The Phone Call

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The night time came and I was in my hotel room getting ready to head out to dinner with Sophia. We'd not found a dress for me, and that was cool, I told her we'd find one sooner or later, it was no big deal. And truthfully I had a lot more on my mind, selfishly. I'd not heard a word from Kimi since he left me outside of my hotel two days ago. I knew he was with his family and I didn't want to interrupt that. And honestly I wasn't sure I should, or could. I still didn't know what we exactly were yet.

Pushing those thoughts from my mind, I walked over to my case, which I still hadn't emptied yet. I hated living out of a suitcase, ironically, but I'd not put everything into my wardrobe yet. I pulled out a few dresses and heels and picked something comfy to wear tonight. I had no one to dress up for. Sadly.


"You going for a comfy look tonight too huh" Sophia laughed as she stood outside my room. "it's only us right" I shrugged making her nod in agreement. "we shoulda just got room service" she said making me chuckle. "hey I'm all dressed up now, we're going out" I declared, hearing Soph laugh again.


The night flew by and soon we were both giggling down the corridor to our rooms. "my feet hurt." Soph cried, hanging onto my arm. "we're getting room service tomorrow night" she added. I had to agree with her this time. "deal." I laughed, "now let me get to my bed" I said, stopping in front of my door, beside hers. "see you in the morning" she smiled at me. We fist bumped and then entered our rooms. I was so ready for my bed.

I closed the door and immediately took my heels off. My feet were hurting too. I took a moment to breathe, and that's when I noticed the piece of paper on the dark green carpet. I frowned, not remembering seeing it before I left the room for dinner, so I walked over to it and bent down to pick it up.

It was a piece of white paper neatly folded. I recognised the logo on the top of the page as I opened it up, it was from the hotel I'd stayed in back in Sochi. I immediately recognised the handwriting and my stomach flipped.

My bella, please meet with me in Spain. We need to talk. I need another night like last night.

Kimi x

I frowned at first, until I realised it must have been written the morning after we stayed in my room together. How had I not come across it until now? He must have stuffed it in my case when I was showering. I smiled. The note was kinda pointless after the revelations in the lift, but I treasured it all the same.


After removing my makeup and changing into my pyjamas, I climbed into bed and turned on the tv. An old rerun of 'friends' came on so I snuggled down and happily watched that, ready for sleep to take over... But it just wouldn't come. Kimi's note just seemed to be going round in my head. I stared at it, and stared some more. My hands itched to grab my phone, and then I did it. I opened up a new message, and for the first time in over a year, I sent him a text.

I'm in Spain. I'm waiting for you. Bella x

I sighed with a slight bit of satisfaction that I'd done it and dropped my phone back beside me on the bed. I glanced at the clock; 1am. I groaned. It was 2am in Finland. I was sure Kimi would either be drunk or probably passed out from drinking. Either way I wasn't expecting a response any time soon.


A buzzing from somewhere nearby disturbed me and I only then realised I had fallen asleep. I looked around and saw my phone lighting up on the duvet by my hip. I grabbed it, wondering who would possibly call me at this hour, whatever hour this was... When I saw the caller Id flash up with a picture of Grumpy Cat. I'd forgotten that was my chosen photo for him in my contacts. I slid my thumb across the screen to accept the call, all the while my heart was thumping hard against the inner walls of my body.

"Bella" that smooth accent greeted me. Instantly I felt soothed. "hi Kimi" I responded. "I see you found my note" he chuckled. "uh huh" I blushed back with a smile. "how are you?"
"good. Tired, but good"
"I woke you up yes?" he interrupted me, "I'm, well, kinda" I smiled again. "I am sorry, I did not see your message until now"
"oh did I disturb you from something?" I asked, feeling guilty. I heard him chuckle, "only from thinking of you." he answered. "I cannot sleep. You must be tired from running around in my head all of the day and night" he said. I was silent for a moment and them I burst out giggling. "Kimi Raikkonen are you flirting with me?" I teased. He chuckled again. "maybe trying to..." he replied, making my butterflies flutter. I giggled some more, feeling all shy, "are you feeling bashful?" he teased, making my face flush pink. "no..." I answered, making him erupt with laughter. "arsehole" I muttered making him laugh harder. I couldn't help but smile. "so how was your day?" I asked him, wanting to move on from the conversation. "good. My brother and his family came down. We headed out to do some skiing." he told me. I knew how happy that will have made him, especially having 'uncle Kimi' make an appearance, seeing him with kids was something else, he loved em. "cool, are they staying at your parents house too?" I asked, knowing they were from a different part of town. "yes, the little ones went to bed early so we sat around the fire for some time." he said, a strange feeling came over me briefly, remembering my time at his parents house in Switzerland, how they made me feel like a daughter, part of their family, and I ruined that." how are your mom and dad?" I asked, "good" he answered, "they ask about you all the time, they miss you" he added, "I miss them too" I told him, "I bet it drove you crazy them asking about me"
"yes" he replied, "only because you weren't here. I miss you as well my Bella" he told me, making me want to burst with happiness. "I came to bed to have some time alone to think about you" I could hear the smirk in his voice. "oh my god Kimi!" I gasped at his statement. I could hear him chuckling at his end of the phone. "I miss how I can make you bashful" he said, his laughter calming down, "I miss the sound of your voice, the smell of your perfume. I miss being able to run my hands over your bare skin" he said in almost a whisper. Goosebumps erupted over my body, "I miss being able to kiss your lips, taste you... Bella, I am desperate to have you in my arms again, to make love-
"uncle Kimi?" a little voice interrupted us. We both froze on either end of the phone, but eventually he coughed and said something back to his nephew that I didn't understand. My body was lit, but it was soon dying down and turning into butterflies as I listened to his sexy voice speak in his own language as he talked to the little boy. Then I heard my name mid sentence, "Bella, he's had a nightmare and wants me to tell him stories about my racing" he said to me. "of course Kimi, go and settle him down" I said, then hearing the little voice speak up again, then Kimi chuckle. "he is asking if it is you on the phone". I smiled and giggled, "tell him I said hi" I replied, listening to Kimi once more. "are you my girlfriend?" he asked, repeating what the little boy asked, "yeah." I answered, "Always have been"

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