I still....

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In honour of Qualy today in Monaco, here's an extra chapter! #GoKimi ❤️

Another song style thing here guys. Let me know if you like it, if not I'll stop doing em!


Sitting there behind the desk, I couldn't concentrate. I just wanted to leave. I couldnt do that. So I had to endure an hour of mind numbing questions and answers, the waste of time this thing usually was. Admittedly though, I was called out a few times when I was not paying attention. Getting a few chuckles from the reporters. I had to let out a smirk, what else could I do? I was under strict orders not to tell them all to go to hell like I wanted to. They were making me try and be a little nicer. Especially after last year, I didn't give a fuck who I offended. Ferrari didn't want a driver to be that way, no matter who I was. I guess I had to be a little better than that. But right now I really did not want to be here. I wanted to be as far away from this, from her as I could be.

"So, this is for Kimi," I heard, inwardly I groaned, "how was your winter break, and are you ready to take it to Mercedes this season?" he asked. Same old shit. "bwoah, my break was good. I am of course ready for the race." I replied, there was nothing else to say. I sat back and glanced around the room. I couldn't help but look at her again. I noticed she'd tied her hair up, i watched her a little while, wondering what she was thinking. Did she feel as uncomfortable as I did? Did she even care? when she looked up from her note pad, my staring caught her attention and she looked back at me. when her eyes connected with mine, she looked back down and back to her notebook. She was for the first time in my eyes, unreadable.


An hour after the conference ended, Stefania had arranged a small photo shoot on the track with Sebastian and a couple of people from RayBan, the sunglasses people. I didn't care for these things at all. they made me feel even more uncomfortable than I already appeared. Anyway, the Sun was now shining and the rain had cleared away so I headed out onto the track. Seb and Britta joined me as we headed on over to the photographer and his assistants. I had already picked out a few styles that I liked ready to wear in front of the camera. The sooner this was over the better, I thought as we were taken to the lady who was going to put some make up on us.


I was standing looking out onto the track, for the first time alone with my thoughts, when a light giggling caught my attention. My head darted to the left, to an opening in the fence, seeing Bella and the new kid Stroll, climbing through to get onto the track. My heart stopped. I watched her jump down and onto the tarmac, playfully jumping up and down waiting for the rookie. I noticed she'd changed too. Into a pair of white shorts and a tight Williams vest top. My shorts became tighter across my crotch as I watched her bent over, stretching out her muscles.

"so you have seen her then" a voice interrupted me. I looked round to find Sebastian standing a little behind me, looking over at her too. I nodded. "at the interview," I said, turning back to look at her, the rookie attempting to push her over. she instantly retaliated, "she looked at me as if she hated me" I told him, feeling Seb pat my shoulder. "it'll be the shock of you seeing each other again. I doubt you looked at her kindly either" he chuckled. "c'mon, we gotta get ready for this thing." he said, tugging on me to turn away from her as she took off on a run of the track.


*Who are you now?

are you still the same or did you change somehow?

What do you do, at this very moment when I think of you?

And when I'm looking back, how we were young and stupid,

Do you remember that?

No matter how I fight it, can't deny it, just can't let you go

I still need you, I still care about you

Though everything's been said and done

I still feel you,

Like I'm right beside you

But still no word from you*

I watched as she ran passed us, not realizing it was me there as well as Seb. She grinned and wolf whistled at him as he posed for some solo shots. That same old smile on her face that would light up my day. Yet something was different about her. Something had changed a little. As I watched her running passed, I saw Lance say something to her, and her attention turned to me. Her smile dropped and she looked away. What was she thinking? What had he said? Had she told him what had happened? They seemed pretty close. Maybe she did, maybe they were together? I hoped not. Why did I find myself hoping that she might talk to me?

*Now look at me,

Instead of moving on, I refuse to see

That I keep coming back

Yeah I'm stuck in a moment

That wasn't meant to last

I've tried to fight it, can't deny it

You don't even know

That I still need you, I still care about you

Though everything's been said and done

I still feel you,

Like I'm right beside you

But still no, word from you...*

"Kimi!" Britta called to me. I turned back around, seeing them all watching me, "you're up!" she smiled. I nodded, adjusting my hat on my head as I attempted to try and let go of her. Again.

I still by Backstreet Boys

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