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The sunlight poured in through the fluttering white curtains and a slight breeze drifted over my bare skin. I shivered a little. But then the bed sheet was gently pulled further onto me and I smiled lazily, still with my eyes closed as I lay nuzzled into the soft pillow under my head. "good morning sunshine" that awkward voice whispered into my ear, causing me to giggle. "do I have to get up yet?" I mumbled a little into the pillow. He chuckled lightly beside me and pressed a kiss to my cheek. "we are having breakfast with Sebastian and the others in little over an hour. You need to get up." He told me and I huffed dramatically. It was ironic how he was the one waking me up. But with last night's um, festivities occurring into the (very) early hours of this morning, most would have wanted to sleep in for an extra hour or three...

"I need a shower" I mumbled, grabbing the sheet and wrapping it around my body. I slid off the super king sized bed and padded across the spongey grey carpet to the en-suite. I walked over to the sink and leaned forward to check my reflection- immediately wishing I hadn't. God my hair was a mess, last night's make up smeared across my face and morning breath. ugh. I quickly turned away and instead took my attention to the rather large walk in shower. I sighed in contentment and reached in to turn on the faucet. I folded up the sheet and placed it in the hamper for the laundry, giving the water time to heat up, before eagerly stepping under it. 

The steaming hot water bounced off my bare shoulders as I hung my head back and allowed the dirt and sweat and old make up be cleansed away. I ran my hands over my face before tilting my head back down and opening my eyes. Only to gasp in surprise- Kimi was sitting on the edge of the counter top watching me. "don't do that to me Raikkonen!" I shot him a playful glare as I clutched my chest. My heart racing at the unexpected audience. I saw him chuckle and jump off the sink. Walking across to the shower, with eyes fixed on me and a smirk across his lips, he took a hand to the towel he had wrapped around his waist and in one quick movement it was on the floor. 

He moved around the glass shower guard and came face to face with me. "what do you want me to do?" He asked, blinking through the steam that was surrounding us. I immediately bit my lip, and squeezed my thighs together at the ideas forming in my brain. But my aching muscles and tender feeling skin were telling me to be gentle. "maybe a little later Iceman...." I sighed, bringing my hand to the back of his head, "I'm amazed I could walk right this morning...give me a little time" I blushed once I'd seen him smirk at me. "I cannot help it Kulta. You bring out the animal in me" he almost growled before attaching his lips (and teeth) to my neck. I screeched out in amusement as he pushed me back against the cool tiled wall and began to nuzzle into the crook of my neck. If this was how waking up with Kimi would be every morning I'd be an utter fool to second guess it.


"sooo" Sophia whispered excitedly. I looked at her as we walked down the street to the little place we were meeting the others at for breakfast. "how was your night?" she asked with a raised brow and a mischievous smile. I bit back a grin but ignored her question- instead asking her a question, "how long have you been waiting to ask me that?" I smirked back at her. Sophia scoffed, "oh come on Bells." I giggled, "it was...good...." I told her with an innocent smile. She rolled her eyes at me, and I smirked. "okay okay, it was amazing" I sighed. Sophia squealed in delight and Seb and Kimi looked around at us. "shut up" I whispered in a giggle- catching Kimi's gaze. I smiled shyly at him and he winked back, causing my blushes to intensify. "it was like our first time..." I continued when the guys had turned away from us again. "...only better" I added with a grin. "oh my goodness" Soph sighed at my words. "but-"

"Oh no..." she sighed again, I looked at her warily and she gave me a worried look. "he's asked me to move in with him" I said. But Soph's expression danced between confusion and happiness. "um...why is that a bad thing?" she asked me and I shrugged. "it's not too soon?" I suggested and she rolled her eyes, "you didn't say that to him did you?"

"oh god no. My instinct was to say yes. And honestly I would love to move in with him. I just-"
"you think that everyone else will think it's too soon" she stated and I huffed. "but isn't it?" 
"not if you think and feel it's right." she told me. "and besides, if you guy's hadn't split in the first place, you guys would be probably married by now" she added. But I gave her another look. "Kimi won't ever want to get married again" I bushed it off, looking over to him as he continued to lead the way. "really?" my best friend asked me, following my gaze. I shrugged. "I have no doubt he wants to be with me, but getting married again? Nah, that ship has sailed. I think Jeni was the only one to get to walk down the aisle to him." I sighed. "and what a fuck up that turned out to be" Soph added. "hmm, yeah."

"do you think you need to talk to him about it?" she asked but I instantly shook my head no. "I don't want to try and push him into doing something he doesn't want to do. Besides, I wouldn't want to marry someone who didn't actually want to get married." I sighed. "I'm sorry Bells" 

"It's fine" I said, trying my best to be chipper about it. "I guess it's just not going to be a chapter in our story." I said lightly, wrapping my arm around hers, "but yours...."  I grinned suspiciously. "yours is definitely a chapter to write home about..." I giggled at her, causing a nervous smile to grace her face.

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