New Enemies?

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That night was the team's dinner. As always, all the teams got together for a meal before the hard work really began tomorrow. I felt comfortable with the team so far, but it was still my first proper week on the job so I was yet to make any Really good friends. speaking of which, my phone buzzed in my bag sitting on my lap under the table. I pulled it out and opened the What'sApp from Sophia. I instantly giggled, it was a cheesy photo of her and Seb's faces. They were obviously at their team dinner too.

Come meet us! xxx

The message read. I glanced across the table, Claire and Sir Frank were at the head of the table, with Paddy Lowe, and the mechanics and engineers were dotted around us. Felipe and his wife, who was sitting beside me, were getting ready to head to their hotel for the night. It was getting late and their little one was tired. "goodnight Miss Bella" He smiled up at me. I couldnt help the warm feelings spreading across me. He was such a cute little kid. "goodnight Phillipe" I smiled at him, surpirsed when his little arms flew up to me, waiting for a hug. I slipped out of my chair and moved around to him, bending down to give him a cuddle. I bid his mum and dad goodnight and then they left, making the group a little lighter.

"so what's the plans now?" Lance asked his mechanics. "we're heading down the road for a few, you coming with?" they asked. "are you even legal over here?" One of Felipe's mechanics teased him. I couldn't help but giggle, until I was brought into the conversation. "and you Stark, you're not a day over 17 are ya?" Tom, Lance's chief mechanic asked. I narrowed my eyes at him playfully. "I could probably drink you under the table" I told him, making him chuckle. "I heard that rumor, a feisty en huh" he winked at me, which made me blush. "had to be to keep Raikkonen in check" another guys said, of which I was yet to learn his name. "well, c'mon guys, Vettel is waiting for me to get to their location. You coming or what?" I asked, choosing to ignore the Raikkonen comment, but seeing a few of the guys standing up, I smiled, i was ready to grab a drink. "I think I'm gonna sit this one out" Lance said to me quietly. "huh, you sure?" I frowned, he nodded, "I want my first race here to go as well as I can make it. I wanna catch an early night" he said, I nodded totally understanding him. "okay, let me know when you're back safe" I said, not losing my sisterly tone. He nodded, "Bella" he said, as we hung back from the group, I looked round to him after hugging him goodbye, "Will Kimi be there?" Lance whispered. I shook my head, "he never goes to these dinners" I told him. "but what if he is?" He asked nervously. "he won't be, don't worry about it." famous last words...


The club was packed when we arrived. Unexpectedly being greeted by Ricciardo practically bouncing off the walls. "welcome to my humble abode!" he yelled over the music. His smile was infectious, as I returned it, taking a drink off him, like he knew we were on our way. I checked my phone to double check where Soph told me they were and I headed on over there.

I spotted the duo hanging out on the couches at the back of the room and grinning like a cheshire cat I practically launched myself at them. "hey guys!" I squealed, it was good to be back with them. they hugged me back and I took a seat between them. Seb muttering something about me being a third wheel, which I chose to ignore. A few of the old faces kept making an appearance and it felt so good to be back with my family. I still felt like I belonged here, and I'd missed them all more than I'd realised. What I didnt miss however, was the drama...


I had probably been with the guys for about an hour or so, the William's lads still with us too, when a few groans and mutters were heard around me, particularly from Seb, which made me frown. "what's going on?" I asked him, his eyes darting down to me and then to the figure that emerged from the crowd. "Minttu." he said, I frowned again, Minttu? I looked back at this tall, thin, dark haired haired girl standing in front of us. I laughed cause she had sunglasses on, in a club. Dressed in an incredibly tight black dress barely covering her nether regions, which I noticed she kept pulling down, she looked at me and then turned her head away sharpish. Why did she seem familiar? I frowned at her and looked her up and down too, "I know her" I said, Seb darted his head to look at me "What? How?" he asked, I bit my lip and thought for a second. "she was friends with some of Kimi's friends. I'm sure I hung out with her at the Christmas we were still together" I told him. "why is she here?" I asked, looking back to her. "she's Kimi's girlfriend" he told me, and right on cue, the Fin appeared beside her. WTF?!?!

I watched as this girl pawed at him as they stood in front of the three of us, like it was some show. The look on Kimi's face told me he was just as shocked to see me as I was him. them. I sat there, not exactly knowing what the hell I should do, whether to leave, but that would look too obvious to him that I was bothered. But if I stayed, I'd just be punishing myself. But movement from behind them, made me look up and I saw a face I had not seen since I left the team. My face instantly lit up, I jumped up out of my seat and pushed through (maybe on purpose) this Minttu and Kimi to "CALLUM!!" I squealed in delight. His handsome face beaming an even bigger smile back at me. "Bells!" he laughed as I jumped into his arms. he spun me round in a circle, not wanting to put me down. " Soph said you were coming, I couldn't wait to see ya! how have you been?! You look great! Wanna grab a drink?" He bombarded me with questions I couldn't wait to answer. "so bad!" I said, widening my eyes at him. He laughed and grabbed my hand, and like all those countless times before, pulled me to the bar.


"He didn't look happy" Callum said as we sat at the bar talking. I groaned, "well he can kiss my ass." I hissed. Callum laughed, "your temper hasn't gone then" he chuckled, making me smile. "what the fuck was he thinking?!" I squeaked, downing my third shot. "He wants to have my babies, then a fucking year later he's shacked up with the next one!" I cried. Callum looked at me sympathetically. "oh don't look at me that way" I snapped a little. He chuckled again, "you not with anyone then?" he asked, making me shake my head. "no. I didnt think it was right getting with anyone yet. I had offers, and now I feel like it's the right time, but some people obviously jumped straight back in" I said, waving the bar tender down for another round. "what about you?" I asked him, wanting to forget about the humongous twat that was sitting pretty with that piece of trash with Soph and Seb. Jealous much?

"nah, I was seeing a girl for a while, ready to ask her to move in, but she broke it off with me, said she was fed up of my travelling all the time" he said, causing me to feel sad for him. I understood that. I could see both their points of view. He seemed happy though, I guess he always was, I had missed him.


We'd had enough drinks for now and I was starting to feel a little tipsy, so we decided to dance it out. "tell me why we didn't stay in touch?" I asked him as he spun me around on the dance floor. "your guess is as good as mine." he said, "I was gutted that you left though" he added, pulling me against him. My back was against his chest, and I could feel his breath tickle my neck as he looked down at me. "he's looking at us again" Callum said in my ear. I rolled my eyes. "He should be wrapped up in his limpet. Have you seen how all over him she is?" I replied, Callum nodded, "I bet he hates seeing me with you" he stated, still looking down as our bodies grinded. "he's always hated me" he added. I grinned and nodded. "yeah he has, but he's no right to think that way. He has her so why would he be interested in what I'm doing?" I asked. "because he still wants you. Bella, you know you're beautiful. He'd be crazy not to still want you" he confessed. I stopped dancing and looked round at him. Callum stopped too and his face was flushed. "sorry, I um, I shouldn't have said that." he said, looking down. I smiled softly at him, "c'mon, let's give him something to be really pissed about" I said, and I grabbed his hand and pulled him off the dance floor and out of the club. Conveniently right passed their tables so the four of them could see us leave.

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