*So good to be near you, so dark when you walk from my side.
Baby why can't I wake up with you, you're my life*

'Why can't I wake up with you' by Take That.

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