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The flight from London to Zurich passed within a blink of an eye. Or maybe forty winks? Either way, I had slept for all of the journey. That damn emotional goodbye had taken it out of me and I had nodded off just after take off, and embarrassingly the air steward had to shake me awake so I could fasten my seat belt for landing. I was kinda glad, I still didn't care to fly, even if I did do a hell of a lot of it....But I was feeling refreshed, and happy to be getting to my new home so soon. Kimi had argued with me about picking me up from the airport, or even sending me a car. But I refused. He was already pissed that I wanted to take a commercial flight to Switzerland instead of his private Jet, so what was another few point blank refusals right? A pissed Fin not getting his own way? I start as I mean to go on....

So here I was right now, walking through the quiet little streets of Baar, Switzerland, just a stones throw from the house, rolling my suitcase along the cobbled streets getting a little acquainted with my new surroundings. Of course I had been through here a few times over the time I'd been with Kimi, but since he was a private guy, we never really just wandered around and took everything in. And yeah, you might wonder why I hadn't gone straight to the house to find him, unpack my shit and start living the life right? But disregarding the huge step I was taking, the immense amount of things I was giving up out of my mostly private life- I just wanted to have a moment on my own. I wanted everything to settle in my head. The smell of the place, , the sounds, the people. My new home. 

"Good morning" An older man nodded at me as he passed me by. "oh, good morning" I smiled back at him, forgetting that everyone could see me- looking around in awe at the place like I had no idea where in the world I was right now. "need any help miss?" another voice asked, making me spin around to find a young man, with an uncharacteristically greying hairline looking at me with sparkling green eyes. "Oh hi" I smiled breathlessly, "um, well, I was wondering, could you point me in the direction of the nearest bakery please?" He sent me a toothy smile and pointed me in the right direction- After offering on one or more occasions to show me the way himself- and we'd only spoken for a brief few minutes....

Any way, I was off on my little adventure, just me and my suitcase to buy myself some little treats and enjoy the views before I was thrown back into my reality. Or well, was this actually it?


The afternoon was drawing closer as I finished up my little expedition and was climbing out of the taxi in front of 'Villa Butterfly' -my new home. I paid the driver and added a healthy tip before taking my suitcase and rolling it along behind me. 

I punched in the code to unlock the gate and then made my way inside the boundaries of the compound. And I call it a compound as everything looked so industrial. I liked it, don't get me wrong- it wasn't a negative name, but that's how it felt. If you didn't have a drone to fly overhead, you wouldn't be able to see a damn thing. But I loved that about the place. It was so secluded, even though everyone knew who's house it was. But the nature of the people round here was sweet. They didn't really care who he was, as long as he respected the area and kept the nose to a minimum. I think that went for the cars as well as the parties...

I walked through the main doors and into the lobby area, met by the usual silence of the house. That was something I was going to have to learn to get used to, like my house back home, the floor boards creaked, the pipes in the walls clanked when the heating was on. Here? Nothing. Not a sausage. Everything seemed as chilled as Kimi. Speaking of which, a faint sound could be heard, coming from the back of the house. I left my suitcase by the industrial type staircase and wandered through towards where the kitchen was. And there he was, dressed in a pair of soft black track pants, a black puma t-shirt and white socks, stirring something in a pan on the stove. 

I just stood watching him for a moment in his own calm world, within his own thoughts. It was like there could be a hurricane tearing up the earth around him, but he'd be there, as tranquil as the morning seas. I smiled, letting out a sigh at his soothing presence, and that alerted him to mine. His lips turned up in a smile yet he didn't turn to look at me yet. "you are a little late" he said softly, still stirring whatever was in the pan. "you've been clock watching?" I teased, standing up from leaning on the door frame and moved over to him. He shook his head, and finally looked up to me with an innocent smile, "I have missed you" he said simply, setting my butterflies off. I blushed but reached up on my tip toes and wrapped my arms around him and pressed a lingering kiss to his lips. 

"how about you go and freshen up? Dinner will be ready in an hour" he offered, leaning down to brush his nose against mine. I bit my lip at his tenderness and then nodded. "okay" I answered pulling back. I turned away from him to make my way out of the kitchen, "I will bring your case up to our bedroom as soon as this is simmering" he said making me stop at his words.I looked round at him over my shoulder and he was already grinning at me- liking how that sounded too.

I was finally home.

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